Composers B

Baa Bak Bar Bas Bb Bc Bd Bea Bel Ber Bes Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz


  1. Baader, Joseph !*b-!+d pl
  2. Baader, Wilhelm !b-! pl
  3. Baader Nobs, Heidi pl
  4. Baadsvik, Oystein l
  5. Baake, Ferdinand pl
  6. Baaken, Tobias pl
  7. Baal, Johann
  8. Baan, Jozef pl
  9. Baar, Ernestine !*b-!+d pl
  10. Baar, Ernst !*b-!+d pl
  11. Baar, Otto c
  12. Baaren, Kees van
  13. Baars, Frederick Diedrich pl
  14. Baas, Alexius pl
  15. Baas, Danielle pl
  16. Baas, Gerrit pl
  17. Babadjanian, Arno
  18. Babadzhanyan, Arno
  19. Babaian, Vahram Ohani pl
  20. Baban, Gracian !*b- pl
  21. Babare, Dalmazio b- pl
  22. Babarikine, Valdemaro de !*b-!+d pl
  23. Babayev, Andrey pl
  24. Babayev, Sabir pl
  25. Babayeva, Seda pl
  26. Babb, Hugh Webster pl
  27. Babb, Samuel !*b-!+d pl
  28. Babbani, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  29. Babbedge, Harman Paul pl
  30. Babbi, Cristoforo pl
  31. Babbi, Gregorio !*b-!+d pl
  32. Babbini, Giorgio !b- l
  33. Babbini, Matteo pl
  34. Babbitt, Milton
  35. Babcock, David l
  36. Babcock, Michael pl
  37. Babcock, Samuel pl
  38. Babcock, Theron Charles pl
  39. Babekov, Stoyan
  40. Babell, William !*-
  41. Baber, Joseph l
  42. Baberkoff, Peter pl
  43. Babiak, Walter pl
  44. Babic, Konstantin
  45. Babich, Herman pl
  46. Babick, Julius !*b-!+d pl
  47. Babin, Stanley pl
  48. Babin, Viktor l
  49. Babit, Hi pl
  50. Babits, Linda pl
  51. Bablon, !*b-!+d pl
  52. Bablon, Giuseppe pl
  53. Bablon, Joseph pl
  54. Bablon, Theodore pl
  55. Bablot, Alfredo pl
  56. Babnigg, Emma pl
  57. Baboni Schilingi, Jacopo
  58. Babou, Thomas -!+
  59. Babst, Hans pl
  60. Babticocchi, Domenico !*b-!+d pl
  61. Babusek, Frantisek pl
  62. Baca, Mariano !*-! c
  63. Baca Elorriaga, Luis pl
  64. Baca Lobera, Ignacio pl
  65. Bacaicoa, Luis pl
  66. Bacak, Joyce Eilers l
  67. Bacal, David pl
  68. Bacal, Harvey b- pl
  69. Bacalov, Luis
  70. Bacanos, Aleko !- pl
  71. Bacanos, Yorgo pl
  72. Bacarisse, Salvador
  73. Baccanelli, Vittorio !*- pl
  74. Baccarelli, Silvio !- l
  75. Baccelli, Domenico !*b-!+d pl
  76. Baccelli, Matteo !-!+ pl
  77. Bacchi, Angelo !*b-!+d pl
  78. Bacchini, Cesare pl
  79. Bacchini, Giovanni Maria !*-!+d pl
  80. Bacchini, Girolamo !*-!+d pl
  81. Bacchini, Gislamerio !*b-!+d pl
  82. Bacchini, Romolo pl
  83. Bacchini, Teodoro !*-!+d pl
  84. Bacchino, Girolamo !*-!+d pl
  85. Bacchius, Joannes de !*b-! pl
  86. Bacchus, Peter l
  87. Bacchus, Z !*b-!+d
  88. Bacci, Pietro Jacopo !-!+d pl
  89. Bacciarelli, F de !*b-!+d pl
  90. Baccilieri, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  91. Baccilieri, Lodovico !*-d pl
  92. Baccinetti, Giovanni Battista !*-!+d pl
  93. Baccioni, Gioseffo !*-!+d c
  94. Baccusi, Ippolito !*-
  95. Bacelar, Jacinto !*b-!+d l
  96. Bacevicius, Vytautas pl
  97. Bacewicz, Grazyna
  98. Bacfarc, Johannes !*b-!+d c
  99. Bacfarc, Valentin !*- p
  100. Bach, Aloys pl
  101. Bach, August Wilhelm l
  102. Bach, Carl Ludwig August pl
  103. Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
  104. Bach, Christoff H pl
  105. Bach, Christoph c
  106. Bach, Christopher H pl
  107. Bach, Constantin August !*b-!d pl
  108. Bach, D !*b-!+d pl
  109. Bach, Emanuel !*b-!+d pl
  110. Bach, Erik pl
  111. Bach, Ernst Carl Gottfried c
  112. Bach, Ernst Christian c
  113. Bach, Erwin Johannes c
  114. Bach, Fr W b-!+d pl
  115. Bach, Franz Anton !*b-!+d pl
  116. Bach, Fritz pl
  117. Bach, Georg Christoph
  118. Bach, Georg Friedrich c
  119. Bach, Georg Michael c
  120. Bach, Gottlieb Friedrich pl
  121. Bach, Heinrich II
  122. Bach, Heinrich Amand !-!+d pl
  123. Bach, Heinrich von l
  124. Bach, J Maurice pl
  125. Bach, Jan l
  126. Bach, Johann I
  127. Bach, Johann Aegidius I c
  128. Bach, Johann Andreas
  129. Bach, Johann Bernhard I
  130. Bach, Johann Bernhard II pl
  131. Bach, Johann Christian III
  132. Bach, Johann Christoph I
  133. Bach, Johann Christoph III pl
  134. Bach, Johann Christoph VIII pl
  135. Bach, Johann Christoph IV c
  136. Bach, Johann Christoph IX !-d l
  137. Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich
  138. Bach, Johann David !*b-!+d c
  139. Bach, Johann Elias c
  140. Bach, Johann Ernst II
  141. Bach, Johann Friedrich I !*- pl
  142. Bach, Johann Georg pl
  143. Bach, Johann Gunther II c
  144. Bach, Johann Heinrich pl
  145. Bach, Johann Jacob I pl
  146. Bach, Johann Lorenz
  147. Bach, Johann Ludwig
  148. Bach, Johann Michael I
  149. Bach, Johann Michael III -!
  150. Bach, Johann Nicolaus I pl
  151. Bach, Johann Nicolaus II
  152. Bach, Johann Peter
  153. Bach, Johann Sebastian
  154. Bach, Johann Valentin pl
  155. Bach, Johannes I
  156. Bach, Josef pl
  157. Bach, Joseph !*b-!+d pl
  158. Bach, Leon I -!+d pl
  159. Bach, Leon II -!+d c
  160. Bach, Leonhard Emil pl
  161. Bach, M !*b-!+d pl
  162. Bach, Maria
  163. Bach, Michael I !*b-!+d pl
  164. Bach, Michael II !*b-!+d pl
  165. Bach, Michael III pl
  166. Bach, Nicolas Gottlibe -!+d pl
  167. Bach, Oswald !*b-!+d c
  168. Bach, Otto pl
  169. Bach, P.D.Q.
  170. Bach, Paul !*b-!+d pl
  171. Bach, Peter -!+d c
  172. Bach, Vincent l
  173. Bach, Wilhelm
  174. Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann
  175. Bach, Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst
  176. Bacha, Joseph Ferdinand !b-!d c
  177. Bacharach, Burt
  178. Bache, Constance pl
  179. Bache, Francis Edward pl
  180. Bache, Isak -!d pl
  181. Bacheler, Daniel
  182. Bachelet, Alfred l
  183. Bachelet, Louis Philippe !- pl
  184. Bachelet, Pierre l
  185. Bachelet, Theodore pl
  186. Bachelier, Louis !- pl
  187. Bacheller, Mildred pl
  188. Bachellerie, Uc de la !*-!+d pl
  189. Bachem, Hans pl
  190. Bacher, F !*b-!+d pl
  191. Bachfeld, Friedrich pl
  192. Bachi, Joannes de !*b-! pl
  193. Bachini, Girolamo !*-!+d pl
  194. Bachini, Gislamerio !*b-!+d pl
  195. Bachixa, Francisco Xavier !*b-!d l
  196. Bachl, Hans pl
  197. Bachmaier, Johann Baptist !*b-!+d pl
  198. Bachman, Alexander pl
  199. Bachmann, Alberto pl
  200. Bachmann, Alexander b-
  201. Bachmann, Arthur sr pl
  202. Bachmann, Arthur jr pl
  203. Bachmann, Arthur Marc l
  204. Bachmann, Barton pl
  205. Bachmann, Carl Ludwig !- pl
  206. Bachmann, Charlotte Caroline pl
  207. Bachmann, Elise -!+d pl
  208. Bachmann, Franz pl
  209. Bachmann, Fred !*b-!+d pl
  210. Bachmann, George pl
  211. Bachmann, Georges !b- pl
  212. Bachmann, Georges (pseud)
  213. Bachmann, Gottlob pl
  214. Bachmann, Judith !*b-!+d pl
  215. Bachmann, Leo pl
  216. Bachmann, Michael !*b-!+d pl
  217. Bachmann, P !*b-!+d pl
  218. Bachmann, Robert !b- l
  219. Bachmann, Sixt l
  220. Bachmayer, Nikolaus !*b-!+d pl
  221. Bachofen, Johann Caspar l
  222. Bachofen, Johann Georg Heinrich l
  223. Bachofen, Thomas !*b-!+d pl
  224. Bachor, Firus pl
  225. Bachorek, Milan
  226. Bachrata, Petra
  227. Bachrich, Ernst
  228. Bachrich, Sigmund pl
  229. Bachs, Jaime pl
  230. Bachschmid, Anton
  231. Bachschmid, Urban !*- pl
  232. Bachurin, Yevgeny pl
  233. Baci, Adolfo pl
  234. Bacier, !*b-!+d pl
  235. Bacilieri, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  236. Bacilieri, Lodovico !*-d pl
  237. Bacilly, Benigne de !*b- pl
  238. Baciu, Constantin pl
  239. Back, Knut pl
  240. Back, Konrad pl
  241. Back, Sven Erik
  242. Backer, Bruce Richard pl
  243. Backer, Claude de pl
  244. Backer, Emile de I pl
  245. Backer, Emile de II pl
  246. Backer, Hans -d l
  247. Backer, Horst Hans l
  248. Backer, Joseph de pl
  249. Backer, Nestor de pl
  250. Backer Grondahl, Agathe p
  251. Backer Grondahl, Fridtjof pl
  252. Backer Lunde, Johan pl
  253. Backers, Cor -!d pl
  254. Backes, Lotte pl
  255. Backhaus, Johann Ludwig !-!+d c
  256. Backhaus, Wilhelm l
  257. Backhouse, Tony !b- pl
  258. Backman, Hjalmar -d pl
  259. Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich l
  260. Backstrom, Ola !-
  261. Baco, Duncan Sadi c
  262. Bacon, Allan c
  263. Bacon, Denise pl
  264. Bacon, Ernst l
  265. Bacon, Fred J pl
  266. Bacon, Glenn pl
  267. Bacon, Julie Stevens pl
  268. Bacon, Robert !b-!d pl
  269. Bacon, Thomas !- pl
  270. Bacon, Viola Ruth pl
  271. Bacon Shone, Frederic pl
  272. Bacquoy Guedon, Albin Louis -!+d pl
  273. Bacquoy Guedon, Alexis !*b-!+d pl
  274. Bacri, Nicolas
  275. Bacs, Ludovic pl
  276. Baculewski, Krzysztof
  277. Baculis, Al pl
  278. Bacusio, Melchiore !*b-!+d c
  279. Badajoz, Antonio !b-!d c
  280. Badajoz, Garci Sanchez de !*-!+d l
  281. Badajoz, Joao de !*b-!+d l
  282. Badajoz, Manolo de -!
  283. Badalamenti, Angelo
  284. Badalbeili, Afrasiyab pl
  285. Badalla, Rosa Giacinta !*b-!+
  286. Badarzewska Baranowska, Tekla !-
  287. Badcock, Geagle !b- pl
  288. Bade, Philipp pl
  289. Bade, Wilhelm pl
  290. Badea, Ion pl
  291. Badeaud, !*b-!+d pl
  292. Badekerl, Carl !*b-! c
  293. Badelt, Klaus
  294. Baden, Conrad p
  295. Baden Powell, James pl
  296. Badenhaupt, Hermann !*b-!d pl
  297. Badens, Roger !*- pl
  298. Bader, Friedrich pl
  299. Bader, Helen D pl
  300. Bader, Karl Adam pl
  301. Bader, Rene pl
  302. Baderle, Egon !*b-!+d pl
  303. Bades, Paul !- pl
  304. Badev, Atanas !- pl
  305. Badger, John !*b-!+d pl
  306. Badger, Harold !b-!+d c
  307. Badham, Charles !*b-!+d pl
  308. Badi, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  309. Badia, Carlo Agostino !- pl
  310. Badia, Conchita pl
  311. Badia, Eugenio pl
  312. Badia, Luigi pl
  313. Badia, Mario pl
  314. Badia, Pedro !*b- pl
  315. Badia Graells, Miguel !- pl
  316. Badia Planas, Jose !-! pl
  317. Badiali, Alessandro !b-! pl
  318. Badiali, Cesare !*- pl
  319. Badian, Maya
  320. Badillo Baldeon, Gonzalo Eduardo pl
  321. Badings, Henk
  322. Badino, Luigi Diodato c
  323. Badinski, Nikolai pl
  324. Badius, Antonius !*b-!+d pl
  325. Badland, Thomas !*b-!+d pl
  326. Badman, Rick pl
  327. Badosa, Luis pl
  328. Badreddin, Shafi !b-
  329. Badulescu, Alexandru Ion pl
  330. Badulescu, Mircea pl
  331. Badura Skoda, Paul pl
  332. Baecker, Casimir pl
  333. Baedekerl, Carl !*b-! c
  334. Baehr, Otto !*b-!+d pl
  335. Baek, Kari l
  336. Baeker, Ernst -!+d pl
  337. Baekers, Stephan pl
  338. Baelz, Peter c
  339. Baena, Alonso de !*b-!+d pl
  340. Baena, Antonio de !*b-!+d pl
  341. Baena, Federico pl
  342. Baena, Gonzalo de !*b-!+d pl
  343. Baena, Lope de !*-!+d pl
  344. Baena Ferreira, Cosme de !*-!+d pl
  345. Baer, Abel pl
  346. Baer, Abraham pl
  347. Baer, Gertrude pl
  348. Baer, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  349. Baer, Lothar -!+d pl
  350. Baer, Nicolaus !*b-!+d pl
  351. Baer, Walter
  352. Baer, Werner l
  353. Baeriswyl, Henri l
  354. Baermann, Carl I !- pl
  355. Baermann, Carl jr pl
  356. Baermann, Carl sr
  357. Baermann, D G !*b-!+d pl
  358. Baermann, Heinrich
  359. Baermann, Johann Baptist pl
  360. Baermann, Johann Friedrich !*b-!+d pl
  361. Baert, Bernard
  362. Baert, Hubert pl
  363. Baert, Henri Alois pl
  364. Baertsoen, Jean Claude pl
  365. Baervoets, Raymond pl
  366. Baerwald, Hellmut pl
  367. Baerwolf, Louis !*-! pl
  368. Baeva, Vera pl
  369. Baeyens, August
  370. Baeyens, Hendrik Lodewijk pl
  371. Baeyens, Lieven pl
  372. Baez, Claudio pl
  373. Baez, Joan
  374. Baez, Jose del Carmen !-! pl
  375. Baez Allende, Quirino -d pl
  376. Baez Centella, Enrique pl
  377. Baez Finol, Nazyl pl
  378. Baez Loaiza, Miguel !- pl
  379. Baez Lopez, Ciro Antonio !-! pl
  380. Baez de Silva, Blanca pl
  381. Baeza Saavedra, Juan de !*b-!+d pl
  382. Baffo, Pietro !-!+d pl
  383. Bafoyev, Mustafa pl
  384. Baga, Ena Rosina pl
  385. Bagadurov, Vsevolod pl
  386. Baganier, Jeanine pl
  387. Bagar, Robert pl
  388. Bagatti, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  389. Bagby, Benjamin l
  390. Bagby, George Littlejohn pl
  391. Bagdasarian, Ross
  392. Bagdasaryan, Eduard pl
  393. Bagdonas, Valentinas l
  394. Bagetti, Andrea !*b-!+d c
  395. Bagg, Konrad pl
  396. Bagge, Charles Ernest Baron de pl
  397. Bagge, Julius l
  398. Bagge, Ruth
  399. Bagge, Selmar pl
  400. Baggers, Joseph -!+ pl
  401. Baggers, Lucie -!+d pl
  402. Baggers, Marius -! pl
  403. Baggiani, Guido pl
  404. Baghanelli, Giuseppe Antonio !-!+d
  405. Baghetti, Andrea !*b-!+d c
  406. Baghtcheban, Samin !- l
  407. Bagier, Guido pl
  408. Bagin, Pavol pl
  409. Baginski, Zbigniew pl
  410. Bagioli, Antonio pl
  411. Bagirov, Zakir pl
  412. Bagley, Don pl
  413. Bagley, Edwin
  414. Baglioncella, Francesca !*-!+d c
  415. Baglioni, Antonio I !*b-!+d pl
  416. Baglioni, Antonio II !*b-!+d pl
  417. Baglioni, Baccio !*-!d pl
  418. Baglioni, Carlo !*b- pl
  419. Baglioni, Francesco !-! pl
  420. Baglioni, Girolamo !-! pl
  421. Baglioni, Lodovico pl
  422. Baglioni, Luigi pl
  423. Bagnacavallo, Francesco Antonio da !*b-!+d pl
  424. Bagnacavallo, Francesco de !*b-!+d pl
  425. Bagnacavallo, Thoma Gratiano !-!
  426. Bagnara, Ilario !*b-! pl
  427. Bagnati, Cayetano !- pl
  428. Bagnerio, Benedetto !*b-!+d pl
  429. Bagni, Benedetto !*b-!+d pl
  430. Bagni, Pietro Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  431. Bagnoli, Francesco -! pl
  432. Bagnucci, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  433. Bago Aguirre, Manuel !b-!d pl
  434. Bagot, Maurice pl
  435. Bagretsov, Fyodor !- pl
  436. Bagrinovsky, Mikhail pl
  437. Baguena Soler, Jose -! l
  438. Baguer, Carlos
  439. Baguerre, Francis !-
  440. Bah, A L !*b-!+d pl
  441. Bahensky, C M !*b-!+d pl
  442. Bahler, Tom l
  443. Bahlmann, Otto pl
  444. Bahmann, Marianne pl
  445. Bahn, T G !*b-!+d pl
  446. Bahnert, Giuseppe pl
  447. Bahnert, Jozsef pl
  448. Bahns, W !*b-!+d pl
  449. Bahr, Jason pl
  450. Bahr, Jindrich Vojtech !*b-!+d pl
  451. Bahr, Johann I !*b- pl
  452. Bahr, Johann II pl
  453. Bahr, Nicolaus !*b-!+d pl
  454. Bahr, Otto !*b-!+d pl
  455. Bai, Tommaso !*- l
  456. Baiada, Francesco !*-!+d pl
  457. Baichere, Joseph pl
  458. Baier, Alfred pl
  459. Baier, Jiri -d pl
  460. Baier, Klemens -!+d pl
  461. Baif, Jean Antoine de c
  462. Baikadamov, Bakhytzhan !b- pl
  463. Baikadamova, Baldyrgan pl
  464. Bail, Grace Shattuck pl
  465. Baildon, Joseph !*b- pl
  466. Baildon, Thomas !*b- c
  467. Bailey, Benny
  468. Bailey, Charles H pl
  469. Bailey, Charles Morton pl
  470. Bailey, Derek
  471. Bailey, Eben Howe pl
  472. Bailey, Edward !- pl
  473. Bailey, Freda pl
  474. Bailey, Guillaume l
  475. Bailey, John !- pl
  476. Bailey, Judith pl
  477. Bailey, Marian Rick pl
  478. Bailey, Marshall Price pl
  479. Bailey, Parker pl
  480. Bailey, Pearl c
  481. Bailey, Roger pl
  482. Bailey, William S pl
  483. Bailey Apfelbeck, Marie Louise pl
  484. Bailie, Joanna !-
  485. Bailin, Harriett pl
  486. Baillargeon, Paul !- pl
  487. Baille, Casimir !-! pl
  488. Baille, Gabriel l
  489. Bailleux, Antoine !*b-!+ pl
  490. Baillie, Alexander !*b-!+d pl
  491. Baillie, Peter pl
  492. Baillie, Grisell Hume pl
  493. Baillie, Rachel !- pl
  494. Baillon, Pierre Joseph !*b-!d pl
  495. Baillot, Pierre l
  496. Baillot, Rene Paul pl
  497. Baillou, Francesco !-! pl
  498. Baillou, Louis de pl
  499. Bailly, Bienfaisant
  500. Bailly, Colette l
  501. Bailly, Henri le !*b-
  502. Bailly, Jean Guy l
  503. Bailly, Louis -!+d pl
  504. Bailon, Aniceto !*b- l
  505. Bailos Albeniz, Moises pl
  506. Baily, Anselm !- pl
  507. Baily, Jean pl
  508. Baily, Margaret Naismith !-! pl
  509. Baily, Thomas Haines pl
  510. Bain, Devereaux Fenwick c
  511. Bain, James Leith l
  512. Bainbridge, Beryl pl
  513. Bainbridge, Katharine pl
  514. Bainbridge, Simon
  515. Baines, Anthony pl
  516. Baines, Francis pl
  517. Baines, Rosalie Beryl c
  518. Baines, William
  519. Baini, Giuseppe I !*b-!+d pl
  520. Baini, Giuseppe II pl
  521. Baini, Lorenzo !- pl
  522. Baini, Pietro !*b-!+d pl
  523. Bainton, Edgar
  524. Bainville, Francois pl
  525. Baiocchi, Regina Harris pl
  526. Baioras, Feliksas
  527. Bair, Clifford Edwin pl
  528. Baird, David Olen b- pl
  529. Baird, Edith Anna pl
  530. Baird, Edith M !*b-!+d pl
  531. Baird, Herbert Theodore pl
  532. Baird, Irene
  533. Baird, John Julius pl
  534. Baird, Michael
  535. Baird, Tadeusz
  536. Bairnsfather, Thomas Henry pl
  537. Bairstow, Edward
  538. Baissieres Faber, Jean !-! pl
  539. Baixas, Climent pl
  540. Baixauli, Mariano !- pl
  541. Baj, Tommaso !*- l
  542. Bajada, Francesco !*-!+d pl
  543. Bajamonti, Julije
  544. Bajardi, Francesco pl
  545. Bajcini, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  546. Bajerowa, Konstancja !*b-!+d pl
  547. Bajescu Oarda, Ionel pl
  548. Bajetti, Giovanni !- pl
  549. Bajeux, Pierre !b-!d pl
  550. Bajic, Isidor pl
  551. Bajocchi, Luigi !*b-!+d pl
  552. Bajola, G !*b-!+d pl
  553. Bajoras, Feliksas
  554. Bajura, Keith pl
  555. Bajus, Louis pl
  556. Bajus, Zephir pl

  557. Bak

