Dodworth, Allen T 9.dec.1816-12.feb.1896 England Yorkshire, Sheffield - USA California, Pasadena
violinist, cornetist, dancing master, 7.jun.1828 emigrated with his parents to the USA, 1828 piccoloist in the New York Independent Band, 1934 formed the National Brass Band, 1936 named Dodworth's Brass Band, 1842-1846 co-founder, violinist and treasurer of the New York Philharmonic Society, by the time of the Civil War he developed 'over-the-shoulder' brass instruments, 1862-1889 as dancing teacher residing at 137 Montague Street with dancing halls at 212 Fifth Avenue, Dodworth Hall at 806 Broadway and 681 Fifth Avenue, 1870-1885 he could afford himself no less than 4 servants from running his dancing studios, 1890 retired to Pasadena ; son of bandmaster/composer Thomas Dodworth (Sheffield 1790-30.apr.1876 New York Bronx Morrisania) and Elizabeth Foster (England 1791-) ; brother of bandmaster/composer Harvey B Dodworth (Sheffield 16.nov.1822-24.jan.1891 Hoboken NJ) and composer Charles R Dodworth (Scotland 1826-9.may.1894 Philadelphia) ; jul.1846 in New York City he married Calanthe E Raymond (NY Westchester 10.aug.1826-1918 Santa Monica) ; his sons by an unknown mother Allen Roy (16.jul.1842-) and Frank (oct.1843-) continued the dancing hall at 681 Fifth Avenue

[Lustner 1897 gives erroneously born 1822 ; Berger 1960 gives erroneously born 1817]

Title Parts

Gift polka. Orchestra and arrangement for band. 1852
[] Original waltz quadrille. Five quadrilles for chamber orchestra
includes dance directions in the 1st violin part
in Theatrical and dance journal. Large and small orchestra with piano
music Allen, attributed to Allen Dodworth
pub J. W. Pepper, Philadelphia

performance, but probably just referring to the dance original waltz quadrille, otherwise most likely the composition of Allen Dodworth :
The Perse Brass Orchestra will hold a sociable in Laudermilich's Hall tonight as usual. Come and take a hand in the "Original Waltz Quadrille" and our new waltzes, Lebanon Pennsylvania 28jan1893

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