Silva Benfica, Antonio Martiniano da c1840-19?? Brazil, ? - ?, ?
1874 he lived in Barra Mansa 50 miles from Rio de Janeiro, 19.feb.1874 while married and residing in Barre Mansa he sold three shares of his property (land in a place called Coqueiro with villa, mill, pottery, storeroom and 11 slaves) to Padre Domingos, 1865/1875 emperor Don Pedro II graced both him and his brother Franklin with the Order of the Rose, 1890-1899 he lived in Aiuruoca 90 miles from Rio de Janeiro, 1891-1892 president of Camara Municipal de Aiuruoca ; son of captain Jose Antonio da Silva, 1861-1865 president of Camara Municipal de Aiuruoca ; half-brother of the engineer, astronomer, geographer, historian and pioneer mountaineer Jose Franklin da Silva Massena (Aiuruoca 1838-9.may.1877 Rio de Janeiro, in an insane asylum) ; before 19 February 1874 in Barra Mansa he married Alexandrina Adelaide de Souza Vilela (born c1840/1843)

Title Parts

[] Ave Maria stella. Tenor and orchestra. 1870
[] Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra. 1897
[] Dominica in Palmis. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra. 1899
[] Libera me. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra. 1901
[] Missa de Segunda Feira Santa. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass and orchestra
reconstructed by Sonia Regina Albano de Lima

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