Bertezen, Salvatore 17??-?1792 Italy Malta, ? - ?France, Paris
singer, teacher of singing, of Belgian parentage, 1780 active in Rome, 1781-1783 in London

[? is 1792 the year of death of the silk cultivator Salvatore Bertezen, 1789 active in London, 1792 active in Paris]

Title Parts

[] Four songs and two duetts, with an accompanyment for a piano forte. Soprano and piano
pub Printed for the author & sold by Thomas Straight, the engraver, London 1783
[] 1 - I. Ch'io mai vi possa la sciar d'amare
[] 2 - Gia la notte s'avvicina
[] 3 - Trova un sol mia bella Clori
[] 4 - Sceglier fra mille un core
[] 5 - Almen se non poss'io seguirl'amato bene
[] 6 - Amo te sollo
[] Six songs with an accompaniment for a piano forte
pub Thomas Straight, for the Author, London ?1790

following are writings by the singer/teacher of singing Salvatore Bertezen :
writing: Principj di musica teorico-prattica
pub Stamperia Giovanni Generoso Salomoni, Rome 1780
pub Presso Enrico Reynell, London 1781

writing: Extract of the work entitled Principles of music - Estratto dell' opera de Principj della musica
pub Salvatore Bertezen, London 1782

following are writings by the silk cultivator Salvatore Bertezen :
writing: Thoughts on the different kinds of food given to young silk worms and the possibility of their being brought to perfection in the climate of England, founded on experiments made near the metropolis
by Salvatore Bertezen
pub Printed for the author and sold by J. Bew, London 1789

writing: Reflexions sur les moyens d'ameliorer la culture de la soie en France et d'augmenter sa production, suivies d'un plan pour y parvenir (Reflections on ways to improve the silk culture in France and increase its production, followed by a plan to achieve this)
dediees a la nation francaise par Salvatore Bertezen
pub Impr. de la Feuille du cultivateur, Paris 1792

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