Cerfontaine, Matthias Johannes 2.feb.1884-17.dec.1977 Netherlands, Winschoten - Winschoten
violinist, organist, bandmaster, conductor, 1906 conductor of the Winschoter Symphonie Orkest, 8.feb.1913 music director at the Jewish Lady's Society fair at De Harmonie in Winschoten, 1927-1959 organist of the Nederlands Hervormde Kerk in Winschoten, 1928-1936 bandmaster Winschoter Harmonie Orkest, 1928-1959 conductor of the Winschoter Mannenkoor, 1933-1959 of female choir 'Zang en Vriendschap' Winschoten, 1937-1958 bandmaster of harmony orchestra Spoorgeheelonthoudersmuziekvereniging Het Veilig Spoor Groningen, as violinist he gave concerts in Winschoten, Oude Pekela, Veendam and Groningen, 1973 aged 89 he was still conducting the fanfare and boerenkapel in Winschoten ; 1909 he married G Weering

[Bierley 1991 gives erroneously Marinus Cerfontaine born 2.feb.1877]

Title Parts

Andante and allegro. 4 Trombones. 1965
[] Zephyrus. Ouverture. Harmony orchestra. 1942
[] Sein veilig. March. Harmony orchestra. b1952
[] Uranus. Concert piece. Harmony orchestra. b1952
[] Spring morn. Harmony orchestra
[] De Noordster mars. March. Harmony orchestra
2000-10-28 22:36:56