Benisch, Emanuel sr. c1655-1725 Germany, ? - Dresden
organist, 1679-1695 at the Sophienkirche and the Frauenkirche in Dresden, 1696-1725 at the Kreuzkirche in Dresden ; father of Emanuel jr.

Title Parts

[] Ricercar in g. Organ
[] Toccata in e. Organ
[] Toccata in d. Organ
[] Ricercar in C. Organ
anonymous pieces, attributed to Emanuel Benisch sr.

from the ms of 96 keyboard pieces, partly compiled by Vincenzo Albrici and copied by Emanuel Benisch sr. and now known as Codex E.B. 1688

published in Werke fur tasteninstrumente aus dem Codex E.B. von 1688 des Emanuel Benisch um 1655-1725. Cornetto Verlag, Stuttgart 2002

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