Opstal, Arie van 23.may.1895-23.jun.1970 Netherlands, Hilversum - Austria, Lermoos
organist, studied organ with Jan Zwart and choral conducting with Jaap Vrancken, Frederik Roeske and Sem Dresden in Amsterdam, organist of the Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk Lauriergracht in Amsterdam, of the Gereformeerde Parkkerk in Amsterdam, 1925-1928 of the Hervormde Kerk Grote- of Sint Joriskerk in Westzaan, 1922-1970 organist of the Grote- of Sint Lebuinuskerk in Deventer, conductor of the J P Sweelinckkoor in Deventer, 14.may.1962 at the Lebuinuskerk he opened the 'Eeuwfeest herdenking J P Sweelinck', this centenary commemoration continued until the end of the month, each day at another city, he died during a holiday in Lermoos while residing in Deventer ; son of Johannes Adrianus van Opstal (Fijnaart 10.jul.1865-14.oct.1950 Amsterdam) and Maria Willems (Amsterdam 25.jun.1855-4.jun.1928 Amsterdam) ; 10.sep.1924 in Amsterdam he married Hendrika Johanna Thijsse (Amsterdam 25.oct.1897-) ; 20.dec.1927 in Deventer Diepenveen he married Janna Best (Deventer 1903-)

Title Parts

't Hijgend hert der jacht ontkomen. Choral prelude Psalm 42. Organ
pub Stichting Orgelcentrum, Leiden Netherlands
pub J. C. Willemsen, Amersfoort Netherlands
Wim van der Panne, Grote Kerk Dordrecht

[] Scherzo. Organ. 1928
dedication: opgedragen aan Feike Asma
pub "Orgelkunst III" Stichting Orgelcentrum, Leiden Netherlands 1964

[] Zes kinderliedjes. Voor zangstem en piano. Voice and piano
dedication: Opgedragen aan Jo van IJzer-Vincent
pub Deventer Muziek Uitgave, Deventer 1925
[] 1 - Ooievaartje. words Rie Cramer
[] 2 - Domme poes. words Anna Sutorius
[] 3 - Zieke Does. words Anna Sutorius
[] 4 - Maria's sluimerlied. words Nellie van Kol
[] 5 - Een booze bui. words Anna Sutorius
[] 6 - Avond. words Anna Sutorius
[] Drie geestelijke liederen. Voice and piano
pub Seyffardt, Amsterdam
[] 1 - Mijn Heer en mijn God. words Nicolaas Beets
[] 2 - Kindergebedje. words Viola
[] 3 - Leer mij. words Nellie van Kol
[] Verhooring. Mixed choir
words Nellie van Kol
pub Bontius, Deventer

[] Fantasie alla marcia over "Het Wilhelmus". Organ
music Jan Zwart, Arie van Opstal
pub Nederlandse Orgelmuziek, Zaandam c1945 and c1980
[] 1 - Fantasie alla marcia. Jan Zwart
[] 2 - Finale in tempo di minuetto. arranged by Arie van Opstal or an added Finale by Arie van Opstal
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