Russell Brown, Claudia Anna (fem) 27.dec.1911-18.oct.2006 England, London - Australia, Bateman's Bay
contralto singer, comedienne, pianist, 1934-1939 studied with Arthur Benjamin and composition with Vaughan Williams at the Royal College of Music in London, 1939 moved to Canada, 1943 naturalized Canadian, 2.oct.1947 made her American debut at Carnegie Hall New York, 1955 naturalized American, 1986 she retired and gave farewell recitals until 1998, then retired to Unionville near Toronto ; daughter of pianist Claud Russell Brown and Canadian mother Beatrice ; she married and divorced Denison and later married and divorced the Canadian artist Charles Goldhammer

Title Parts

[N] For loud singers with no brains. Soprano and piano
Anna Russell, Harry Dworkin. CBS 47252
- Comical speach (great singers have resonance where their brains ought to be)
- Ah lover. Aria from the operetta "The prince of Philadelphia"
[] Album Again? 1958 []
writing: autobiography "I'm not making this up, you know". Macmillan, Toronto Canada 1985
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