  558. Bak, Kees !- pl
  559. Bak, Mikhail -!d pl
  560. Baka Baitz, Irma !b- pl
  561. Bakala, Bretislav pl
  562. Bakaleinikov, Constantin pl
  563. Bakaleinikov, Mischa pl
  564. Bakaleinikov, Nikolay pl
  565. Bakaleinikov, Vladimir pl
  566. Bakalov, Leonid pl
  567. Baker, Albert Edward pl
  568. Baker, Alfred Stubbs
  569. Baker, Amanda pl
  570. Baker, Arthur H !- pl
  571. Baker, Benjamin Franklin pl
  572. Baker, Buddy l
  573. Baker, Cassietta pl
  574. Baker, Chet
  575. Baker, Claude l
  576. Baker, Clay b- pl
  577. Baker, Dalton pl
  578. Baker, Dave b- pl
  579. Baker, David c
  580. Baker, David A pl
  581. Baker, David C !- pl
  582. Baker, David Keith pl
  583. Baker, David L pl
  584. Baker, David Michael !*b- c
  585. Baker, David Nathaniel
  586. Baker, Don Russell pl
  587. Baker, Ernest John pl
  588. Baker, Ernest William !- pl
  589. Baker, Frederick Charles !*b-!+d pl
  590. Baker, Frederick George pl
  591. Baker, Frederick T pl
  592. Baker, Frederick Walter pl
  593. Baker, George !- l
  594. Baker, George C pl
  595. Baker, George William pl
  596. Baker, Gertrude Tremblay c
  597. Baker, Gordon I !*b- pl
  598. Baker, Gordon II !*b- pl
  599. Baker, Henry pl
  600. Baker, Henry Williams pl
  601. Baker, J Percy pl
  602. Baker, James Andrew pl
  603. Baker, Jeffrey Reid l
  604. Baker, Joanne pl
  605. Baker, John !*b-! pl
  606. Baker, John Bevan
  607. Baker, John C !- pl
  608. Baker, John Lawson pl
  609. Baker, Josephine
  610. Baker, Larry l
  611. Baker, Michael Conway
  612. Baker, Michael J
  613. Baker, Mr and Mrs J W
  614. Baker, Percy pl
  615. Baker, Philip Eldridge l
  616. Baker, Reginald c
  617. Baker, Reginald Tustin pl
  618. Baker, Richard !b-
  619. Baker, Richard C pl
  620. Baker, Richard Dee pl
  621. Baker, Robert pl
  622. Baker, Robert Allen pl
  623. Baker, Robert Hart l
  624. Baker, Robert Stevens pl
  625. Baker, Samuel Henry pl
  626. Baker, Samuel Wensley pl
  627. Baker, Stephen !*b- l
  628. Baker, Stephen Alfred l
  629. Baker, Thomas !- pl
  630. Baker, Waltham pl
  631. Baker, William Henry pl
  632. Bakfark, Johannes !*b-!+d c
  633. Bakfark, Valentin !*- p
  634. Bakhchisaraitsev, Modest pl
  635. Bakhmetev, Nikolay !- pl
  636. Bakhor, Firuz pl
  637. Bakikhanov, Tofik pl
  638. Bakirov, Enver pl
  639. Bakke, Ruth
  640. Bakker, Dietrich !-
  641. Bakker, Jan Janszoon !*b-!+d pl
  642. Bakker, Pieter pl
  643. Baklanova, Nataliya !-! pl
  644. Bakos, Barnabas
  645. Bakradze, Tariel -!d pl
  646. Baksa, Andreas pl
  647. Baksa, Robert l
  648. Bakshi, Aleksandr l
  649. Bakuradze, Teimuraz pl
  650. Bal Gay, Jesus pl
  651. Bal Gay, Rosa de pl
  652. Balaban, Emanuel pl
  653. Balada, Leonardo
  654. Balader, Juan A !*b-!+d pl
  655. Baladine, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  656. Balado, Juan !*- pl
  657. Balaguer, Antonio !*b-!+d c
  658. Balaguer Capella, Joan -!*d pl
  659. Balaguer Mariel, Francisco pl
  660. Balai, Leonid -!d l
  661. Balakauskas, Osvaldas
  662. Balakirev, Mily
  663. Balakrishnan, David
  664. Balamos, John pl
  665. Balan, Dan Alexandru pl
  666. Balan, Joan pl
  667. Balanchivadze, Andrey b- pl
  668. Balanchivadze, Meliton pl
  669. Baland, L !*b-!+d pl
  670. Balanescu, Alexander
  671. Balani, Gabriele !*b-!+d pl
  672. Balanya, Josep Maria
  673. Balanza Galve, Ricardo !*-!+d pl
  674. Balanza Herrera, Jose !-!d pl
  675. Balard, Jean !*b-!+d c
  676. Balart, Gabriel pl
  677. Balart, Jose !b-!+d pl
  678. Balas, Clarice pl
  679. Balasanyan, Sergey l
  680. Balashov, Aleksandr -d pl
  681. Balasios the priest !*-!+d pl
  682. Balassa, Sandor p
  683. Balasse, Jean Baptiste pl
  684. Balassi, Balint
  685. Balatka, Antonin pl
  686. Balatka, Hans pl
  687. Balay, Guillaume l
  688. Balay, Joan pl
  689. Balay, Leonid -!d l
  690. Balazs, Arpad
  691. Balazs, Frederic l
  692. Balbastre, Claude
  693. Balbi, Ignazio !*b-!+d pl
  694. Balbi, Lodovico !*- pl
  695. Balbi, Lorenzo !*b-!+d pl
  696. Balbi, Luigi I !*b-!+d pl
  697. Balbi, Luigi II !b- pl
  698. Balbi, Melchiore I !-! pl
  699. Balbi, Melchiore II pl
  700. Balbi, Serafino -!+d pl
  701. Balbiani, Celestino c
  702. Balbiani, Cesare pl
  703. Balbo, Giuseppe Cesare pl
  704. Balboa, Manuel pl
  705. Balbulus, Notker !-
  706. Balcar, Milan pl
  707. Balcells, Joan pl
  708. Balcke, Frida Dorothea -!+d pl
  709. Balcomb, Stuart l
  710. Balcombe, Henry !*b- c
  711. Balcombe, Richard l
  712. Baldacci, Giovanna Bruna -!+ pl
  713. Baldacini, Antonio Luigi -!+ pl
  714. Baldacini, Luigi !*-! pl
  715. Baldamus, Emanuel -! pl
  716. Baldamus, Ferdinand -!+d pl
  717. Baldamus, Gustav pl
  718. Baldamus, Willy pl
  719. Baldan, Angelo !- pl
  720. Baldan, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  721. Baldano, Giovanni Lorenzo
  722. Baldassani, Andrea !*b-!+d pl
  723. Baldas, Louis -!+d pl
  724. Baldassare da Imola !*b-! pl
  725. Baldassari, Baldassare !*b-!+d pl
  726. Baldassari, Pietro !*b-!+d
  727. Baldassari, Rafael !-!+d pl
  728. Baldassini, Antonio Luigi -!+ pl
  729. Baldassini, Luigi !*-! pl
  730. Balde, Jakob c
  731. Baldelli, Antonio pl
  732. Baldello, Francisco pl
  733. Baldenecker, Aloys pl
  734. Baldenecker, Conrad I pl
  735. Baldenecker, Conrad II -!+d pl
  736. Baldenecker, Johann Baptist jr pl
  737. Baldenecker, Johann Baptist sr pl
  738. Baldenecker, Johann Daniel pl
  739. Baldenecker, Nikolaus -! pl
  740. Baldenecker, Ulrich !- pl
  741. Baldeon, Agustin !-! pl
  742. Balder, !*b-!+d pl
  743. Balderas, Agustin pl
  744. Balderi, A F !*b-!+d pl
  745. Balderi, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  746. Balderoni, Andrea !*b-!+d pl
  747. Baldershage, Bernt pl
  748. Balderston, Mahlon pl
  749. Baldewein, Johann Christian !-! pl
  750. Baldi, Benedetto !*b-!+d pl
  751. Baldi, Domenico !*b-!+d c
  752. Baldi, Giovanni Pietro !-! pl
  753. Baldi, Joao Jose !- pl
  754. Baldi, Lamberto c
  755. Baldi, M !*b-!+d c
  756. Baldi, Salvatore !*b-!+d pl
  757. Baldini, !*b-!+d pl
  758. Baldini, Carlo !-!+d c
  759. Baldini, Giovanni -! pl
  760. Baldini, Girolamo !*-!+ c
  761. Baldini, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  762. Baldini, Guglielmo !*-!+d pl
  763. Baldis, Simon de !*b-!+d pl
  764. Baldissera, Marino l
  765. Baldomir, Jose l
  766. Baldosini, Comagio !*b-!+d pl
  767. Baldovino, Amedeo pl
  768. Baldovinos, Teodoro -! pl
  769. Baldrati, Bartolomeo !*-!+d pl
  770. Baldratti, Michele !*b-!+d pl
  771. Baldres, Rafael !*b-!+d pl
  772. Baldridge, Terry pl
  773. Balducci, Giuseppe -! l
  774. Balduin, Noel !*b-!+d
  775. Balduino, Domenico !-!d pl
  776. Baldvinsson, Tryggvi l
  777. Baldwin, Antony II pl
  778. Baldwin, David pl
  779. Baldwin, Edwin T pl
  780. Baldwin, Esther Lillian pl
  781. Baldwin, John I !*b-
  782. Baldwin, John II l
  783. Baldwin, Minor pl
  784. Baldwin, Ralph Lyman pl
  785. Baldwin, Russell pl
  786. Baldwin, Samuel Atkinson pl
  787. Baldwin, Sidney Albertus pl
  788. Baldwyn, John !*b-!+d c
  789. Balen, Jentje Gerrits van pl
  790. Balen, Joan pl
  791. Balendonck, Armand pl
  792. Balent, Andrew pl
  793. Balerdi, Prudencio pl
  794. Balerdi, Victoriano l
  795. Bales, Alphonso !*-!
  796. Bales, Gerald
  797. Bales, Richard I !*b-!d
  798. Bales, Richard II pl
  799. Balestra, Raimundo !*b- pl
  800. Balestreri, Enrico l
  801. Balestrini, !*b-!+d pl
  802. Baley, Virko
  803. Balfe, Michael William
  804. Balfoort, Dirk pl
  805. Balfoort, Dirk Jacobus c
  806. Balfoort, Rob
  807. Balfour, Henry Lucas pl
  808. Baliani, Carlo !*b- pl
  809. Balicourt, Simon !*b-!+d l
  810. Baligand, Max von pl
  811. Balin, Izrail
  812. Balinconet, Simon !*b-!+d l
  813. Balini, !*b-!+d pl
  814. Balint, George pl
  815. Balissat, Jean l
  816. Balius Vila, Jaime !*- pl
  817. Baljozov, Rumen pl
  818. Balkashin, Yury pl
  819. Balkcom, Marion Christman pl
  820. Balkin, Alfred pl
  821. Balkom, Joost van
  822. Balkom, Sjef van pl
  823. Balkom, Toon van pl
  824. Ball, Charles !*b-!+d pl
  825. Ball, Charles Edward c
  826. Ball, Christopher
  827. Ball, Clifford pl
  828. Ball, Derek !- pl
  829. Ball, Eric p
  830. Ball, Ernest R l
  831. Ball, Frances de Villa pl
  832. Ball, Harry !- l
  833. Ball, Ida W b- pl
  834. Ball, J !*b-!+d pl
  835. Ball, Leonard l
  836. Ball, Louis pl
  837. Ball, Mary Charlotte pl
  838. Ball, Michael
  839. Ball, Rae Eleanor !*b-!+d pl
  840. Ball, S !*b-!+d pl
  841. Ball, Timothy pl
  842. Balla, Luigi dalla !*b-!+d pl
  843. Ballabene, Gregorio !-!+ pl
  844. Balladori, Angelo pl
  845. Ballagas, Patricio pl
  846. Ballamy, Iain l
  847. Ballands, Etta pl
  848. Ballanta, Nicholas George Julius -!d pl
  849. Ballantine, Edward pl
  850. Ballantine, Edward D pl
  851. Ballantine, Leonard !b- l
  852. Ballard, Carrie -!+d pl
  853. Ballard, Francis Drake pl
  854. Ballard, Gregory l
  855. Ballard, Levi Washington pl
  856. Ballard, Louis Wayne l
  857. Ballard, Pat pl
  858. Ballard, Pierre !*- c
  859. Ballard, Robert !*-!+d
  860. Ballard, Ronald Edward pl
  861. Ballarin, Romano !b-! pl
  862. Ballarini, Francesco !*b-! pl
  863. Ballarotti, Francesco !-! pl
  864. Ballaseyus, Franz Albert c
  865. Ballaseyus, Virginia pl
  866. Balle, Carl Christian Nicolaj l
  867. Ballein, H J !*b-!+d pl
  868. Ballek, Marco Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  869. Ballenger, Kenneth Leigh pl
  870. Ballereau, Jean pl
  871. Ballerini, Francesco !*b-! pl
  872. Balleron, Louis pl
  873. Balleron, Paul -! pl
  874. Balles, Alphonso !*-!
  875. Balles, Richard !*b-!d l
  876. Ballester, Bartomeu !-!d pl
  877. Ballester, Carmelo pl
  878. Ballester, J !*b-!+d pl
  879. Ballester, Manuel !b-d pl
  880. Ballesteros, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  881. Ballesteros, Francisco !*b-!+d pl
  882. Ballestra, Reimundo !*b- pl
  883. Ballestrini, !*b-!+d pl
  884. Ballet, William !*b-!+d l
  885. Balletti, Bernardino !*b-!+d l
  886. Balley, John !- pl
  887. Ballia, Giorgio !-!d pl
  888. Balliana, Franco pl
  889. Ballico, Mirko pl
  890. Ballicourt, Simon !*b-!+d l
  891. Balliere de Laisement, Denis pl
  892. Ballif, Claude l
  893. Ballig, Giorgio !-! pl
  894. Balliman, Raymond b- pl
  895. Ballin, Franz pl
  896. Balling, Karel pl
  897. Balling, Michael pl
  898. Ballinger, Cathryn l
  899. Ballini, !*b-!+d p
  900. Ballio, Emanuela l
  901. Ballio, Hilda !*b-!+d pl
  902. Ballioni, Girolamo !*-! pl
  903. Ballis, Oliviero !- l
  904. Ballivian, Adolfo pl
  905. Ballke, Jurgen pl
  906. Ballmann, Alois pl
  907. Ballmann, Heinrich !-! pl
  908. Ballmann, Johann Christian !*b-!+d pl
  909. Ballmann, Martin pl
  910. Ballmuller, Eduard !*b-!+d pl
  911. Ballo Tena, Teodoro pl
  912. Ballocchi, Luigi !- pl
  913. Ballon, Elisabeth pl
  914. Ballon, Juan Francisco !*b-!+d pl
  915. Ballon Farfan, Benigno pl
  916. Balloni, Giovanni Battista pl
  917. Ballosera, Luis !*b-!+d pl
  918. Ballou, Esther l
  919. Balls, Alphonso !*-!
  920. Balls, Richard !*b-!d l
  921. Balluff, August -! pl
  922. Balluff, Bernhard !- pl
  923. Balluff, Franz I pl
  924. Balluff, Franz II pl
  925. Balluff, Fridolin c
  926. Ballve, Jose Maria !*- pl
  927. Balmaekers, !*b-!+d c
  928. Balmer, Charles pl
  929. Balmer, Luc pl
  930. Balocchi, Luigi !- pl
  931. Balogh, Erno l
  932. Balogh, Jozsef
  933. Balogh, Louis pl
  934. Balogh, Stephan pl
  935. Balonchard, Camille !+b-!+d pl
  936. Balonchard, Savin -!+d pl
  937. Balorre, Charles de l
  938. Balov, Mukhadin -! pl
  939. Balsa, Damian !-!d pl
  940. Balsa, Jose !-! pl
  941. Balsach, Llorenc p
  942. Balsam, Artur pl
  943. Balsamino, Simone !*-!+d l
  944. Balsano, Giuseppe pl
  945. Balse, M W
  946. Balseiro Davila, Rafael pl
  947. Balshone Becze, Cathy pl
  948. Balsimelli, Paolo !- pl
  949. Balsimelli, Ulisse !- pl
  950. Balsis, Eduardas
  951. Balslev, Povl l
  952. Balsys, Eduardas
  953. Baltakas, Vykintas
  954. Baltan, Kid !-
  955. Baltar, Francisco !*b-!+d l
  956. Baltasar, Pelegrin -! pl
  957. Baltazarini, Baldassaro !*b-!
  958. Balthasar, Johann Paul c
  959. Balthasar, Karl pl
  960. Balthasar Florence, Henri Mathias pl
  961. Balthaus, Dirk
  962. Balthazar, Jean Luc pl
  963. Balthazar, Willy pl
  964. Baltin, Aleksandr pl
  965. Baltin, Hermann pl
  966. Baltramiejunaite, Jurate b- pl
  967. Baltz, Georg !*b-!+d pl
  968. Baltzar, Thomas !-
  969. Baltzell, Winton James pl
  970. Baltzer, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  971. Balucante, Tommaso pl
  972. Balutet, Marguerite -! pl
  973. Balvansky, Antal !*b-!+d pl
  974. Baly, William pl
  975. Balyozov, Rumen pl
  976. Balza Eguren, Salustiano pl
  977. Balzanelli, Alberto
  978. Balzano, Giuseppe pl
  979. Balzategui, Gregorio pl
  980. Balzer, Hugo c
  981. Balziani, Leonardo !*b-!+d c
  982. Balzola Emparanza, Miguel !*b- c
  983. Bambach, Paul Anton pl
  984. Bamberger, Guillaume -!+d pl
  985. Bamberger, Lilly -!+d pl
  986. Bamberger Sertorius, Lily pl
  987. Bamberger, Moritz pl
  988. Bamberger, Regina !*b-!+d pl
  989. Bambi, Pietro I !*b-!+d c
  990. Bambi, Pietro II pl
  991. Bambini, Arnaldo l
  992. Bambini, Eustachio !-! pl
  993. Bambini, Felice !-! pl
  994. Bambini, J B !-! pl
  995. Bamboschek, Giuseppe pl
  996. Bambridge, George Edmund pl
  997. Bambridge, William Samuel pl
  998. Bamer, Alfred pl
  999. Bamert, Matthias pl
  1000. Bamfi, Alfonso !*b-!+d pl
  1001. Bammer, Johannes l
  1002. Bampton, Claude pl
  1003. Bampton, Ruth pl
  1004. Ban, Joan Albert !-
  1005. Banaitis, Kazys pl
  1006. Banasik, Christian
  1007. Banaster, Gilbert !*b-! pl
  1008. Bance, Keith !b- pl
  1009. Bancer, Teresa pl
  1010. Banchieri, Adriano -!
  1011. Banchz, William pl
  1012. Banci, Giovanni !*-!+d
  1013. Bancius, L !*b-!+d pl
  1014. Banck, Carl l
  1015. Banck, Johann Carl Heinrich !b- pl
  1016. Bancquart, Alain p
  1017. Bancroft, B Richard pl
  1018. Bancroft, Hugh pl
  1019. Bancroft, Silas A pl
  1020. Band, Erich pl
  1021. Band, Lothar c
  1022. Band, Margaret Louise pl
  1023. Band, Richard pl
  1024. Bandara, Linda pl
  1025. Bandelloni, Luigi !*-!+d pl
  1026. Banderali, Davide pl
  1027. Banderas, Jose pl
  1028. Bandettini, Teresa c
  1029. Bandey, Ephraim pl
  1030. Bandiera, Lodovico !*b-!+d pl
  1031. Bandin, captain !*b-!+d pl
  1032. Bandini, Bandino I !*-!+d c
  1033. Bandini, Bandino II !*b-!+d pl
  1034. Bandini, Bernardino de !*b-!+d pl
  1035. Bandini, Bruno pl
  1036. Bandini, Eufemio !-! pl
  1037. Bandini, Giuliano !*b-!+d pl
  1038. Bandini, Pietro l
  1039. Bandini, Primo pl
  1040. Bandini, Uberto pl
  1041. Bando, Gyula -d l
  1042. Bandolim, Jacob do
  1043. Bandoni, Alfredo !- pl
  1044. Bandt, Rosalie l
  1045. Bandur, Jovan pl
  1046. Banegas, Jose !-!+d pl
  1047. Baneras, Francisco pl
  1048. Banes, Antoine pl
  1049. Banester, Gilbert !*b-! pl
  1050. Baneux, Gustave pl
  1051. Baneux, Jean !*b-!+d pl
  1052. Baneux, Paul Lambert !- pl
  1053. Banevich, Sergey pl
  1054. Banffy, Gyorgy pl
  1055. Banfi, Alfonso !*b-!+d pl
  1056. Banfi, Giulio !*-! l
  1057. Banfield, Raffaello de pl
  1058. Banfield, William
  1059. Bang, Billy
  1060. Bang, Maia pl
  1061. Bang, Mogens -! l
  1062. Bang, Ragnhild -! pl
  1063. Bang, Sophy !*b-!+d pl
  1064. Bang, Wenfu !-
  1065. Bangert, Emilius pl
  1066. Bani, Cosimo !*-!+d pl
  1067. Banister, Charles William pl
  1068. Banister, Gilbert !*b-! pl
  1069. Banister, Henry Charles pl
  1070. Banister, Jafery !*b- c
  1071. Banister, John jr l
  1072. Banister, John sr !*-
  1073. Bank, Carl l
  1074. Bank, Jacques
  1075. Bank, Joannes Antonius pl
  1076. Bank, Johann Carl Heinrich !b- pl
  1077. Banke, Harold William pl
  1078. Bankole, Ayo pl
  1079. Bankova Marinova, Angelina !-!+d pl
  1080. Bankovi, Gyula
  1081. Banks, Brian pl
  1082. Banks, Brian R l
  1083. Banks, Charles pl
  1084. Banks, Don
  1085. Banks, Harry Clay l
  1086. Banks, Ralph pl
  1087. Banks, Tony l
  1088. Banks Shapiro, Hilda pl
  1089. Bannelier, Charles c
  1090. Banner, Filippo !*b-!+d pl
  1091. Banner, Giovanni Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  1092. Banner, John !*b-!+d pl
  1093. Bannester, Jafery !*b- c
  1094. Banneux, Jean !*b-!+d pl
  1095. Bannink, Harry
  1096. Bannino, !*b-!+d pl
  1097. Bannister, Mary Jeanne pl
  1098. Bannister, Peter l
  1099. Bannwart, Josef pl
  1100. Banon, Manuel !-! pl
  1101. Banos, Gabriel Meliton !- pl
  1102. Banos, Roque
  1103. Banos Oteo, Ambrosio !b-!d pl
  1104. Bansch, !*b-!+d pl
  1105. Banshchikov, Gennady pl
  1106. Bantel, Otto l
  1107. Banter, Harald l
  1108. Banti, Ignazio !*b-!+d pl
  1109. Bantock, Granville
  1110. Bantz, Johann Andreas !*b-!+d pl
  1111. Bantzer, Claus
  1112. Banuelas, Roberto pl
  1113. Banulescu, Nicolae !- pl
  1114. Banwart, Jakob pl
  1115. Baptie, David pl
  1116. Baptist, Mr. !*b-
  1117. Baptista, Francisco !*-!+d c
  1118. Baptista, Francisco Xavier !*b- pl
  1119. Baptista, Giovanni !*b-!
  1120. Baptista, Gracia !*b-!+d l
  1121. Baptista, Johann !-! pl
  1122. Baptista, Juan !*-! pl
  1123. Baptista, Raphael pl
  1124. Baptiste I !*b-!+d pl
  1125. Baptiste II pl
  1126. Baptiste, Jean I
  1127. Baptiste, Jean II pl
  1128. Baptiste, Ludwig Albert Friedrich -!+ pl
  1129. Baptistelli, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  1130. Baptistin, Jean pl
  1131. Baqueiro Foster, Geronimo pl
  1132. Baquerin Martinez, Juan !*b-!+d pl
  1133. Baquerizo Moreno, Alfredo pl
  1134. Baquero, Cesar Humberto pl

  1135. Bar

