Quentin, Leontine Antoinette Louise 'Tity' (pseud: Pippo Racho) (fem) 19??-1978 France, ? / Paris - ?, ?
jazz accordionist, lyricist, orchestrator, 1929-1939 active in music, 1935 as unmarried Mlle Quentin member of Societe des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique (SACEM) Paris, 1938-1939 she was publisher in Paris and 1939 published one work in Reims, 1938-1939 she collaborated with V Marceau (Lievin 1902-), Jose Maria Lucchesi, Joseph Colombo, Adolphe Deprince (1901-), Andries Roose (1904-) and Max Francy (Fernand Fouret), mainly as lyricist or orchestrator but always as publisher, after the year of her highest productivity 1939, all her musical activities abruptly stopped so she may have married or gave birth that year, 1966 two copyrights were renewed to her name (Leontine Quentin)

Title Parts

[L] Ville de delices. Tango. Accordion and orchestra. 1934
Tity Quentin et son orchestre. Paris Jazz Corner 222007

[] Mal encuentro. Mauvaise rencontre
Spanish words Jean de Kel-Sar, French adaptation by R. Cardinne-Petit
music and copyright Leontine Quentin 28aug1929, copyright renewal Leontine Quentin 7jun1957

[] Titi-java. Java-valse, de Tity Quentin, orchestra. par Jose M. Lucchesi
pub Editions Max Eschig, Paris 2jan1931

[] Pres de Fontainebleau. Valse-musette. Orchestra
pub Henry Lemoine et Cie., Paris 20dec1934

[] Republique des affranchis. Java-musette. Accordion and orchestra
pub Henry Lemoine et Cie., Paris 20dec1934

[] Mi chatita
words Arly Botou, music Pippo Racho (pseudonym of Leontine Quentin)
copyright and copyright renewal Pippo Racho (Leontine Quentin) 31dec1938, renewal 7jan1966

[] Douce promesse. Tango chante. Voice and orchestra
paroles de Tity Quentin (Leontine Quentin), musique de Armandino (pseudonym of Abraham Arbitourer) et Tity Quentin, orchestra. par L. Pescador (pseudonym of Jose Lucchesi)
copyright and copyright renewal Jose Lucchesi (pseudonym Leal Pescador), Abraham Arbitourer (pseudonym Armandino) and Leontine Quentin (pseudonym Tity Quentin) 31dec1938, renewal 17feb1966

2002-05-12 22:17:22