Manneke, Daniel 'Daan' 7.nov.1939- Netherlands, Kruiningen

Title Parts

Gesti for bass-clarinet
Psalm 121 Ik hef mijn ogen op naar de bergen ( I will lift up mine eyes) 1960
Groot Omroepkoor / Simon Halsey

[] Zes hymnen (Six hymns). Alto, tenor, baritone, bass. 2002 - Lucis diorne tempora
- Lucis creator optime
- Te luce ante terminum
Egidius Kwartet
Stabat Mater. Mezzosoprano, choir and orchestra. 2008
Barbara Kozelj, Brabants Koor, Brabants Orkest / Louis Buskens

Cantique de Pascal. 10vv Choir and harmonium. 2004
Studium Chorale, Klaas Hoek / Hans Leenders

Marche, chanson et gloria
The Gents / Beni Csillag

2000-10-28 22:37:46