Bartenschlag, Michael 1768-1855 Austria, ?Vienna - Vienna
amateur composer, timpanist and musical manuscript collector, 1789 Amtsdiener at the Kaiserlich-koniglichen Hof in Vienna, 1803 he bought a number of manuscripts including autographs from the auction of Baron Gottfried van Swieten (1734-1803 Vienna), 1804 he inherited the music manuscript collection from Carl Leopold Rollig (1754-1804 Vienna), 1823 he took over the guardianship for the three minor children of Emmanuel Aloys Forster (1848-1823 Vienna) and probably inherited some of his manuscript collection, 3.feb.1826 he donated Haydn's autograph manuscript of the Theresienmesse and 1855 his whole collection to the Hofbibliothek (now Oesterreichischen Nationalbibliothek), 1828-1832 Hofzahlamts-Controlor at the Kaiserlich-koniglichen Hof and residing at Michaelsplatze 1153, later he became Hofzahlmeister

Title Parts

[] Requiem. 1810
? dedication Martin Brobus
ms Hofbibliothek Vienna Austria

[] Scherzi istrumentali a quattro di stile fugato
ms Hofbibliothek Vienna Austria
[] 3 - Allegro spirituoso e sempre scherzante...
[] 4 - Allegro scherzantissimo...
2007-04-25 17:39:32