Berlinsky, Pavel Mikhailovich 22.jun/5.jul.1900-1976 Russia, Irkutsk - Moscow
jewish pianist, conductor, 1925 graduated in piano with Irina Miklashevsky and 1926 in composition with Aleksandr Zhitomirsky from Leningrad Conservatory, 1930 research fellow at the Buryat-Mongolian State Institute of Culture, 1932-1934 and 1939-1946 conductor of the Buryat Music and Drama Theater in Ulan-Ude, 1939 graduated in conducting with Konstantin Saradzhev and Leo Ginzburg from Moscow Conservatory, 1938-1940 teacher conducting at Moscow Conservatory, 1941-1944 chairman of the board of the Union of Composers of the Buryat ASSR, 1946 teacher and 1950-1953 head of the department of conducting at the Institute of Military Conductors, 1964 professor of military conducting at Moscow Conservatory

Title Parts

[] Sonata no1. Piano. 1926
[] Sonata no2. Piano. 1927
[] From darkness to light. Oratorio. 1932
[] Bair. Musical drama. Buryat 1940
libretto Yampilov

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