Baldamus, Willy Eduard Robert 4.oct.1890-15.mar.1945 Germany, Berlin - Berlin
pseudonyms: Carlos W Baldamus, William King, Harry Winter, studied music at the Hochschule in Berlin, choirmaster in Berlin, owner of Erato Verlag Berlin, 1932-1937 he worked as composer/musician for the nazi party NSDAP, 1945 his house at Kurfurstendamm 38 in Berlin was bombed which resulted in his death at nearby Hospital Am Urban ; son of Eduard Dorius Robert Baldamus and Auguste Bertha Bachmann ; 20.mar.1917 in Konigsberg he married Helene Lisbeth Luxat (Konigsberg 15.apr.1894-), divorced

Title Parts

[] Forellenspiele. Intermezzo. Piano / Salonorchester
music with Willy Ortleb
pub Erato Verlag, Berlin 1931

[] Deutschland! Heil!. Marsch. Salonorchester
pub Alezt, Berlin 1933

[] Abessinische Wachtparade. Charakterstuck. Bandoneon and accordion / Mandolin orchestra
music with Walter Porschmann and Willi Rosenthal
pub Erato Verlag, Berlin 1935

[] Reichspommernlied (Bundeslied) "Heil'ge sehnsucht meiner lieder". Voice and piano
words Walter Schroder
pub Erato Verlag, Berlin 1936

[] Unter fahnen und standarten. Marsch. Wind band
music with Willy Ortleb
pub Erato Musikverlag, Berlin 1937

[] Mein schones Tirol. Serenade
music with Willy Ortleb
pub Erato Verlag, Berlin 1938

[] Im wirtshaus an der Mosel. Walzer- und stimmungslied. Voice and piano
words Bruno Balz
pub Erato Musikverlag, Berlin 1939

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