Bellman, Carl Michael 4.feb.1740-11.feb.1795 Sweden, Stockholm - Stockholm
poet, musician

Title Parts

[P] Fredmans epistlar. Voice and piano. Stockholm 1790
poetry set to popular melodies
Bierfiedlereien und bordellballaden:
2 - So screw up the fiddle
43 - Warm up more beer and bread
71 - Ulla, my Ulla, what sayest to my offer
82 - Sit down around the spring here
[P] Fredmans sanger. Voice and piano. Stockholm 1791
poetry set to popular melodies
Ulrik Cold, Martin Bagge, Sven-Bertil Taube, Hannes Wader, Michael Korth, Cornelis Vreeswijk
Bierfiedlereien und bordellballaden:
5a - So pass our mighty men
21 - So tipsy we are taking leave
56 -When I am sitting with my glass
63 - Master Petrus the most exalted
64 - The winged butterfly is seen at Haga
- Schaue die nacht
2002-10-09 21:10:04