Berks, Lothar edler (edlen) (ritter) (chevalier) von f1797-f1821 Austria-Hungary, ? - ?, ?
secretary to the envoy of the Wurttemberg Court in Vienna Austria, 1807 bothschaftscommis (embassy commis) for Austria in St Petersburg Russia, 1807 cadet in the K.K. Feld-Artillerie-Regiment stationed in Vienna, 1843 lieutenant artillerie officier of the K.K. National-Granz-Infanterie, 1864 mayor of Pancsova Hungary (now Pancevo Serbia) as retired lieutenant colonel of the K.K. National-Granz-Infanterie

[the given biography must be a mix of different Lothar ritter von Berks']

Title Parts

[] March fur pianoforte (Marsch fur das studenten corps) (Marches des divers corps Francs de Vienne)
pub Artaria & Co., Vienna Austria c1797
ms British Museum (now British Library London)

2008-07-18 00:00:00