  1136. Bar, Aimable Desire pl
  1137. Bar, Cristoph !*-!+d pl
  1138. Bar, du !*b-!+d pl
  1139. Bar, Edouard !*b-!+d pl
  1140. Bar, Eran el !b-
  1141. Bar, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  1142. Bar, Lothar -!+d pl
  1143. Bar, Roman pl
  1144. Bar Am, Benjamin -d pl
  1145. Bar Shira, Shlomo !- pl
  1146. Bar sur Aube, Bertrand de !*b-!+d pl
  1147. Bar Zimra, Simon !- pl
  1148. Bara, Rudolf pl
  1149. Barab, Seymour l
  1150. Barabashov, Vyacheslav -d pl
  1151. Baradaprana, Pravrajika pl
  1152. Baraggia, Giuseppe !b-!d pl
  1153. Baraglioli, Jean Pierre pl
  1154. Barahona, Isaac !- pl
  1155. Baraldi, C !*b-!+d pl
  1156. Baraldi, Ernesto I !b- pl
  1157. Baraldi, Ernesto II !b-! pl
  1158. Baraldi, Giovanni !- pl
  1159. Baraldi, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  1160. Baraldi, Paolo I !b-!+d pl
  1161. Baraldi, Paolo II !*-! pl
  1162. Baraldi, Paul !b-!+d pl
  1163. Barallo, Antonio !*-!+ pl
  1164. Baramishvili, Olga pl
  1165. Baranauskas, Marius
  1166. Baranda Reyes, Santiago pl
  1167. Barandiaran, Emiliano pl
  1168. Baraniecki, Robert !*b-!+d pl
  1169. Baraniecki, Robert Leo !*b-!+d c
  1170. Baranovic, Kresimir p
  1171. Barassi, Filippo !*b-!+d c
  1172. Barassi, Francesco !*b-!+d c
  1173. Barat, Alphonse !*-!+d pl
  1174. Barat, Edouard -! pl
  1175. Barat, Eliane !-!d l
  1176. Barat, Jacques -!d pl
  1177. Barat, Jean !*-!+d
  1178. Barat, Joseph Edouard l
  1179. Barata, Angel !*b-!+d pl
  1180. Baratello, Marino
  1181. Barati, George
  1182. Baratta, Arturo -! pl
  1183. Baratta, Carlo Maria pl
  1184. Baratta, Maria de pl
  1185. Baratti, Achille !*b-!+d pl
  1186. Barattini, Luigi !*b-!+d pl
  1187. Baratto, Paolo pl
  1188. Baravalle, Vittorio pl
  1189. Baraza, Juan !*b-!+d pl
  1190. Barba, Anselmo pl
  1191. Barba, Daniel dal pl
  1192. Barba, Domenico I !*-!+d pl
  1193. Barba, Domenico II !*b-!+d pl
  1194. Barba Bendad, Jose pl
  1195. Barba, Ignacio -!+d pl
  1196. Barbabietola, Marco Antonio pl
  1197. Barbacci, Rodolfo pl
  1198. Barbag, Seweryn Eugeniusz pl
  1199. Barbaglia, Ugo pl
  1200. Barbandt, Charles -!+d pl
  1201. Barbara, Henri pl
  1202. Barbara, Joan La
  1203. Barbara, Mateo !*b-!d c
  1204. Barbarini Lupus, Manfred !*-!+d pl
  1205. Barbarino, Bartolomeo !*-!+d
  1206. Barbati, Aniello pl
  1207. Barbatiello, Gaetano !*b-!+d pl
  1208. Barbatiello, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  1209. Barbato, Angelo !*b-!+d pl
  1210. Barbaud, Pierre pl
  1211. Barbazza, Andrea !- c
  1212. Barbe, Antoine sr !*b-
  1213. Barbe, Antoine jr !*-
  1214. Barbe, Antoine III !*-
  1215. Barbe, Helmut l
  1216. Barbe, Vladimir -!+d c
  1217. Barbedette, Hippolyte pl
  1218. Barbeler, Damian !-
  1219. Barbella, Domenico !*b-!+d pl
  1220. Barbella, Emanuele
  1221. Barbella, Francesco -!
  1222. Barber, Charlie !-
  1223. Barber, Chris pl
  1224. Barber, Clarence l
  1225. Barber, Frank pl
  1226. Barber, Gail pl
  1227. Barber, John pl
  1228. Barber, Leslie pl
  1229. Barber, Llorenc pl
  1230. Barber, Robert I !*b-!+d c
  1231. Barber, Robert II !*b-!+d c
  1232. Barber, Robert III !*-!+d c
  1233. Barber, Ruth -! c
  1234. Barber, Samuel
  1235. Barber, Simon pl
  1236. Barber, Stephen l
  1237. Barber Sanz, Vicente !*-!+d pl
  1238. Barbera, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  1239. Barbera, Carmelo de pl
  1240. Barbera, Francesco I -!+d pl
  1241. Barbera, Francesco II !*b-!+d pl
  1242. Barbera, Jose pl
  1243. Barbera, Mateo !*b-! pl
  1244. Barbereau, Auguste pl
  1245. Barberena, Vicente !-! c
  1246. Barberi, Carmelo de pl
  1247. Barberiis, Melchiore de !*b-!+d l
  1248. Barberini, !*b-!+d c
  1249. Barberini, Campanini !-
  1250. Barberio, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  1251. Barberis, Alberto l
  1252. Barberis, Mansi l
  1253. Barbero Casal, Pablo pl
  1254. Barbero Largacha, Pablo !b-!d pl
  1255. Barbet, Adam !*b-!+d pl
  1256. Barbetta, Giulio Cesare !*b-!+d l
  1257. Barbey, Rudolf -!+d c
  1258. Barbi, Alice pl
  1259. Barbi, Carlo !b-! pl
  1260. Barbi, Matteo !*b-!+d pl
  1261. Barbici, Michele !-! pl
  1262. Barbier, Jean -!+d pl
  1263. Barbier, Frederic Etienne pl
  1264. Barbier, Rene pl
  1265. Barbiera, Baldassare la !*b-!+d pl
  1266. Barbiera, Francesco la !*b-!+d pl
  1267. Barbierato, Carlo pl
  1268. Barbieri, Born. !*b-!+d pl
  1269. Barbieri, Carlo !*b-!+d pl
  1270. Barbieri, Carlo Emanuele pl
  1271. Barbieri, Corrado pl
  1272. Barbieri, Domenico !*-!+d pl
  1273. Barbieri, Francesco !*-! pl
  1274. Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo
  1275. Barbieri, Gato
  1276. Barbieri, Giovanni -! pl
  1277. Barbieri, Giovanni Angelo !*b-!+d c
  1278. Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco !*-! pl
  1279. Barbieri, Girolamo l
  1280. Barbieri, Lucio -! l
  1281. Barbieri, Luigi !*b-!+d pl
  1282. Barbieri, Mario pl
  1283. Barbieri, Vincenzo !*b-!+d pl
  1284. Barbigi, Michele !-! pl
  1285. Barbillion, Jeanne -! pl
  1286. Barbingant !*b-!+d
  1287. Barbini, Silvio !*b-!+d pl
  1288. Barbion, Eustachius !*b-! l
  1289. Barbireau, Jacobus !b-
  1290. Barbiretti, Arrigo pl
  1291. Barbirolli, John
  1292. Barbirolli, Lorenzo !-!+d pl
  1293. Barbitonsoris !*b-!+d pl
  1294. Barblan, Guglielmo pl
  1295. Barblan, Otto l
  1296. Barblan Opienska, Lydia pl
  1297. Barbogles, Marios pl
  1298. Barbosa, Arias !*- pl
  1299. Barbosa, Cacilda Borges pl
  1300. Barbosa, Sergio de Sousa pl
  1301. Barbosa de Araujo, Damiao pl
  1302. Barbosi, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  1303. Barbosio, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  1304. Barbot, Paul pl
