Desenclos, Albert Ferdinand Georges 'Alfred' 7.feb.1912-3.mar.1971 France Pas-de-Calais, Le Portel - Paris
pianist, 1932 studied piano with Alfred Bousquet at the Conservatoire de Musique in Roubaix, 1939 at the Conservatoire National in Paris where he
later taught harmony, 1942 won the Prix de Rome, 1943-1950 director of the Conservatoire de Musique in Roubaix ; son of Armand Louis Desenclos (Le
Portel 22.jul.1870-16.mar.1933 Lannoy) and Marie Louise Joseph Wils (Boulogne-sur-Mer 21.mar.1880-16.nov.1956 Neuilly-sur-Seine) ; 23.jun.1960 in
Paris he married Nicole Jeanne Marthe Christophe