Shalov, Aleksandr Borisovich 9.oct.1927-2001 Russia Vologda region Ustyuzhensky district, Matveyev - St Petersburg
balalaika player, 1931 his family moved to Leningrad, 1947 studied with Z I Stavitsky and P I Necheporenko at the Leningrad 'Mussorgsky' School of
Music, 1956 graduated under A S Ilyuhina and M F Rozhkov from the Gnesin Institute in Moscow, 1954-1963 balalaika player in the Andreev Folk
Orchestra, 1960-2001 taught balaliaka at St Petersburg 'Rimsky Korsakov' Conservatory, 1981-1995 head of the department of folk instruments at St
Petersburg Conservatory