Bates, William Henry bap.13.aug.1854-24.oct.1935 England Oxfordshire, Banbury - Surrey, Ash
organist, choirmaster, educated in Banbury, F.G.O. professional musician, assistant organist in Bloxham
Oxfordshire, music master at Banbury Academy, organist and choirmaster in Crookham near Aldershot, Whitwell Isle
of Wight, for 5 years organist of St Thomas Ye Martyr in Oxford, for 12 years organist and choirmaster at
Whitehaven Holy Trinity Church, choirmaster to the Deanery of Gosforth, organist and choirmaster of St Saviours
in Dartmouth, organist in Fleet Hampshire and in Wonersh Guildford, 1898-1921 organist and choirmaster of St
Peter's Parish Church in Ash, 1912 residing at Grove Road in Ash near Aldershot ; son of victualer John Henry
Bates (Warwickshire, Farnborough 27.dec.1824-1889 Banbury) and Ursula Fortnum (Oxfordshire, Hornton 1824-1869
Farnborough) ; 14.jul.1886 at Christ Church in Crookham he married Kate Mellersh (Surrey, Frensham 1858-1938
Surrey, Ash)