  1305. Barboteu, Georges l
  1306. Barbour, Florence Newell pl
  1307. Barbour, J Berni pl
  1308. Barbour, James Murray pl
  1309. Barboza, Pedro pl
  1310. Barboza, Raul
  1311. Barbu, Filaret pl
  1312. Barca, Francisco !*-!+ c
  1313. Barca, Mihail pl
  1314. Barce, Ramon
  1315. Barcelata, Lorenzo pl
  1316. Barcellini, Franck
  1317. Barcelo, Jaime Alberto pl
  1318. Barcelona, fray Antonio de pl
  1319. Barcelona, fray Jose de I !*-! pl
  1320. Barcelona, fray Jose de II !- pl
  1321. Barcena, Augusto !-! pl
  1322. Barcenas, !*b-!+d pl
  1323. Barcewicz, Stanislaw pl
  1324. Barchet, Siegfried
  1325. Barchfeld, Moritz !*b-!+d pl
  1326. Barchunov, Pavel l
  1327. Barcia Martinez, Jose !-!+d pl
  1328. Barcicki, A J !*b-!+d pl
  1329. Barclaius, Ludovicus !- c
  1330. Barclay, Arthur pl
  1331. Barclay, Eddie pl
  1332. Barclay, Ludwig !- c
  1333. Barclay, Paul pl
  1334. Barclay, Robert pl
  1335. Barco, Juan del pl
  1336. Barco Gallego, Miguel del l
  1337. Barcone, Federico !-!d pl
  1338. Barcone, Francesco !*- pl
  1339. Barcone, Michele -!d pl
  1340. Barcroft, Emma Dorothea pl
  1341. Barcroft, George !*b-! pl
  1342. Barcroft, Thomas !*b-!+d pl
  1343. Barczyk, Edmund -!+d pl
  1344. Bard, Vivien pl
  1345. Bardac, Raoul l
  1346. Bardanashvili, Iosif l
  1347. Bardaxi, Jose !*b-!+d c
  1348. Bardel, Germaine -!+d pl
  1349. Bardelli, Santino !*b-!+d pl
  1350. Bardez, Jean Michel !- pl
  1351. Bardi, Agustin
  1352. Bardi, Benno pl
  1353. Bardi, Giovanni de -!
  1354. Bardin, Maurice !- pl
  1355. Bardos, Lajos
  1356. Bardou, Etienne !- pl
  1357. Barea, Andres !b-
  1358. Barech, Fermin !-! pl
  1359. Barecha, Miguel !*-! pl
  1360. Barenska, Jan !- l
  1361. Bareo, V !*b-!+d pl
  1362. Barera, Rodiano !- pl
  1363. Bares, !*b-!+d pl
  1364. Bares, Basile pl
  1365. Bares, Peter l
  1366. Baretti, Antonio !-!+d pl
  1367. Baretti, Pietro !b-! l
  1368. Barfoed, Soren !- l
  1369. Barford, Morris !*b- pl
  1370. Barford, Thomas pl
  1371. Barford, Vernon pl
  1372. Bargaglia, Scipione !*-!+d pl
  1373. Bargai, Armand Avraham !- pl
  1374. Barge, Wilhelm c
  1375. Bargeld, Blixa
  1376. Bargellini, Francesco !b-!+d pl
  1377. Barges, Antonio !*-!+d pl
  1378. Bargheer, Carl Louis pl
  1379. Bargiel, Woldemar
  1380. Bargielski, Zbigniew l
  1381. Bargnani, Ottavio !*-!+ pl
  1382. Bargonio, Tomaso !*b-!+d pl
  1383. Bargues, !*b-!+d pl
  1384. Bargues, Antoine !*-!+d pl
  1385. Barham, George pl
  1386. Barham Gould, Arthur Cyril pl
  1387. Bari, Giuseppe di !*b-!+d pl
  1388. Bari, Marco di
  1389. Barias, Jesus pl
  1390. Baridone, Giovanni Battista !*b-!+d pl
  1391. Baridoni, Fritz !*b-!+d pl
  1392. Barie, Augustin l
  1393. Baril, Jeanne pl
  1394. Barili, Alfredo l
  1395. Barillault, !*b-!+d pl
  1396. Bariller, Charles !*b-!+d pl
  1397. Bariller, Jules pl
  1398. Bariller, Robert b- l
  1399. Barilli, Antonio pl
  1400. Barilli, Bruno pl
  1401. Barilli, Giovanni !*b-!+d c
  1402. Baring Gould, Sabine l
  1403. Barino, Jan !*b-!+d pl
  1404. Bariolla, Ottavio !*b-!+d l
  1405. Bariona, Madelka Simon !*-!+
  1406. Barison, Cesare pl
  1407. Barisons, Peteris
  1408. Barius, Christophorus !*b-!+d c
  1409. Barizel, Dominique Charles pl
  1410. Barja Iglesias, Angel l
  1411. Bark, Jan pl
  1412. Barkani, Chaim pl
  1413. Barkauskas, Vytautas
  1414. Barkauskas, Vytautas V jr !-
  1415. Barker, Alfred pl
  1416. Barker, Blue Lu
  1417. Barker, Clement pl
  1418. Barker, Elizabeth !- pl
  1419. Barker, George
  1420. Barker, Jennifer Margaret pl
  1421. Barker, John !*b- pl
  1422. Barker, John Goddard pl
  1423. Barker, Laura Wilson pl
  1424. Barker, Michael pl
  1425. Barker, Patricia !*b- pl
  1426. Barker, Paul l
  1427. Barker, Philip Stanley pl
  1428. Barker, Phyllis Elizabeth pl
  1429. Barker, Raymond l
  1430. Barker, Reginald Stanley !*b-!+d pl
  1431. Barker, Robert Collyer pl
  1432. Barker, Thomas l
  1433. Barker, Warren pl
  1434. Barkhausen, Albert -!+d pl
  1435. Barkhudarian, Sarkis pl
  1436. Barkhudaryan, Sergey pl
  1437. Barkin, Elaine pl
  1438. Barkl, Michael pl
  1439. Barklund, Irma pl
  1440. Barkus, Albert pl
  1441. Barkworth, John pl
  1442. Barlesi, Settimio !-! pl
  1443. Barletta, Alejandro pl
  1444. Barley, Peter pl
  1445. Barlow, Arthur pl
  1446. Barlow, Betty pl
  1447. Barlow, Clarence
  1448. Barlow, David p
  1449. Barlow, Fred pl
  1450. Barlow, Harold pl
  1451. Barlow, Howard pl
  1452. Barlow, Klarenz
  1453. Barlow, Michael pl
  1454. Barlow, Samuel pl
  1455. Barlow, Stephen l
  1456. Barlow, Sybil pl
  1457. Barlow, Wayne l
  1458. Barmann, Carl I !- pl
  1459. Barmann, Carl jr pl
  1460. Barmann, Carl sr
  1461. Barmann, D G !*b-!+d pl
  1462. Barmann, Heinrich
  1463. Barmann, Johann Baptist pl
  1464. Barmann, Johann Friedrich !*b-!+d pl
  1465. Barmas, Issay pl
  1466. Barmotin, Semyon pl
  1467. Barnard, Charlotte Alington l
  1468. Barnard, d'Auvergne pl
  1469. Barnard, Ernest W !*b-!+d pl
  1470. Barnard, George D l
  1471. Barnard, John I !*b-!+d
  1472. Barnard, John II
  1473. Barnard, Keith pl
  1474. Barnard, Mark pl
  1475. Barnard, William pl
  1476. Barnbeck, Friedrich pl
  1477. Barnby, Joseph
  1478. Barne, Kitty pl
  1479. Barnea, Aviassaf !- l
  1480. Barnea, Uri l
  1481. Barnekow, Christian
  1482. Barnekow, Deborah pl
  1483. Barner, Andreas pl
  1484. Barnes, Albert pl
  1485. Barnes, Anna Mary pl
  1486. Barnes, Archie pl
  1487. Barnes, Bernard l
  1488. Barnes, Bertha L pl
  1489. Barnes, Bryan !-! pl
  1490. Barnes, Clifford P pl
  1491. Barnes, Edward pl
  1492. Barnes, Edward Shippen pl
  1493. Barnes, Edwin pl
  1494. Barnes, Frederick M pl
  1495. Barnes, Frederick Edwin pl
  1496. Barnes, Gerald pl
  1497. Barnes, Hellen pl
  1498. Barnes, Henry Ward Beecher pl
  1499. Barnes, Herbert pl
  1500. Barnes, Homer pl
  1501. Barnes, J Foster pl
  1502. Barnes, James
  1503. Barnes, Larry l
  1504. Barnes, Marshall pl
  1505. Barnes, Milton
  1506. Barnes, Phillip Homer pl
  1507. Barnes, Wade pl
  1508. Barnes Wood, Zilpha pl
  1509. Barnet, Robert A c
  1510. Barnett, Alice pl
  1511. Barnett, Carol pl
  1512. Barnett, Charles l
  1513. Barnett, David pl
  1514. Barnett, Emma pl
  1515. Barnett, Eva Ware pl
  1516. Barnett, Helen M pl
  1517. Barnett, James George !*- pl
  1518. Barnett, John pl
  1519. Barnett, John Francis pl
  1520. Barnett, Joseph Alfred pl
  1521. Barnett, Laurel pl
  1522. Barnett, Maughan pl
  1523. Barnett, Neville George pl
  1524. Barnett, Wally pl
  1525. Barnett, William H pl
  1526. Barnewitz, Carl -!+d pl
  1527. Barney, Nancy b- l
  1528. Barnhouse, Charles Lloyd pl
  1529. Barni, Camillo -! pl
  1530. Barnicott, Olinthus pl
  1531. Barnicott, Reginald pl
  1532. Barns, Ethel pl
  1533. Barnwell, !*b-!+d pl
  1534. Baro Bori, Mariano !*b-!+d pl
  1535. Baro Guell, Jose pl
  1536. Barochius, Adeodatus !*b-!+d c
  1537. Baroffio, Angelo pl
  1538. Barolsky, Mikhail -!d pl
  1539. Baron, Ernst Gottlieb l
  1540. Baron, Eugene -!d pl
  1541. Baron, John Herschel pl
  1542. Baron, Maurice pl
  1543. Baron, Maurus pl
  1544. Baron, Michel !- pl
  1545. Baron, Paul pl
  1546. Baron, Rudolf !*b-!+d pl
  1547. Baron Supervielle, Susana pl
  1548. Baronchelli, Aristide pl
  1549. Baronchelli, Arturo pl
  1550. Baronchelli, Luigi pl
  1551. Baronchelli, Nestore pl
  1552. Baronchuk, Vladimir -!d pl
  1553. Barone, Mark pl
  1554. Baroni, Claudio !b-
  1555. Baroni, Fernando !- pl
  1556. Baroni, Filippo !*-!+d pl
  1557. Baroni, Giuseppe pl
  1558. Baroni, Leonora !- c
  1559. Baroni Cavalcabo, Giulia pl
  1560. Baroni Pasolini, Silvia !-! pl
  1561. Baronijan, Vartkes pl
  1562. Baronnet, Jean pl
  1563. Baronville, !*b-!+d pl
  1564. Barotius, Scipio !*b-!+d pl
  1565. Barovick, Fred pl
  1566. Barozzi, Adeodatus !*b-!+d c
  1567. Barozzi, Giovanni !*- pl
  1568. Barr, Albert pl
  1569. Barr, John Gladden pl
  1570. Barr, Raphael pl
  1571. Barra, Hotinet !*-!+d p
  1572. Barra, Leonardo !*-!+d pl
  1573. Barra, Seamas de !- pl
  1574. Barrachat, !*b-!+d pl
  1575. Barrachina, Clemente !*-! pl
  1576. Barrachina, Joaquin !*-!+d pl
  1577. Barrachina, Gonzalo pl
  1578. Barraclough, Henry pl
  1579. Barraclough, Peter !b- pl
  1580. Barradas, Carmen pl
  1581. Barradas, Jose -! pl
  1582. Barrado, Augusto -!d pl
  1583. Barraga, Franz Joseph !- pl
  1584. Barraga, Franz Seraphim !- pl
  1585. Barragan, Andres !-! pl
  1586. Barragan, Raul -!+d pl
  1587. Barraine, Elsa
  1588. Barraja, Enrico pl
  1589. Barranco, Alejandro pl
  1590. Barranco, Cecilia pl
  1591. Barrandt, Charles -!+d pl
  1592. Barraque, Jean
  1593. Barraquero, Carlos Washington -! pl
  1594. Barras, Paul l
  1595. Barratt, Augustus pl
  1596. Barratt, Carol !- pl
  1597. Barratt, Edgar pl
  1598. Barratt, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  1599. Barratt, John pl
  1600. Barratt, John Purvior pl
  1601. Barraud, Henry
  1602. Barre, Anthony -!+d pl
  1603. Barre, Antonio !*-!+d pl
  1604. Barre, Apollon pl
  1605. Barre, Charles Henri de la !*-!+ pl
  1606. Barre, Joseph de la -! pl
  1607. Barre, Leonard !*-!+d pl
  1608. Barre, Michel de la !*-
  1609. Barre, Pierre de la jr -! pl
  1610. Barre, Pierre de la sr pl
  1611. Barreau, Gisele pl
  1612. Barredo, Federico !*b-!+d pl
  1613. Barrejon, Eduardo !*b-!+d pl
  1614. Barrell, Bernard pl
  1615. Barrell, Edgar Alden jr pl
  1616. Barrell, Edgar Alden sr pl
  1617. Barrell, Joyce pl
  1618. Barrella, Luigi !*b- pl
