Lebedev, Aron Izkov (american: Lebedeff, Aaron) 1873-8.nov.1960 Russia Belarus, Gemel - USA NY, New York
jewish songwriter, lyricist, actor, 10.sep.1920 emigrated from Shanghai China to the USA, 6.may.1926 naturalized American, 1926-1940 residing at 60
Second Avenue New York City, member of the Yiddish Theatrical Alliance, 16.nov.1960 his obit appeared in Variety, buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery
Flushing Queens County New York ; 1925 he married actress Vera Lubov (Russia 1896-19.oct.1958 New York City)
Hoe doel mie den strudel. Voice, accordion and violin
Mirjam Fuchs voice