Behr, Samuel Rudolph 1.jul.1670-f1713 Germany, Leipzig - ?, ?
dancing master, at the Leipzig Court and Opera

Title Parts

[] Musicalia, bestehend in couranten, menuets, passepieds, bourrees, sarabandes, entrees, gigues, chaconnes, gavots &c. 2 Violins and violon. pub Christoph Heydler, Leipzig 1703
[Gerber 1812]
as musical supplement to his first publication Anleitung zu einer wohlgegrundeten Tantz-Kunst. Christoph Heydler, Leipzig 1703
as musical supplement to his second publication Anderer theil der Tanz-Kunst oder Ausgesiebte grillen. Christoph Heydler, Leipzig 1703
[rem: none of the musical supplements have survived]

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