Baglioni, Pietro Luigi (Lodovico) Francesco (Baillou, Louis de) 27.jul.1736-14.mar.1804 Italy, Milan - Milan
violinist, studied in Paris which may explain his frenchified name which he used for all his life, 28.jan.1762-19.jul.1774 violinist in service of the duke of Wurttemberg in Ludwigsburg and 1777 in Stuttgart, 1775-1804 violinist and from 1779 also conductor at La Scala in Milan ; father of Francesco

Title Parts

[] Tancredi. Ballet. Herzoglichen Theater, Ludwigsburg 1775
[] La guinguette allemande. Ballet. Theater auf der Solitude, Stuttgart 1777
[] Andromacca e Pirro. Ballet, Teatro Interinale. Milan 1777
[] L'amante generosa. Ballet. Scala, Milan 1777
choreography G. Canziani

[] La guingenette inglese. Ballet. Scala 1788
choreography Vincenzo Monari 

[] Lucio Giunio Bruto. Ballet. Scala, Milan 1797
choreography Paolo Franchi

2005-11-28 21:02:36