Besuzio (Besozzi), Zerbonio (Cerbonio) (Besutius, Cerbonius) ??-1579 Italy, ? - ?, ?
violinist, active in Venice, c1555 at the Hofkapelle in Dresden, 1568 at the Hofkapelle in Munchen

[with many corrupted spelling variations in the archives like Bisutzi - Eitner: Carbanio, Cerbanio, Cerboni, Zerbanio - Schmidl: Cerbonio]

Title Parts

[] Magna et mirabilis. Motet. 8vv
on the ms ascribed to Cerbonius Besutius
by RISM listed as Cerbonio Besozzi
all other lexica translate to Zerbonio Besuzio

[] (title unknown). Motet signed 31jan1566
ms 38 no.39 Landesbibliothek Kassel

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