Barthold, Johann Thomas 1695-26.may.1754 Germany Thuringen, Altengonna - Berlin
choirmaster, cantor, educated at the Stadtschule in Jena, 1711 studied at the Collnischen Gymnasio in Berlin, 1718 studied at Jena University, started as rector in Storkau, then cantor in Neustadt Brandenburg, 12.feb.1737-1754 cantor at the Petrikirche in Berlin and teacher at the Collnischen Gymnasio (Gymnasium Coloniensis) in Berlin, he died 58 and 3/4 year old and 29.may.1754 buried at the Petrikirche ; 1756 his eldest daughter Charlotta Dorothea married church and school inspector Christian Friedrich Wilkens (Berlin 29.sep.1722-)

Title Parts

[] Trauermusik auf den tod von J. A. Ludicke. 1737
on the death 31jan1737 of Johann Andreas Ludicke, cantor of the Petrikirche and father-in-law of Johann Thomas Barthold

[] Trauermusik anlasslich der gedachtnispredigt fur Konsistorialrat Reinbeck
performed at the Petrikirche 5sep1741

[] Das leben des weiland beruhmten Rectors an dem Gymnasio zum grauen Kloster in Berlin, Johann Leonhard Frisch, nebst beygefugten Stand- und Lob-Reden, auch einigen Trauer-Gedichten
including a "Trauer-Gedicht" by Johann Thomas Barthold
pub Nicolai, Berlin 1744

2006-03-18 22:31:12