Baena, Alonso de f1475-f1504 Spain ?Castile, ? - ?, ?
singer, capellan (chaplain), 12.apr.1475 singer and chaplain at Capilla Real Castellana, 1485 active in Valladolid Castile, concurrently he had also been in personal service of Isabel queen of Castile until her death 26.nov.1504 ; father of singer and capellan but no composer Bernaldino de Baena (Valladolid 14??-c1516 Valladolid)

Title Parts

[] Libro de canto organo. Valladolid 1485
details unknown because the manuscript has not been located

[] Libro de Concebicion [ i.e. Concepcion] de Nuestra Senora. Valladolid 1486
the manuscript has not been located

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