Berdion Alvarez, Miguel 5.sep.1897-17.feb.1968 Spain, Zamora - Zamora
pianist, director of Orfeon de Zamora, 1919 studied piano with Jose Trago at Madrid Conservatory, 1921 studied music with Alfred Cortot and Maurice Ravel in Paris, 1924 as pianist he often performed in Madrid, 1925 in Paris, London, Brussel, Hamburg and other European cities, 1929-1931 as accompanist to Antonia Merce he made tours of 60 concerts in North- and South America, 1931-1933 made a solo concert tour through Europe, the United States and Japan, 1944 practically retired from the stage, he dedicated himself to composing and giving piano lessons in Zamora

Title Parts

[] Tarantella. Piano
dedication : A la notable pianista Concita Salgues
pub Ildefonso Alier, Madrid. ?1917

[] Siciliana y Allegro "Homenaje a D. Scarlatti. Piano. 1925
[] Scherzo en mi menor para piano. c1940. op87
[] Sonatina en sol mayor para piano. c1940
dedication : Para Chelo Rapado con todo afecto

[] Concierto de Leipzig "Homenaje a J. S. Bach". Piano. c1940
[] Preludio. Piano 4 hands. c1940
[] Ave Maria. 1942
dedication : Para las religiosas de Ntra. Sra. del Transito de Zamora

[] Pange lingua
performed in Valladolid, Salamanca, Granada and Cadiz

[] Suite en estilo antiguo "Homenaje a J. F. Haendel". Piano and violin
[] Allegro apasionato "Homenaje a R. Schumann". Piano
[] Pavana triste "Homenaje a Ravel". Piano
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