  1619. Barrenechea, Julian pl
  1620. Barreno Cobo, Rodrigo pl
  1621. Barrense Dias, Jose
  1622. Barrera, M !*b-!+d pl
  1623. Barrera, Rodiano !*- pl
  1624. Barrera, Tomas
  1625. Barrera Garcia, Jose !-!+d pl
  1626. Barrera Gomez, Enrique pl
  1627. Barrera Ximenez, Jose Antonio l
  1628. Barrere, Georges pl
  1629. Barret, Apollon Marie pl
  1630. Barret, Leonard !*-!+d pl
  1631. Barreto, Homero da Sa pl
  1632. Barrett, Betsy l
  1633. Barrett, Francis John pl
  1634. Barrett, Gavin !b- pl
  1635. Barrett, James E pl
  1636. Barrett, Joanne pl
  1637. Barrett, John !*b-!
  1638. Barrett, Lewis pl
  1639. Barrett, Natasha
  1640. Barrett, Reginald pl
  1641. Barrett, Richard
  1642. Barrett, Roger L pl
  1643. Barrett, William Alexander pl
  1644. Barrett Ayres, Reginald pl
  1645. Barrett Lennard, Emma pl
  1646. Barrett Lennard, Maria pl
  1647. Barrett Thomas, Nancy pl
  1648. Barrett Watson, Robert pl
  1649. Barreuther, Harry J pl
  1650. Barri, Ivo !*b-!+d pl
  1651. Barri, Odoardo !-! l
  1652. Barrie, George pl
  1653. Barrientos, Maria pl
  1654. Barriere, Antonio !- pl
  1655. Barriere, Etienne Bernard Joseph -!d pl
  1656. Barriere, Francoise pl
  1657. Barriere, Gaston !*b-!+d pl
  1658. Barriere, Jean
  1659. Barriere, Jean Baptiste pl
  1660. Barriere, Jose I pl
  1661. Barriere, Jose II !*b-! pl
  1662. Barrili, Ettore !b- pl
  1663. Barrincloe, Bernard Martin !*b-!+d pl
  1664. Barrington, John pl
  1665. Barrio, Juan Manuel del !- c
  1666. Barrios, Andres pl
  1667. Barrios, Angel
  1668. Barrios, Gilbert R c
  1669. Barrios Mangore, Agustin
  1670. Barrios Morales, Aurelio pl
  1671. Barris, Carlos !- pl
  1672. Barris, Harry
  1673. Barritt, Kenneth pl
  1674. Barro, Joao de
  1675. Barroilhet, Paul pl
  1676. Barroll, Edward C l
  1677. Barron, Bebe
  1678. Barron, E Evelyn pl
  1679. Barron, George !*b-!+d pl
  1680. Barron, Kenny
  1681. Barron, Louis
  1682. Barron, M A !*b-!+d pl
  1683. Barron, Robert Louis pl
  1684. Barros, Juan Cayetano !*b-!+d pl
  1685. Barros, Nadile de -!+d pl
  1686. Barroso, Antonio !*b- pl
  1687. Barroso, Ary l
  1688. Barroso, Jose pl
  1689. Barroso, Sergio l
  1690. Barroso Neto, Joaquim Antonio pl
  1691. Barrow, de Vere pl
  1692. Barrow, Edgar L l
  1693. Barrow, John !*b-!+d pl
  1694. Barrow, Robert George pl
  1695. Barrow, Thomas pl
  1696. Barrowes, pl
  1697. Barrows, John l
  1698. Barrows, Margaret pl
  1699. Barrull, Miguel !*-!+d c
  1700. Barrus, Charles pl
  1701. Barrus, Lamar pl
  1702. Barrvis, !*b-!+d pl
  1703. Barry, Augustus pl
  1704. Barry, Charles Ainslie pl
  1705. Barry, Emilie de !*b-!+d pl
  1706. Barry, Frank E pl
  1707. Barry, Frederick pl
  1708. Barry, Gerald
  1709. Barry, Henry pl
  1710. Barry, John
  1711. Barry, Richard pl
  1712. Barry, Yvo !*b-!+d pl
  1713. Barrymore, Lionel pl
  1714. Barsam, Jizchak pl
  1715. Barsanti, Donato pl
  1716. Barsanti, Francesco !-!
  1717. Barsanti, Serse !*-!+d pl
  1718. Barshai, Rudolf
  1719. Barsitsky, Adam !*b-!+d l
  1720. Barsitsky, Grigory !*b-!+d l
  1721. Barskovs, Olegs pl
  1722. Barsotti, Marcel
  1723. Barsotti, Tommaso Gasparo -! pl
  1724. Barsukov, Sergey -!+d l
  1725. Bart, Guillaume !*b-!+d pl
  1726. Bart, Jan pl
  1727. Bart, Lionel l
  1728. Barta, !*b-!+d pl
  1729. Barta, Jiri pl
  1730. Barta, Josef !*- pl
  1731. Barta, Lubor
  1732. Barta Gale, Luis -d pl
  1733. Bartali, Antonio
  1734. Bartalus, Istvan pl
  1735. Bartay, Andras pl
  1736. Bartay, Ede pl
  1737. Bartay, Istvan !*b-!+d pl
  1738. Bartei, Girolamo !*-!+d pl
  1739. Bartei, Raffaele -!d c
  1740. Bartek, Steve pl
  1741. Bartel, Adolf !b-! c
  1742. Bartel, Arno !*b-!+d pl
  1743. Bartel, August !-! c
  1744. Bartel, Ernst !b-! c
  1745. Bartel, Gunther pl
  1746. Bartel, Hans Christian l
  1747. Bartelink, Bernard pl
  1748. Bartels, Johann Nicolaus -!+d pl
  1749. Bartels, Wolfgang von pl
  1750. Barten, Dick !- pl
  1751. Bartenschlag, Michael !b-! pl
  1752. Barter, Juan !*- l
  1753. Bartev, Sahag b-
  1754. Bartevian, Ara !-! l
  1755. Barth, !*b-!+d pl
  1756. Barth, Christian Frederik pl
  1757. Barth, Christian Samuel pl
  1758. Barth, Dietrich !- pl
  1759. Barth, Elise !*-! pl
  1760. Barth, Friedrich August Wilhelm pl
  1761. Barth, Gustav pl
  1762. Barth, Hans pl
  1763. Barth, Hans Joachim -! pl
  1764. Barth, Harald -!+d pl
  1765. Barth, Heinrich I !b-!+d pl
  1766. Barth, Heinrich II !b-!d c
  1767. Barth, Heinrich III !-! c
  1768. Barth, Henri Alois pl
  1769. Barth, Karl Heinrich pl
  1770. Barth, Kurt -d pl
  1771. Barth, L !*b-!+d c
  1772. Barth, Lambert !*b-!+d pl
  1773. Barth, Nicolaas -d pl
  1774. Barth, Otto pl
  1775. Barth, Paul I pl
  1776. Barth, Paul II pl
  1777. Barth, Philip pl
  1778. Barth, Richard pl
  1779. Barth, Wilhelm !*b-!+d pl
  1780. Barth, Wilhelm Herman pl
  1781. Bartha, Josef !*- pl
  1782. Barthalay, Raoul !-d pl
  1783. Barthali, Antonio
  1784. Barthe, Adrien Grat-Norbert pl
  1785. Barthe, Engelhard pl
  1786. Barthel, Johann Christian pl
  1787. Barthel, Karl pl
  1788. Barthel, Ursula pl
  1789. Barthelemon, Cecilia Maria l
  1790. Barthelemon, Francois Hippolyte pl
  1791. Barthelemon, Maria pl
  1792. Barthelemy I, !*b-!+d pl
  1793. Barthelemy II, !*b-!+d pl
  1794. Barthelemy, Richard l
  1795. Barthelmes, Heinrich pl
  1796. Barthelson, Joyce pl
  1797. Barthlme, Anton pl
  1798. Barthoffer, !*b-!+d pl
  1799. Barthold, Johann Thomas !- pl
  1800. Bartholdi, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  1801. Bartholdy, Conrad Johan pl
  1802. Bartholini, Orindio !*-! l
  1803. Bartholomae, Hubert pl
  1804. Bartholomaeus Comes !*b-!+d pl
  1805. Bartholomaus, Edmund pl
  1806. Bartholomee, Pierre
  1807. Bartholomei Comes !*b-!+d pl
  1808. Bartholomeus, Alphonse pl
  1809. Bartholomeus, Jan Nicolaas pl
  1810. Bartholomeus, Theophile -!+d pl
  1811. Bartholomeus, Willem Victor pl
  1812. Bartholomew, Ann Sheppard pl
  1813. Bartholomew, Marshall
  1814. Bartholomew, Robert pl
  1815. Bartholoni, Jean pl
  1816. Bartich, Edmund pl
  1817. Bartich, Richard pl
  1818. Bartich, Rudolf pl
  1819. Bartkeviciute, Rasa !- pl
  1820. Bartkowski, Ian !*b- pl
  1821. Bartl, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  1822. Bartlema, Klaas pl
  1823. Bartleman, James pl
  1824. Bartles, Alfred pl
  1825. Bartlet, John !*b-!+d
  1826. Bartlett, Agnes !*b-!+d pl
  1827. Bartlett, Agnes P pl
  1828. Bartlett, Edward pl
  1829. Bartlett, Ethel pl
  1830. Bartlett, Eugene Monroe jr pl
  1831. Bartlett, Eugene Monroe sr pl
  1832. Bartlett, Floy Little pl
  1833. Bartlett, Gertrude pl
  1834. Bartlett, Gertrude J pl
  1835. Bartlett, Homer Newton l
  1836. Bartlett, James Carroll l
  1837. Bartlett, Lawrence pl
  1838. Bartlett, Maro pl
  1839. Bartlett, Mary pl
  1840. Bartlett, Phillips Payson -! c
  1841. Bartlett, Walter pl
  1842. Bartlett Davis, Jessie !- pl
  1843. Bartley, Ewart pl
  1844. Bartling, Stefan l
  1845. Bartmuss, Max -!+d pl
  1846. Bartmuss, Richard l
  1847. Bartmuss, Woldemar !b-! c
  1848. Barto, Tzimon pl
  1849. Bartoh, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  1850. Bartok, Bela
  1851. Bartolaia, Lodovico !*-!d pl
  1852. Bartolani, Federico !*b-!+d pl
  1853. Bartolazzi, Bartolomeo !-!+ l
  1854. Bartolena, G !*b-!+d pl
  1855. Bartoli, Amedeo !*b- pl
  1856. Bartoli, Erasmo !- pl
  1857. Bartoli, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  1858. Bartoli, Giovan Battista !*b-!+d pl
  1859. Bartoli, Rene *- pl
  1860. Bartoli, Salvador b-!+d pl
  1861. Bartolini, Francesco !*-!+d pl
  1862. Bartolini, Orindio !*-! l
  1863. Bartolini, Serafino !*b-!+d pl
  1864. Bartolo, Erasmo !- pl
  1865. Bartolomei, Antonio pl
  1866. Bartolommei, Girolamo !-
  1867. Bartoloni, Federigo !*b-!+d pl
  1868. Bartolotti, Angelo Michele !*-!+d
  1869. Bartolozzi, Bruno
  1870. Bartolucci, Adelelmo !- pl
  1871. Bartolucci, Domenico l
  1872. Bartolucci, Ruffino !*-! pl
  1873. Barton, Ann I pl
  1874. Barton, Ann II pl
  1875. Barton, David pl
  1876. Barton, Dee l
  1877. Barton, Frank pl
  1878. Barton, Hanus
  1879. Barton, Isaac pl
  1880. Barton, Leonard pl
  1881. Barton, Louis c
  1882. Barton, Marmaduke pl
  1883. Barton, Todd l
  1884. Barton, William !b-! pl
  1885. Bartorelli, Benedetto !*b-!+d pl
  1886. Bartos, Frantisek pl
  1887. Bartos, Jan Zdenek p
  1888. Bartos, Josef -! pl
  1889. Bartosch, Josef pl
  1890. Bartosch, Karl pl
  1891. Bartoszewski, Walenty !b-!d c
  1892. Bartovsky, Josef pl
  1893. Bartow, Nevett l
  1894. Bartsch, C F !*b-!+d c
  1895. Bartsch, Franz Xaver pl
  1896. Bartsch, Josef pl
  1897. Bartscherer, Michael !*-!+d pl
  1898. Bartschi, Werner l
  1899. Bartschmid, Alois pl
  1900. Bartulis, Vidmantas
  1901. Bartumeus, Ramon pl
  1902. Barturen, Pedro Pascual pl
  1903. Bartz, Johannes pl
  1904. Bartzer, Emmerich pl
  1905. Bartzer, Richard pl
  1906. Baruch, Maurice !*b-!+d pl
  1907. Baruch Maldonado, Rene c
  1908. Baruzzi, Tito !-! pl
  1909. Baruzzi, Turibio pl
  1910. Barvik, Miroslav pl
  1911. Barvinsky, Vasily pl
  1912. Barvynsky, Vasyl pl
  1913. Barwald, Hellmut pl
  1914. Barweisch, Ferdinand !-! pl
  1915. Barwick, John !b-!+d pl
  1916. Barwirz, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  1917. Barwolf, Louis !- pl
  1918. Barykin, Nikolay !*b-!+d c
  1919. Baryphonus, Henricus pl
  1920. Barz, Karl pl
  1921. Barzenick, Walter c
  1922. Barzhansky, Adolf !- pl
  1923. Barzi, Luigi !*-!+d pl

  1924. Bas

