Benfey nee Schuppe, Anna (fem) 19.sep.1830-27.may.1903 Germany, Landeck (now Poland, Ladek-Zdroj) - Weimar
music teacher, writer, grew up in Landeck, Brieg, Grossglogau, Breslau and Berlin, c1855 studied composition with Ludwig Meinardus in Glogau, studied
music with Moritz Brosig in Breslau and with Georg Bierling and Hubert Riess in Berlin, she worked as music teacher at the Glogauer Ursulinenstift,
later in Weimar, Graz and Dresden, 1892 after the death of her husband writer Rudolf Benfey she settled in Weimar
[] Overture to Goetz von Berlichingen
[] Philippine Weiser. Incidental music
performed in Dresden, Breslau, Coburg
[] Adelheid, gemahlin Ottos des Grossen. Opera. 1866