Bellver Tormo, Justo 24.jun.1884-19.oct.1977 Spain, Albaida - Onteniente
organist, choirmaster, priest, received his first musical training from Jose Maria Bellver Marti in Albaida, 1906 ordained priest, 1930-1977 organist and choirmaster of Santa Maria de Onteniente

Title Parts

[] Misa Cum jubilo. 3vv and organ
[] Misa de requiem. 3vv and organ
[] Ave Maria. Baritone, 3vv and organ
[] Regina coeli. 4vv and organ
[] Magnificat. 3vv and organ
[] Himno a la Virgen de Beniarres y Biar
[] Tantum ergo. 4vv and organ
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