Berls, Johann Rudolph 8.may.1758-a1812 Germany, Alach near Erfurt - Thuringen, Noda
pianist, organist, 1766 studied piano and violin with Kreuzmuller and took lessons in singing from cantor Georg Peter Weimar in Erfurt, 1771 entered the Rathsgymnasium in Erfurt where he became friends with some of Kittel's pupils who taught him to play the organ and received lessons in harmony and composition from the rector of the gymnasium Georg Heinrich Reichardt, lastly he received lessons in piano and composition from Johann Wilhelm Hassler, 1779 organist of the Reglerkirche in Erfurt, 1780-1812 appointed organist in Noda, 1797 knabenschullehrer (teacher at a school for boys) in Noda where he spent the rest of his days

Title Parts

[] 30 Neue Volkslieder furs clavier komponiert. Erste sammlung. 1-4 Voices, choir and piano
pub Gerhard Fleischer dem Jungern, Leipzig 1797
a Zweite sammlung was never published

[] Singt dem Herren Zebaoth. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass, orchestra and organ
ms c1800 Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek, Gotha

[] Jehova thront in seinem himmel. Cantata. Tenor, choir, orchestra and organ
ms 1815 Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle an der Saale

[] Gott ists der unser wohl bereitet. Cantata. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra
ms Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek, Gotha

[] Der Kaufmann "Wunscht heil dem edeln kaufmannsstande". Voice and guitar
in Zweite Sammlung beliebter guitarrlieder, F. Samans

[] 24 Variations on a german song. Piano
[] Until the year 1797 he had composed
1) Einen jahrgang Sonn- und Festtags und Gelegenheitsstucke
2) Etliche Oratorien, und mehrere Motetten und Arien
3) Verschiedene Sinfonien, vierhandige Sonaten, 96 Variationen fur klavier uber "Freut euch des lebens"
None of these works have been published
[Gerber 1812]

[] In the translation of Fetis he has composed
pieces of church music for all the celebrations of the liturgical year,
oratorios, hymns,
symphonies, four-hand sonatas for the piano, and ninety-six variations on a german air
All these works have remained in manuscript
[Fetis 1860]

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