Carlebach, Shlomo (Solomon) 14.jan.1925-20.oct.1994 Germany, Berlin - USA, on a flight from New York to Canada
rabbi, singer, spiritual songwriter, 1931 lived in Baden near Vienna, 1933 in Switzerland, 1938 in Lithuania, 9.feb.1939 emigrated to the USA settling in New York City, 1967 rabbi of the synagogue of the Congregation Kehilath Jacob in New York ; son of Hartwig Naphtali Carlebach (Lubeck 21.aug.1889-jan.1967 New York City) rabbi in Berlin and New York and Paula Pesse Cohn (19.dec.1895-1980 New York City) ; grandson of the rabbi of Lubeck Shlomo (Solomon) Carlebach (Heidelsheim 28.dec.1845-mar.1919 Lubeck) and Esther Adler (Moisling 1853-1920)

Title Parts

Chassidic song (title unknown)
Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam. 2012

Song (title unknown)
words from the Bible
music attributed to Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam. 2012

[] Borchi nafshi (My soul bless). 1960
[] Am Yisrael chai (Israel lives). 1967
[] Pischu li (Open for me)
2012-02-00 00:00:00