Bertrand, Marcel Louis Etienne 10.jul.1883-17.aug.1945 France, Paris - Nyon
1897-1907 studied at the Conservatoire de Paris, 1897 3e medaille solfege, 1906 1er accessit and 1907 1er prix fugue under Charles Lenepveu, 1937 residing at 80 Boulevard Flandrin ; grandson of the director of the Paris Opera Eugene Bertrand (1834-1918) ; son of the director of Theatre de Vaudeville Ernest Noel Bertrand (1850-) and Marthe Marie Alice Obin (1859-)

Title Parts

[] La Chanson de l'ondine
poeme de Henri Malteste
pub L. Rouhier, Paris 1905

[] Serenade
words Malteste
pub Grus & Co., Paris c1905

[] Le Cavalier. Tenor and piano. c1905
words Heinrich Heine
Peter W. Shea, Elise Jackendoff

[] Ghislaine. Opera. Opera Comique, Paris 26feb1908
libretto Gaston Guiches, Marcel Frager

[] Les heures de l'amour. Opera. Monte Carlo mar1911
Mme Roussel Despierres

[] La terre qui meurt. Opera. Theatre des Arts, Rouen 15jan1913
libretto Rene Bazin

[] Sainte Odile. Opera. Opera Comique, Paris 1923
[] Amphitrion 38. Opera Comique
libretto Jean Giraudoux and Alexandre Guinle
prix de la Ville de Paris of the Concours musical in Paris 1935 (30000 francs and a radio broadcast of the work on Radio Paris)

[] Ileana, ballet en un acte, d'apres un conte roumain de Chesade. l'Opera, Paris 20may1936
libretto and music Marcel Bertrand

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