Bassere, Johannes (Jean) ??-f1450 ?Belgium, ? - ?, ?

Title Parts

[] Missa super Christus surrexit. 4vv
by Jean Bassere M[aitre]
ms in Codex 89 folio 294 at the Duomo in Trento Italy
according Grove 1980 this Codex 89 contains a Missa by Jo. Bassere but it is probably not the Missa super Christus surrexit because this occurs later in the Codex

[] Missa. 3vv
by Jo. Bassere
ms in Codex 89 page 184-188 at the Duomo in Trento Italy

[Codex 89 page 209-211 is the Missa super Christus surrexit which is anonymous]
[] 1 - Kyrie
[] 2 - Gloria
[] 3 - Credo
[] 4 - Sanctus
[] 5 - Agnus Dei
2007-04-27 06:31:54