Backer, Hans 19.oct.1908-21.jul.1995 Germany, Nuremberg - ?Nuremberg
choral conductor, teacher voice, studied at the Teachers Institute in Eichstatt, studied music at the Konservatorium in Nurnberg, 1932-1939 schoolteacher in Bohmfeld, 1938 studied music education and composition with Max Gebhard in Frankfurt an der Oder, 1954 in Augsburg he did state examination for singing school teacher and choirmaster, 1955-1979 teacher and co-director of the Singschule Nurnberg, 1968 choirmaster in the Sangerkreis Nurnberg

Title Parts

[] Nun sei uns willkommen Herre Christ. Mixed choir
Windsbacher Knabenchor / Rudolf Beringer. Rondeau Produktion 1011

[] Heute sing ich euch ein liedchen. Cycle on 5 Spanish folksongs. Male choir. 1983
honored with the 5th prize at the 16th Valentin-Becker-Composers Competition 1983 in Bad Bruckenau

2007-03-23 11:10:58