Lans, Michael Joannes Antonius 18.jul.1845-3.feb.1908 Netherlands, Haarlem - Amsterdam
organist, choirmaster, Roman Catholic priest, studied organ with M J Schaeken, autodidact in composition, priest-student and organist/choirmaster at the Groot-Seminarie in Warmond, professor at the Klein-Seminarie 'Hageveld', 1869 teacher at the priests Seminary in Voorhout near Leyden, 1876 founder/editor of the church music periodical St Gregoriusblad, 1878 co-founder of the Nederlandse St Gregorius Vereeniging, 1887 pastor in Schiedam, 1908 deacon of Amsterdam ; son of the bierbrouwer (brewer) of 'Het Hert' at the Donkere Spaarne in Haarlem

Title Parts

[] (details unknown). Church compositions in Regensburger "Cecilian" and "Neopalestrinian" style
published in several issues of St Gregoriusblad since 1876

[] Handboekje ten gebruike bij het onderwijs in den Gregoriaanischen zang
pub Leiden 1874 (second print)

writing: Eeredienst en toonkunst. 1882
writing: G. P. da Palestrina. 1882
[] Leerboek voor het contrapunt (Treatise of counterpoint). 1889
[] De katholieke organist (Manual for the catholic organist)
[] Missa in honorem Nativitatis Domini
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