Bazin, Jean Denis Gustave (l'Abbe) 15.jul.1824-17.may.1907 France, Clermont-l'Herault - Clermont-l'Herault
priest, no composer, ordained c1848, priest of the diocese of Montpellier, honorary canon of Troyes, 9.jun.1853-25.aug.1885 secretary of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Academie de Paris, 1863-1872 military chaplain of Hopital du Val-de-Grace in Paris, 26.oct.1869 decorated Officier d'Academie, 15.oct.1871 decorated Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur by the Ministere de la Guerre for his work as chaplain in the army corps during campaignes, 1872 residing at 35 rue Gay-Lussac, 1875-1878 honorary canon and 1879 canon of the second order of the Chapitre de Saint-Denis in Paris, 24.mar.1885 pensioned while residing in Saint-Denis, 1891 honorary canon of Montpellier

Title Parts

this Gustave Bazin did not compose music - see Gustave Bazin II
2007-03-15 21:39:26