  1925. Bas, Andres de !*b-!+d pl
  1926. Bas, Giulio pl
  1927. Bas, Louis -!d pl
  1928. Basachs, Llorens !*b-!*b pl
  1929. Basachs, Segimon !*b- pl
  1930. Basalo, Rosa Maria de !-! pl
  1931. Basarab, Mircea pl
  1932. Basarabeanu, Ghelasie !- pl
  1933. Basart, Robert pl
  1934. Baschel, L !*b-!+d pl
  1935. Baschieri, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  1936. Baschny, Jozef !*b-!+ pl
  1937. Basconi, Domenico !*b-!+d pl
  1938. Bascuas Suarez, Felipe pl
  1939. Bascunana, Carlos !*b-!+d pl
  1940. Bascunana Ferrer, Marti !- pl
  1941. Basden, David pl
  1942. Baseggio, Lorenzo !*b-!+d pl
  1943. Baseia, Joan !*-!+d pl
  1944. Baselli, Constantino !*b-!+d pl
  1945. Baselt, Fritz pl
  1946. Baseo, Francesco Antonio !*-!+d pl
  1947. Basetti, Amedeo !*b-!+d pl
  1948. Basevi, Abramo pl
  1949. Basevi, Agnes !*b-!+d pl
  1950. Basevi, Marco !*b-!+d pl
  1951. Basevi Cervetto, Giacobbe !b-!
  1952. Basevi Gambarana, Andrea !- l
  1953. Baseya, Joan !*-!+d pl
  1954. Bash, Mendel pl
  1955. Bashaw, Howard !- l
  1956. Bashinskas, Justinas pl
  1957. Bashir, Djamil !-! pl
  1958. Bashmakov, Leonid
  1959. Basie, Count
  1960. Basil Burjo, Ramon !- pl
  1961. Basil Oliveras, Francesc pl
  1962. Basilaya, Aleksandr -d pl
  1963. Basile, Donato !*b-!+d pl
  1964. Basile, Francesco pl
  1965. Basile, Lelio !*-!+d pl
  1966. Basileiades, Stephanos pl
  1967. Basili, Andrea pl
  1968. Basili, Basilio -! pl
  1969. Basili, Francesco I !*-!+d pl
  1970. Basili, Francesco II pl
  1971. Basili, Giovanni !*b-!+d c
  1972. Basili, Pasquale Antonio !*-!+d pl
  1973. Basilicus, Ciprianus !*-!d pl
  1974. Basily, Francesco I !*-!+d pl
  1975. Basily, Francesco II pl
  1976. Basin, Adrien !*b-!+d pl
  1977. Basin, Pierre !*b- pl
  1978. Basinskas, Justinas pl
  1979. Basio, Lorenzo !*b-!+d pl
  1980. Basiron, Philippe !*-!d
  1981. Baskerville, David l
  1982. Baskeyfield, George c
  1983. Baskin, Richard pl
  1984. Basler, !*b-!+d pl
  1985. Basler, Hans Rudolf pl
  1986. Basler, Paul l
  1987. Basler, Vladislav pl
  1988. Baslon, Johannes !*b-!+d
  1989. Basner, Veniamin l
  1990. Basney, Eldon l
  1991. Basny, Walter Carl
  1992. Bason, !*b-!+d pl
  1993. Bass, Claude L pl
  1994. Bass, George l
  1995. Bass, Roderich pl
  1996. Bass, Warner S pl
  1997. Bassa, Jose I !*b-!+d pl
  1998. Bassa, Jose II !b-!d pl
  1999. Bassa, Jose III !-!+d c
  2000. Bassainge, Jacob de !*b-!+d pl
  2001. Bassal, Raymond !b-! pl
  2002. Bassanesi, Giovanni Battista !*b-!+d pl
  2003. Bassange, Gilles de !*-! pl
  2004. Bassani, Francesco !*b-!+d
  2005. Bassani, Geronimo !*-!+d pl
  2006. Bassani, Giovanni !*b-
  2007. Bassani, Giovanni Battista !*-
  2008. Bassani, Girolamo !*-!+d pl
  2009. Bassani, Orazio !*-d
  2010. Bassani, Paolo Antonio !b-!d
  2011. Bassani, Ugo pl
  2012. Bassano, Augustine !*b-
  2013. Bassano, Cristoforo !*b-!+d pl
  2014. Bassano, Giovanni !-
  2015. Bassano, Girolamo
  2016. Bassano, Jerome
  2017. Bassano, Jeronimo
  2018. Bassano, Lodovico !*b- pl
  2019. Bassatta, Arturo !-! pl
  2020. Bassee, Adam de la !*b- pl
  2021. Basseggio, Lorenzo !*b-!+d pl
  2022. Bassena, Aegidius !*-!+d pl
  2023. Bassenge, Colette c
  2024. Bassenge, Ulrich
  2025. Bassengius, Aegidius !*-!+d pl
  2026. Bassere, Johannes !*b-!+d pl
  2027. Basset, Jehan !*b- pl
  2028. Basset, Laurenz !*b-!+d pl
  2029. Basset, Vicente !*b-!+d pl
  2030. Bassett, Anita pl
  2031. Bassett, Elizabeth pl
  2032. Bassett, Karolyn Wells pl
  2033. Bassett, Leslie
  2034. Bassett, Reginald H pl
  2035. Bassetti, Giovanni Battista !*b-!+d l
  2036. Bassford, William Kipp pl
  2037. Bassi, abbate !*b-!+d pl
  2038. Bassi, Adolfo !*-! pl
  2039. Bassi, Adriano !- l
  2040. Bassi, Angelo pl
  2041. Bassi, Dionisio pl
  2042. Bassi, Felice !*-!+d pl
  2043. Bassi, Luigi I
  2044. Bassi, Luigi II !b- l
  2045. Bassi, Nicola I !- pl
  2046. Bassi, Nicola II !- pl
  2047. Bassiak, Cyrus !-
  2048. Bassiano, R D !*b-!+d pl
  2049. Bassing, Louis b-d c
  2050. Bassiron, Philippe !*b-!d
  2051. Bassler, Johann Georg pl
  2052. Bassman, George
  2053. Basso, Andrea !*b-!+d pl
  2054. Basso, Josep !-! pl
  2055. Bassols, Miguel !-!d pl
  2056. Bassot, Anne Marie -!+d pl
  2057. Bast, Wolfgang l
  2058. Bastan, Johann !*b-!+d
  2059. Bastard, Jean !*b-!+d pl
  2060. Bastard, William !- pl
  2061. Bastart, Audefroi le !*b-!+d
  2062. Baste, Karl !*b-!+d pl
  2063. Basteau, Jean Francois pl
  2064. Basten, Johann !*b-!+d
  2065. Bastia, Pascal pl
  2066. Bastiaans, Johan !-! c
  2067. Bastiaans, Johannes Gijsbertus
  2068. Bastian, J !*b-!+d pl
  2069. Bastianelli, Giannotto pl
  2070. Bastida, !*b-!+d pl
  2071. Bastida, Antonio !*b-! pl
  2072. Bastida Chic, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  2073. Bastida Chic, Ignacio !*b-!+d pl
  2074. Bastida Chic, Luciano !*b-!+d pl
  2075. Bastida, Carlos de la pl
  2076. Bastida, Juan de la !*b-!+d pl
  2077. Bastide, Paul pl
  2078. Bastien, Jane Smisor pl
  2079. Bastin, Eugene (pere) !*b-!+d pl
  2080. Bastin, Eugene fils !*b-!+d pl
  2081. Bastin, Fernand !-!+d pl
  2082. Bastini, Vincentio -! pl
  2083. Bastock, Chris !- l
  2084. Baston, John !*b-!+d
  2085. Baston, Josquin !*b-!+d
  2086. Bastos, Hernani pl
  2087. Bastow, Amy !b- pl
  2088. Bastyr, Hans !- pl
  2089. Basuel, G !*b-!+d pl
  2090. Basuel, Philippe Claude !*b-!+d pl
  2091. Basurco, Eusebio !-!d pl
  2092. Basz, Roderich pl
  2093. Baszny, Jozef !*b-!+ pl
  2094. Bat Chaim, Ora
  2095. Bataille, Gabriel !*b-
  2096. Bataille, Prudent pl
  2097. Bataillie, Luc pl
  2098. Batallas, !*b-!+d c
  2099. Batardi, Antonio !*b-!+ pl
  2100. Batashov, Konstantin pl
  2101. Batchelar, Daniel
  2102. Batchelder, Alice Coleman pl
  2103. Batchelder, Frederick William pl
  2104. Batchelder, James pl
  2105. Batchelder, John C c
  2106. Batchelor, Chappell pl
  2107. Batchelor, Christopher !-
  2108. Batchelor, Harry Edward c
  2109. Batchelor, John Arthur c
  2110. Batchelor, Peter !- l
  2111. Batchelor, Phyllis l
  2112. Batchelor, William H -!+d pl
  2113. Bate, Horace Alfred pl
  2114. Bate, Jennifer l
  2115. Bate, Stanley pl
  2116. Batellie, !*b-!+d pl
  2117. Batello, !*b-!+d pl
  2118. Bateman, Christian Henry pl
  2119. Bateman, Robert !*b- pl
  2120. Bateman, Robert Bowness pl
  2121. Batenborgh, Jacques di !*b-!+d c
  2122. Bates, Anna Craig pl
  2123. Bates, Django
  2124. Bates, Francis pl
  2125. Bates, George pl
  2126. Bates, Joah pl
  2127. Bates, Katherine Lee pl
  2128. Bates, Robert l
  2129. Bates, Thomas !*b- pl
  2130. Bates, Tyler pl
  2131. Bates, William !*b- pl
  2132. Bates, William Henry I !- pl
  2133. Bates, William Henry II l
  2134. Bateson, Thomas !*-
  2135. Bath, Emil !*b-!+d pl
  2136. Bath, Hubert
  2137. Bath, John Hubert pl
  2138. Bath, Samuel pl
  2139. Bathenus, Petrus !*b-!+d pl
  2140. Bathioli, Franz !*b-! l
  2141. Bathory Kitsz, Dennis pl
  2142. Bathurst, William Hiley pl
  2143. Bati, Luca !- pl
  2144. Batifort, Octave pl
  2145. Batik, Roland l
  2146. Batioli, Francesco !*b-!+ l
  2147. Batis, signor !*b-!
  2148. Batista, Andres pl
  2149. Batista, Jose pl
  2150. Batiste, Edouard
  2151. Batistin, Jean pl
  2152. Batiz, Enrique pl
  2153. Batka, Antonin c
  2154. Batka, Evermond pl
  2155. Batka, Jan Nepomuk pl
  2156. Batka, Lorenz !-! c
  2157. Batka, Martin !*b-! pl
  2158. Batka, Michal -!d c
  2159. Batka, Richard c
  2160. Batka, Vaclav -!+d c
  2161. Batka, Vavrinec !-! c
  2162. Batka, Wenzel -!+d c
  2163. Baton, Charles !*-!+ pl
  2164. Baton, Henri !*b-!+ c
  2165. Baton, Rene
  2166. Bator, Szidor pl
  2167. Batori, Lajos pl
  2168. Batorin, Pyotr !*b- pl
  2169. Batson, Arthur Wellesley pl
  2170. Batstone, Philip l
  2171. Batt, Mike l
  2172. Batta, Alexandre pl
  2173. Batta, Clementine pl
  2174. Batta, Jean Laurent pl
  2175. Batta, Joseph -! pl
  2176. Batta, Pierre c
  2177. Battagel, Marco !*b-!+d pl
  2178. Battagini, Giuseppina !*b-!+d pl
  2179. Battaglia, Lodovico !*b-!+d pl
  2180. Battaglia, Mauritio !*b-!+d pl
  2181. Battaglia, Settimio !- pl
  2182. Battaglini, Emanuele !-! c
  2183. Battaglioni, Mario -!+ pl
  2184. Battaglioni, Orazio !*b-!+d pl
  2185. Battanchon, Felix pl
  2186. Battell, Ralph b- c
  2187. Battell, Robbins pl
  2188. Batten, !*b-!+d pl
  2189. Batten, Adrian -!
  2190. Batten, John Henry pl
  2191. Battenberg, Beatrice Princess of pl
  2192. Battenhausen, William pl
  2193. Batterham, Andrew pl
  2194. Battey, Beatrice Ball -! pl
  2195. Batthyany, Jozsef c
  2196. Batti, Francesco !*-!+d pl
  2197. Battiato, Franco
  2198. Battiferri, Luigi !*-!+d l
  2199. Battinelli, Gennaro !*b-!+d pl
  2200. Battino, !*b-!+d pl
  2201. Battioli, Francesco !*b-!+ l
  2202. Battirelli, Teofilo !*-!+d pl
  2203. Battishill, Jonathan
  2204. Battista, Luigi !*b-!+d pl
  2205. Battista, Tonino pl
  2206. Battista, Vincenzo pl
  2207. Battistelli, Giorgio
  2208. Battisti, Aleardo -!d pl
  2209. Battistini, Gaudenzio pl
  2210. Battistini, Giacomo !*b- pl
  2211. Battistini, Giuseppe !*- c
  2212. Battistini, Mattia l
  2213. Battistoni, Enrico l
  2214. Battke, Max pl
  2215. Battle, Ralph b- c
  2216. Battle, Rex pl
  2217. Battley, Harford pl
  2218. Battmann, Jacques Louis pl
  2219. Batton, Desire Alexandre pl
  2220. Batton, L !*b-!+d pl
  2221. Battoni, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  2222. Battram, Florence Colby pl
  2223. Battre, H !*b-!+d pl
  2224. Batts, Harry Vincent William pl
  2225. Battu, Pantaleon pl
  2226. Batty, !*b-!+d pl
  2227. Battye, James pl
  2228. Batu, !*b-!+d pl
  2229. Batuyev, Zhigzhit pl
  2230. Batya, Naomi pl
  2231. Batyuk, Porfiry pl
  2232. Bau, Elise !*b-!+d pl
  2233. Bauchlen, Hermann -!+d pl
  2234. Baubet Gony, Pierre -d l
  2235. Bauck, Matthias Andreas pl
  2236. Bauck, Wilhelm pl
  2237. Bauckholt, Carola p
  2238. Bauckner, Arthur -d pl
  2239. Baud Bovy, Samuel pl
  2240. Baud Cayron, Jeanne -!+d pl
  2241. Baudach, Ulrich -d pl
  2242. Baudelaire, Charles
  2243. Baudendistel, Kathryn pl
  2244. Baudet, Gundemaro pl
  2245. Baudinis, Baudinus de !*b-!+d c
  2246. Baudiot, Nicolas pl
  2247. Baudiss, Bernhard Theodor !b-!d pl
  2248. Baudiss, Immanuel Gottfried !b-!d pl
  2249. Baudissin, Sophie Wolf !-! pl
  2250. Baudo, Serge l
  2251. Baudonck, Louis Joseph -! pl
