Kent, Phyllis Fereday (fem) 16.jan.1916- England, Bristol
pianist, teacher piano, no composer, 1916- 1949 born and residing at 58 Gatton Road in Bristol
St Werburgh's, licentiate Royal Academy of Music (LRAM) in London, 1943 music director at Clifton High School for Girls in Bristol, piano teacher
and accompanist to classical and natural movement dancing classes in Bristol, member of the Bristol Old Vic Theatre, member of the Incorporated
Society of Musicians (ISM) ; daughter of tailors cutter Andrew John Fereday (Bristol Barton Regis 7.oct.1888-26.feb.1940 Bristol) and Rose Hurle
(Bristol Barton Regis 15.sep.1885-1938 Bristol) ; 1941 in Bristol she married Albert A Kent