Pomper, Albert 4.jan.1862-11.feb.1917 Netherlands, Sneek - Amsterdam
organist, blind at the age of 6, studied and later taught at the Blindeninstituut (Institute of the Blind), organist of the Waalsche Kerk Leeuwarden, 1884-1889 of the Ronde Lutherse Kerk Amsterdam, 1889 of the Oude Lutherse Kerk Amsterdam, carilonneur of the Zuidertoren, later of the Munttoren Amsterdam ; son of carriage maker Johannes Sipkes Pomper (Oldeboorn 12.mar.1829-18.may.1879 Lemsterland) and Margaritha Frederika Masselink (Oldeboorn 24.feb.1829-8.apr.1864 Sneek) ; 15.nov.1894 in Amsterdam he married Hendrika Sophia Leuning (Amsterdam c1862-30.may.1944 Hattem)

Title Parts

Hymn for the marriage of queen Wilhelmina and prince Hendrik. Bass and organ. 1901
Bas Kuilenburg, Gert Oost

2004-07-11 01:09:32