  2252. Baudot, Gregorio pl
  2253. Baudrexel, Alto !*b-!+d pl
  2254. Baudrexel, Philipp Jakob pl
  2255. Baudrier, Emile -!d l
  2256. Baudrier, Yves pl
  2257. Baudringer, David Adam !*b-!+d l
  2258. Baudron, Antoine Laurent pl
  2259. Bauer, Adolf I !*-!+d pl
  2260. Bauer, Adolf II pl
  2261. Bauer, Alois !-! pl
  2262. Bauer, Anton pl
  2263. Bauer, Antoni !*b-!+d c
  2264. Bauer, Arthur W pl
  2265. Bauer, Billy
  2266. Bauer, Catharina !-! pl
  2267. Bauer, Charles F pl
  2268. Bauer, Charlotte !*b-!+d pl
  2269. Bauer, Eduard -! pl
  2270. Bauer, Emil pl
  2271. Bauer, Emilie Frances pl
  2272. Bauer, Ernst I !*b-!+d c
  2273. Bauer, Ernst II -!*d c
  2274. Bauer, Ferdinand pl
  2275. Bauer, Ferdinand Friedrich Wilhelm !*b- pl
  2276. Bauer, Franz I !*b-!+d pl
  2277. Bauer, Franz II -!+d pl
  2278. Bauer, Franz III -!d pl
  2279. Bauer, Franz Martinovich !- pl
  2280. Bauer, Franz Sales Alexander c
  2281. Bauer, Friedrich -!+d pl
  2282. Bauer, Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand !*b- pl
  2283. Bauer, Georg Christoph !*b-!+d pl
  2284. Bauer, Guilherme pl
  2285. Bauer, Gunter !- pl
  2286. Bauer, Hannes -!+d pl
  2287. Bauer, Harold pl
  2288. Bauer, Heinrich -!+d pl
  2289. Bauer, Herman !*b-!+d pl
  2290. Bauer, J F !*b-!+d pl
  2291. Bauer, J F F !*b-!+d pl
  2292. Bauer, Jerzy pl
  2293. Bauer, Johann I !*b-!+d pl
  2294. Bauer, Johann II !*b-!+d pl
  2295. Bauer, Johann III !b-!d pl
  2296. Bauer, Johann Baptist -!+d pl
  2297. Bauer, Johann Friedrich !*-!+d c
  2298. Bauer, Josef pl
  2299. Bauer, Joseph Anton pl
  2300. Bauer, Leopold pl
  2301. Bauer, Marion Eugenie l
  2302. Bauer, Martin !*b-!+d pl
  2303. Bauer, Michael I !*b-! pl
  2304. Bauer, Michael II pl
  2305. Bauer, Moritz pl
  2306. Bauer, Peter !*b-!+d pl
  2307. Bauer, Robert pl
  2308. Bauer, Ross
  2309. Bauer, Ulrich pl
  2310. Bauer, Walter pl
  2311. Bauer, William pl
  2312. Bauerle, Hermann pl
  2313. Bauermann, W !*b-!+d pl
  2314. Bauermeister, Jean Philippe l
  2315. Bauernfeind, Erich l
  2316. Bauernfeind, Hans pl
  2317. Bauernfeind, Johann !*b-!+d c
  2318. Bauernfeind, Stephan !b- l
  2319. Bauersachs, Christian Friedrich c
  2320. Bauersachs, Fred M l
  2321. Bauerschmidt I, l'aine !*b-!+d l
  2322. Bauerschmidt II, le cadet !*b-!+d pl
  2323. Bauerschmidt, Franz Ludwig !*b- pl
  2324. Bauerschmidt, Johann Georg !*b-d c
  2325. Baues, Ludwig -!+d pl
  2326. Baughen, Michael l
  2327. Bauld, Alison
  2328. Bauldeweyn, Noel !*b-!+d
  2329. Baum, Alfred pl
  2330. Baum, Bernie l
  2331. Baum, Carl E pl
  2332. Baum, Catharina !*- pl
  2333. Baum, Hermann -!d pl
  2334. Baum, Ignaz !*b-!+d pl
  2335. Baum, Josef !*b-!+d pl
  2336. Baum, Karl
  2337. Baum, Katharina !*- pl
  2338. Baum, Richard pl
  2339. Baum, Russell pl
  2340. Bauman, Jon l
  2341. Baumanis, Karlis pl
  2342. Baumann, Alexander pl
  2343. Baumann, Emmanuel !*b-!d pl
  2344. Baumann, Erasmus !-! pl
  2345. Baumann, Eric !- pl
  2346. Baumann, Erik pl
  2347. Baumann, Hans pl
  2348. Baumann, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  2349. Baumann, Herbert
  2350. Baumann, Hermann
  2351. Baumann, Johann I !*b-!+d pl
  2352. Baumann, Johann II !b-! pl
  2353. Baumann, Johannes pl
  2354. Baumann, Josef !*b-!+d pl
  2355. Baumann, Joseph I !-!+d pl
  2356. Baumann, Joseph II !*b-!+d pl
  2357. Baumann, Joseph III !*b-!+d pl
  2358. Baumann, Karl Friedrich pl
  2359. Baumann, Louis !- pl
  2360. Baumann, Ludwig pl
  2361. Baumann, Max !*b-!+d pl
  2362. Baumann, Max Georg
  2363. Baumann, Otto A pl
  2364. Baumann, Paul Christoph !*b-!+d c
  2365. Baumann, Sebaldus !*-!+d pl
  2366. Baumbach, Adolph pl
  2367. Baumbach, Friedrich August pl
  2368. Baumbach, Roberto pl
  2369. Baumberg, Johann Christoph !*b-!+d pl
  2370. Baumeister, Georg Ottomar !-!+d pl
  2371. Baumel, Herbert c
  2372. Baumer, Erdmann !-! c
  2373. Baumer, Friedrich !-!+ c
  2374. Baumer, Friedrich Samuel !b- c
  2375. Baumer, Henry pl
  2376. Baumert, Leberecht l
  2377. Baumfelder, Friedrich pl
  2378. Baumgart, Albert -!+d pl
  2379. Baumgart, Expedit Felix pl
  2380. Baumgarten, Chris -!+d pl
  2381. Baumgarten, Erwin -!d pl
  2382. Baumgarten, Ferdinand !*b-!+d pl
  2383. Baumgarten, Georg !*b-!+d pl
  2384. Baumgarten, Gotthilf von pl
  2385. Baumgarten, Johann !*b- c
  2386. Baumgarten, Karl Friedrich !*-! pl
  2387. Baumgarten, Philipp !*b-!+d pl
  2388. Baumgartner, !*b-!+d pl
  2389. Baumgartner, Albert pl
  2390. Baumgartner, August pl
  2391. Baumgartner, Edwin pl
  2392. Baumgartner, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  2393. Baumgartner, Hermann pl
  2394. Baumgartner, Hope Leroy pl
  2395. Baumgartner, Jean Paul l
  2396. Baumgartner, Johann Baptist !- pl
  2397. Baumgartner, Joseph !*b-!+d pl
  2398. Baumgartner, Matthias !b- pl
  2399. Baumgartner, Max !*b-!+d pl
  2400. Baumgartner, Roland pl
  2401. Baumgartner, Stephan l
  2402. Baumgartner, Walter pl
  2403. Baumgartner, Wilhelm l
  2404. Baumgras, Irene -! pl
  2405. Baumhauer, Georg !*b-!+d c
  2406. Baumhorter, Maurus !*b-!+d pl
  2407. Baumilas, Vitolis l
  2408. Baumker, Wilhelm c
  2409. Baumle, Dieter l
  2410. Baumont, Chantal de !b- pl
  2411. Baumuller, Joseph !*-!+d pl
  2412. Baun, Christian !*b-!+d pl
  2413. Baur, Alphons !*b-!+d pl
  2414. Baur, Antonio pl
  2415. Baur, Barthelemy pl
  2416. Baur, Charles Alexis !- pl
  2417. Baur, Ferdinand !*b-!+d pl
  2418. Baur, Franz !*b-!+d pl
  2419. Baur, Irmela -! pl
  2420. Baur, Jakob c
  2421. Baur, Jean pl
  2422. Baur, John pl
  2423. Baur, Jurg
  2424. Baur, Rudolf Eugen -d pl
  2425. Baurans, Pierre !-! l
  2426. Bauriegel, Johann Christian -! pl
  2427. Bauriegel, Johann Christoph -! pl
  2428. Bausch, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  2429. Bause, Arndt pl
  2430. Bausemer, Michael pl
  2431. Baussen, Henri de !*-!+d pl
  2432. Bausset, Alexandre de !*b-!+d pl
  2433. Baussnern, Dietrich von l
  2434. Baussnern, Waldemar von l
  2435. Baustetter, Etienne Guillaume Conrad !- pl
  2436. Baustetter, Jan Thomas !*-! pl
  2437. Baustetter, Johann Konrad !*b-!+d pl
  2438. Baustian, Otto pl
  2439. Bautista, Bonifacio pl
  2440. Bautista, Francisco !*-!+d c
  2441. Bautista, Juan !*-! pl
  2442. Bautista, Julian
  2443. Bautista Monterde, Bernardino b-
  2444. Bauwens, Alphonse !*b- l
  2445. Bauwens, Jos -d pl
  2446. Bauwens, Josse !-! pl
  2447. Bauza, Cosme -!+d pl
  2448. Bauzin, Pierre Philippe pl
  2449. Bavagnoli, Manlio pl
  2450. Bavattini, G !*b-!+d pl
  2451. Bavdek, Dusan
  2452. Bavel, Zamir l
  2453. Baveri, Edoardo -! pl
  2454. Baverini, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  2455. Bavicchi, John l
  2456. Baviera Borbon, Jose Eugenio de c
  2457. Baviero, Gasparo !*b-!+d pl
  2458. Bavin, Claude !*b-!+d c
  2459. Bavykin, Nikolay !*b-!+d
  2460. Bawden, Clarence -! pl
  2461. Bawden, George Carlile l
  2462. Bawden, William Carlile -!d l
  2463. Bawden, Rupert !-
  2464. Bawens, F !*b-!+d pl
  2465. Bawr, Sophie pl
  2466. Bax, Arnold
  2467. Bax, Jean Baptiste Alexandre pl
  2468. Bax, Leonard pl
  2469. Bax, Lincoln !- pl
  2470. Bax, Saint-Yves pl
  2471. Baxter, Frederick Nathaniel pl
  2472. Baxter, John !*b-!+d l
  2473. Baxter, Leigh l
  2474. Baxter, Les
  2475. Baxter, Lincoln pl
  2476. Baxter, Timothy Richard pl
  2477. Bay, abbe de !*b-!+d c
  2478. Bay, Arndt !- pl
  2479. Bay, Hans pl
  2480. Bay, Rudolph pl
  2481. Bay, Victor pl
  2482. Bay, William Johnston pl
  2483. Bayakhunov, Bakir pl
  2484. Bayart, Konstanz !*b-!+d c
  2485. Baychekuyev, Abdin Mutayevich !- pl pl
  2486. Bayco, Fredric
  2487. Bayer, Andreas !-! pl
  2488. Bayer, Anton I !b-!+d pl
  2489. Bayer, Anton II pl
  2490. Bayer, Bathja -! c
  2491. Bayer, Carl !*b-!+d pl
  2492. Bayer, Eduard pl
  2493. Bayer, Francis l
  2494. Bayer, Friedrich pl
  2495. Bayer, Guillaume !b-! pl
  2496. Bayer, Hanns pl
  2497. Bayer, Hieronymus !*b-!+d pl
  2498. Bayer, Jakob !*b-!+d pl
  2499. Bayer, Josef
  2500. Bayer, Joseph Daniel !*b-!+d pl
  2501. Bayer, Joseph von !*b-! pl
  2502. Bayer, Karoline !-! c
  2503. Bayer, Marcelino pl
  2504. Bayer, Philipp Julius -!+d pl
  2505. Bayer, Roland !- l
  2506. Bayer, Wilhelm !b-! pl
  2507. Bayer, Zdenko -!+d pl
  2508. Bayer Vetessy, George pl
  2509. Bayerdorfer, Adam Friedrich !*-!d pl
  2510. Bayert, Georg !*b-!+d pl
  2511. Bayes, Nora pl
  2512. Bayetov, Musa pl
  2513. Bayev, Anatoly !b-!d pl
  2514. Bayeva, Vera pl
  2515. Bayezid II, sultan
  2516. Bayford, Frank pl
  2517. Baylach, Jorge pl
  2518. Bayle, Francois
  2519. Bayles, Philip pl
  2520. Bayless, John l
  2521. Bayley, Clowes pl
  2522. Bayley, Daniel jr !- c
  2523. Bayley, Daniel sr c
  2524. Bayley, Robert Charlton -! pl
  2525. Bayley, William
  2526. Baylis, Lilian Mary pl
  2527. Bayliss, Colin l
  2528. Baylon, Aniceto !*b- l
  2529. Baylor, Eugene pl
  2530. Baylor, Murray pl
  2531. Baylos Albeniz, Moises pl
  2532. Bayly, Anselm !- c
  2533. Bayly, Thomas Haynes pl
  2534. Bayne, Mary Ancele pl
  2535. Baynes, Sydney l
  2536. Baynham, Cyril pl
  2537. Baynon, Arthur pl
  2538. Baynov, Tomislav l
  2539. Bayntine, C !*b-!+d pl
  2540. Baynton Power, Henry pl
  2541. Baynton Power, Olive pl
  2542. Bayo, Francisco Javier !*b-! pl
  2543. Bayolo, Armando pl
  2544. Bayon Louis, Marie Emmanuelle !- pl
  2545. Bayoras, Feliksas
  2546. Bayr, Georg !-! pl
  2547. Bayr, Jerzy !-! pl
  2548. Bayreuth, Wilhelmine von
  2549. Bayrhammer, Maurus c
  2550. Bazan, Oscar pl
  2551. Bazant, Carl von pl
  2552. Bazant, Jaromir pl
  2553. Bazavan, Gheorghe -d pl
  2554. Bazea, Joan !*-!+d pl
  2555. Bazelaire, Paul l
  2556. Bazelon, Irwin l
  2557. Bazetti, Amedeo !*b-!+d pl
  2558. Bazhansky, Porfiry pl
  2559. Baziavelli, A R D Z !*b-!+d pl
  2560. Bazilescu, Stefan pl
  2561. Bazille, Auguste c
  2562. Bazin, Francois l
  2563. Bazin, Gustave I pl
  2564. Bazin, Gustave II pl
  2565. Bazin, Joseph !*-!d pl
  2566. Bazin, Mlle !*b-!+d pl
  2567. Baziron, Philippe !*b-!d
  2568. Bazlik, Miroslav pl
  2569. Bazylik, Cyprian !*-!d pl
  2570. Bazzani, Francesco Maria !*b-!+ pl
  2571. Bazzi, Girolamo !*b-!+d pl
  2572. Bazziavelli, A R D Z !*b-!+d pl
  2573. Bazzini, Antonio
  2574. Bazzini, Francesco !- pl
  2575. Bazzini, Natale !*-!
  2576. Bazzoni, Giovanni Luigi !-! pl

  2577. Bea

  2578. Beach, Amy
  2579. Beach, Bennie l
  2580. Beach, Bruce C pl
  2581. Beach, Priscilla -! pl
  2582. Beach, John Parsons pl
  2583. Beach, Perry W pl
  2584. Beadell, Robert Morton pl
  2585. Beahm, Jacquelyn pl
  2586. Beaks, Brian Harold James !-!+d c
  2587. Beal, Bernice pl
  2588. Beal, Jeff
  2589. Beal, John pl
  2590. Beal, Joseph Carleton -! pl
  2591. Beal, Newton c
  2592. Beale, Charles James pl
  2593. Beale, David Brooks pl
  2594. Beale, Frederic Fleming pl
  2595. Beale, James pl
  2596. Beale, John -!+d pl
  2597. Beale, Thomas Willert !- pl
  2598. Beale, William pl
  2599. Beall, John pl
  2600. Beals, Edward pl
  2601. Beamer, Helen Desha pl
  2602. Beamish, Sally
  2603. Bean, Mabel pl
  2604. Beancourt, P A !*b-!+d pl
  2605. Beard, Ivy pl
  2606. Beard, John !- pl
  2607. Beard, Katherine pl
  2608. Beard, Leslie Lois pl
  2609. Beard, Richard !*b-!+d pl
  2610. Bearden, Daniel !*b-!+d pl
  2611. Bearder, John pl
  2612. Beardmore, Maria Frances pl
  2613. Beardwell, David pl
  2614. Beare, !*b-!+d pl
  2615. Bearer, Elaine pl
  2616. Bearez, Jean !*b- c
  2617. Bearn, Rene de !b-!
  2618. Bearsley, William !*b-!+d c
  2619. Beaser, Robert
  2620. Beasley, Ian !*b- c
  2621. Beasley, Rule pl
  2622. Beat, Janet pl
  2623. Beata Maria Ana de Jesus, Antonio de la !*b-!+d pl
  2624. Beath, Betty
  2625. Beaton, Isabella pl
  2626. Beatson, John c
  2627. Beattie, James c
  2628. Beattie, James Hay c
  2629. Beaty, !*b-!+d pl
  2630. Beaty, Daniel pl
  2631. Beau, Luise Adolpha le
  2632. Beaucamp, Albert pl
  2633. Beaucamp, Henri pl
  2634. Beauchamp, Pierre I !*b-!+d c
  2635. Beauchamp, Pierre II -! pl
  2636. Beauchamp, Fleurette c
  2637. Beauchamps, Pierre -! pl
  2638. Beauchant, Pierre -! pl
  2639. Beauchemin, Marie Cecile -!+d c
  2640. Beaucourt, Louise de !*b-!+d pl
  2641. Beaufays, Jean Marie pl
  2642. Beaufranchet, Fernand de pl
  2643. Beaugeais, Katia pl
  2644. Beauguieres, E !*b-!+d pl
  2645. Beauharnais, Hortense de pl
  2646. Beaujean, Joseph -d c
  2647. Beaujoyeulx, Balthasar de !*b-!
  2648. Beaulaigue, Barthelemy !b-!+d pl
  2649. Beaulieu, Desire pl
  2650. Beaulieu, Edith !- pl
  2651. Beaulieu, Eustorg de !*- pl
  2652. Beaulieu, Girard de !*b-!+d pl
  2653. Beaulieu, John pl
  2654. Beaulieu, Joseph pl
  2655. Beaulieu, Lambert de !*b-!+d c
  2656. Beaulieu, Margaret Zender pl
  2657. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin pl
  2658. Beaumarchais, Perrot de !*b-!+d
  2659. Beaumefort, Charles de !*b-!+d pl
  2660. Beaumesnil, Henriette Adelaide Villard de pl
  2661. Beaumez, Raoul pl
  2662. Beaumont, !*b-!+d c
  2663. Beaumont, Adrian pl
  2664. Beaumont, Alex S !- pl
  2665. Beaumont, Geoffrey pl
  2666. Beaumont, Gilles de !*b-!+d c
  2667. Beaumont, John pl
  2668. Beaumont, Kerry pl
  2669. Beaumont, Vivian pl
  2670. Beaunois, !*b-!+d c
  2671. Beauplan, Amedee de pl
  2672. Beaupre, de !*b-!+d pl
  2673. Beaupuis, Giuseppe de -! pl
  2674. Beaurans, Pierre !b-!d l
  2675. Beauregard, Melle Marie de !*b-!+d c
  2676. Beauregard, Textu de !*b-!+d c
  2677. Beausseron, Johannes de !*- pl
  2678. Beauvarlet, Henricus !*-! pl
  2679. Beauvarlet Charpentier, Jacques Marie pl
  2680. Beauvarlet Charpentier, Jean Jacques pl
  2681. Beavan, William !b-!+d c
  2682. Beaver, Jack
  2683. Beaver, Raymond pl
  2684. Beavers, Kevin
  2685. Beazley, James Charles pl
  2686. Beber, Ambrosius !*b-!+d pl
  2687. Beberus, Virginia pl
  2688. Bebey, Francis
  2689. Becaccia, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  2690. Becak, Tomas c
  2691. Becaud, Gilbert
  2692. Beccadelli, Carlo !*b-!+d pl
  2693. Beccantini, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  2694. Beccari, Fabio !*-!+d pl
  2695. Beccaria, Giuseppe I !*b-!+d pl
  2696. Beccaria, Giuseppe II pl
  2697. Beccatelli, Giovanni Francesco pl
  2698. Becce, Giuseppe
  2699. Beccherini, Giuseppe -d pl
  2700. Becchi, Antonio di -!+d pl
  2701. Becerra, Gustavo pl
  2702. Becerra, Teofilo !-! pl
  2703. Becerra Casanovas, Roger pl
  2704. Becerra de Aguado, Dolores !*b-!+b pl
  2705. Bech, Arne b- pl
  2706. Bechara, Mauricio pl
  2707. Beche, Jean Louis !b-!+d
  2708. Beche, Maurice -!+d pl
  2709. Bechefort, Jehannes de !*b-!+d pl
  2710. Bechem, !*b-!+d pl
  2711. Bechem, Johannes !*b-!+d pl
  2712. Becher, Alfred Julius pl
  2713. Becher, Heinrich b-d l
  2714. Becher, Josef c
  2715. Becher, Max -!+d c
  2716. Becheri, Roberto pl
  2717. Becherini, Giuseppe -d pl
  2718. Bechert, Ernst pl
  2719. Bechert, Paul -d pl
  2720. Bechet, Sidney
  2721. Bechgaard, Julius pl
  2722. Bechler, Johann Christian pl
  2723. Bechler, William Ferdinand pl
  2724. Bechon, !*b-!+d l
  2725. Becht, Carl Heinrich !-!+d pl
  2726. Becht, Henry Charles !-!+d pl
  2727. Bechtel, Frederick pl
  2728. Bechtel, Helmut -!d pl
  2729. Beck, !*b-!+d pl
  2730. Beck, Albert pl
  2731. Beck, Anthony !*b- pl
  2732. Beck, Bartholomaeus !*b-!+d c
  2733. Beck, Christian Friedrich !*b-!+d
  2734. Beck, Christophe pl
  2735. Beck, Conrad
  2736. Beck, David !- l
  2737. Beck, Eberhard !- pl
  2738. Beck, Franz Ignaz
  2739. Beck, Frederick pl
  2740. Beck, Friedrich August !*b-!+d pl
  2741. Beck, Georg !*b-!+d pl
  2742. Beck, Gottfried Joseph pl
  2743. Beck, Heinrich Valentin pl
  2744. Beck, J B !*b-!+d pl
  2745. Beck, Jeremy
  2746. Beck, Joanne !*b-!+d pl
  2747. Beck, Jochen pl
  2748. Beck, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  2749. Beck, Johann Eberhard !-!d pl
  2750. Beck, Johann Hector !*b-!+d pl
  2751. Beck, Johann Heinrich pl
  2752. Beck, Johann Philipp !*b- pl
  2753. Beck, Johannes pl
  2754. Beck, John H pl
  2755. Beck, John Ness pl
  2756. Beck, Lullus -!d c
  2757. Beck, M J !*b-!+d pl
  2758. Beck, Martha pl
  2759. Beck, Matthias pl
  2760. Beck, Paul I !*b-!+d pl
  2761. Beck, Paul II !*b- pl
  2762. Beck, Pleickard Karl !*b-!+d pl
  2763. Beck, Reinhold Immanuel pl
  2764. Beck, Sarah Hatton -!+d pl
  2765. Beck, Stephen David pl
  2766. Beck, Sydney c
  2767. Beck, Theodore pl
  2768. Beck, Thomas pl
  2769. Beck, Zeno pl
  2770. Beck Slinn, Edgar pl
  2771. Becke, graf von !*b-!+d c
  2772. Becke, Johann Baptist -!d c
  2773. Becke, Leonhardt !-! pl
  2774. Beckel, James A pl
  2775. Beckel, James Cox pl
  2776. Becker, Adolf pl
  2777. Becker, Albert
  2778. Becker, Angela pl
  2779. Becker, Arthur pl
  2780. Becker, August I !*b-!+d c
  2781. Becker, August II !*b-!+d c
  2782. Becker, Bob l
  2783. Becker, Carl I l
  2784. Becker, Carl II pl
  2785. Becker, Carl Ferdinand pl
  2786. Becker, Carl Ludwig !b-!d pl
  2787. Becker, Charles pl
  2788. Becker, Conrad !*b-!+d c
  2789. Becker, Constantin Julius pl
  2790. Becker, Dan
  2791. Becker, Dietrich !-
  2792. Becker, E !*b-!+d pl
  2793. Becker, Evan pl
  2794. Becker, Frank pl
  2795. Becker, Fritz pl
  2796. Becker, Georg I pl
  2797. Becker, Georg II pl
  2798. Becker, Georges I pl
  2799. Becker, Georges II pl
  2800. Becker, Gerhard pl
  2801. Becker, Gerhard Siegfried -!d pl
  2802. Becker, Gunther
  2803. Becker, Gustav Louis pl
  2804. Becker, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  2805. Becker, Holmer pl
  2806. Becker, Hugo pl
  2807. Becker, Ida !- pl
  2808. Becker, Irene l
  2809. Becker, Jacob !*b-!+d pl
  2810. Becker, Jacques !- pl
  2811. Becker, Jean pl
  2812. Becker, Johann -!
  2813. Becker, Johann Tobias !*- pl
  2814. Becker, Johann Wilhelm !*b-!+d c
  2815. Becker, John
  2816. Becker, Julius pl
  2817. Becker, Julius Adrian pl
  2818. Becker, Karl I l
  2819. Becker, Karl II pl
  2820. Becker, Lucien pl
  2821. Becker, Mark Phillip l
  2822. Becker, Michael Eduard pl
  2823. Becker, Oscar -!+d pl
  2824. Becker, Otto pl
  2825. Becker, Paul I !*-! pl
  2826. Becker, Paul II pl
  2827. Becker, Peter pl
  2828. Becker, Reinhold pl
  2829. Becker, Rene Louis pl
  2830. Becker, Richard pl
  2831. Becker, Roland pl
  2832. Becker, Rudolph Zacharias c
  2833. Becker, Rupert
  2834. Becker, Thilo pl
  2835. Becker, Valentin Eduard pl
  2836. Becker, Vincenz Ernst pl
  2837. Becker, Wilhelm !*b-!+d pl
  2838. Becker, Wilhelm Gottlieb pl
  2839. Becker, William A pl
  2840. Beckerath, Alfred von pl
  2841. Beckerhoff, Uli
  2842. Beckerman, Danny l
  2843. Beckerman, Michael pl
  2844. Beckers, Hubert pl
  2845. Becket, Thomas a' sr pl
  2846. Becket, Thomas a' jr pl
  2847. Beckett, Brian !- pl
  2848. Beckett, Mrs. Gilbert a' pl
  2849. Beckett, J !*b-!+d pl
  2850. Beckett, John pl
  2851. Beckett, Mary Anne a' pl
  2852. Beckett, Philip !*b-!d pl
  2853. Beckett, Walter
  2854. Beckett, Wheeler pl
  2855. Beckford, William pl
  2856. Beckhelm, Paul pl
  2857. Beckius, Gregor !*b-!+d pl
  2858. Becklenberg, Irma pl
  2859. Beckler, Stanworth pl
  2860. Beckley, Connie l
  2861. Beckman, Bror pl
  2862. Beckman, D N !*b-!+d pl
  2863. Beckman, Ellen pl
  2864. Beckmann, Gustav I pl
  2865. Beckmann, Gustav II pl
  2866. Beckmann, Heike l
  2867. Beckmann, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb pl
  2868. Beckmann, Richard -!+d pl
  2869. Beckmeier, Stephen pl
  2870. Beckmesser, Sixt !*b-!+d pl
  2871. Beckon Alston, Lettie l
  2872. Beckschafer, Max pl
  2873. Beckstead, Joseph R pl
  2874. Beckstead, Ross pl
  2875. Becktel, Frederick pl
  2876. Beckwith, Edward James pl
  2877. Beckwith, Edward George pl
  2878. Beckwith, John Charles c
  2879. Beckwith, John I -d pl
  2880. Beckwith, John II pl
  2881. Beckwith, John III
  2882. Beclard d'Harcourt, Marguerite pl
  2883. Becours, !*b-!+d pl
  2884. Becourt, !*b-!+d c
  2885. Becquie, Adolphe I !- pl
  2886. Becquie, Adolphe II !*-!+d pl
  2887. Becquie, Charles pl
  2888. Becquie, E !*b-!+d pl
  2889. Becquie, Gaston -!+ pl
  2890. Becquie, Jean Marie pl
  2891. Becquie, Jean Pierre !*-!+d c
  2892. Becquie, Pierre !*b-!+ c
  2893. Becucci, Ernesto -!
  2894. Becvarovsky, Antonin Frantisek pl
  2895. Becze, Cathy Balshone pl
  2896. Bedard, Denis l
  2897. Bedard, G !*b-!+d pl
  2898. Bedard, Jean Baptiste !*-! pl
  2899. Bedard, Pierre Michel pl
  2900. Bede the venerable !*- p
  2901. Bedell, Robert Leech pl
  2902. Beder, Vladimir pl
  2903. Bedetti, Tiziano pl
  2904. Bedford, Arthur c
  2905. Bedford, David
  2906. Bedford, Gertrude Lilian pl
  2907. Bedford, Herbert pl
  2908. Bedford, Luke
  2909. Bedford, Michael pl
  2910. Bedinger, Hugo pl
  2911. Bedingham, Johannes !*b-!+d
  2912. Bedingham Langensteiss !*b-!+d
  2913. Bedini, Domenico !*- pl
  2914. Bedini, Guendalina !*b-!+d pl
  2915. Bedmar, Luis P !- pl
  2916. Bedmar Encinas, Luis !- pl
  2917. Bednar, Antonin pl
  2918. Bednarz, Wilhelm pl
  2919. Bedrich, Jan pl
  2920. Bedsmore, Thomas pl
  2921. Bedwell, Douglas pl
  2922. Bedwell, Frank Last pl
  2923. Bedwell, George Charles pl
  2924. Bedwell, Henry Alfred pl
  2925. Bedyngham, John !*b-!+d
  2926. Bee, David
  2927. Bee, John pl
  2928. Beebe, Chester pl
  2929. Beebe, Edward J -! pl
  2930. Beecham, Adrian pl
  2931. Beecham, Thomas c
  2932. Beecher, Carl Milton pl
  2933. Beecher, Charles pl
  2934. Beecher, Gordon pl
  2935. Beechey, Gwilym Edward pl
  2936. Beecke, Ignaz von
  2937. Beeckh, Christoff von !*b-!+d pl
  2938. Beeckman, Eugene pl
  2939. Beeckman, Nazaire pl
  2940. Beeckmans, Laurent pl
  2941. Beecroft, George pl
  2942. Beecroft, Norma
  2943. Beedonn, Thomas !*b-!+d c
  2944. Beeftink, Herman
  2945. Beeftink, Johan pl
  2946. Beek, Wim van !- pl
  2947. Beekhuis, Hanna
  2948. Beekit, Philip !*b-!d pl
  2949. Beekman, Bram pl
  2950. Beekum, Jan van pl
  2951. Beelaerts, Paul
  2952. Beeland, Ambrose !*b-!+ pl
  2953. Beelby, Malcolm l
  2954. Beele, Altfried pl
  2955. Beeler, Albert !*b-!+d pl
  2956. Beeler, Charles Alan pl
  2957. Beeler, Joseph Wilhelm Ernst !*b-! pl
  2958. Been, Bernard Janszoon !*b-!+d pl
  2959. Been, Lars Magnus l
  2960. Beer, Alfred pl
  2961. Beer, Anton de pl
  2962. Beer, Bernhard !*b-!+d
  2963. Beer, Friedrich l
  2964. Beer, Ignaz !*b-!+d pl
  2965. Beer, Jeff pl
  2966. Beer, Johann I pl
  2967. Beer, Johann II pl
  2968. Beer, Josef pl
  2969. Beer, Joseph
  2970. Beer, Jules pl
  2971. Beer, Leopold Josef pl
  2972. Beer, Max Josef pl
  2973. Beer, Philipp pl
  2974. Beer, Stuart b- l
  2975. Beer, Theodorich -! l
  2976. Beer Walbrunn, Anton pl
  2977. Beerewout, A !*b-!+d pl
  2978. Beerhalter, Alois
  2979. Beerman, Burton pl
  2980. Beers, Jacques p
  2981. Beery, Leon pl
  2982. Beery, William pl
  2983. Beesau, Joseph pl
  2984. Beesley, Michael -!+d pl
  2985. Beeson, Elizabeth Ruth pl
  2986. Beeson, Jack l
  2987. Beethoven, Kaspar Karl van pl
  2988. Beethoven, Lodewijk van
  2989. Beethoven, Ludwig van
  2990. Beetz, Gunther !b- l
  2991. Befani, Isidoro !*-!+d pl
  2992. Beffa, Karol l
  2993. Beffroy de Reigny, Louis Abel pl
  2994. Begaliyev, Muratbek pl
  2995. Begalli, Davide pl
  2996. Beggio, Bernardino !-
  2997. Beghon, Jean pl
  2998. Beginiker, Henricus !- pl
  2999. Beglarian, Eve l
  3000. Beglarian, Grant pl
  3001. Beglarishvili, Djemal !b- pl
  3002. Bego Simunic, Andelka pl
  3003. Begrez, Pierre Ignace pl
  3004. Begue, Nicolas Antoine le !*-! p
  3005. Beguin, Martin !*-!+d pl
  3006. Beguin, Louise Frederique Salomon pl
  3007. Begutter, Franz Anselm pl
  3008. Behaim, Michel -! pl
  3009. Beham, Johannes !*b-!+d pl
  3010. Beharez, Jean !*b-d c
  3011. Beharka, Pal !b- pl
  3012. Behatschek, Frantisek Martin pl
  3013. Behatschek, Franz Xaver pl
  3014. Behault, Ernest Raymond de -d pl
  3015. Beheim, Michel -! pl
  3016. Behenna, Donald pl
  3017. Behenna, Josiah pl
  3018. Behenna, William Dundonald pl
  3019. Behle, Hans -!+d pl
  3020. Behler, Albert !*b-!+d pl
  3021. Behlert, E !*b-!+d pl
  3022. Behles, Gerhard !- l
  3023. Behm, Eduard pl
  3024. Behm, Joseph pl
  3025. Behm, Martin pl
  3026. Behm, Wenzeslaus !*b-!+d pl
  3027. Behn, Hermann pl
  3028. Behne, H !*b-!+d c
  3029. Behnke, John pl
  3030. Behnke, Emil pl
  3031. Behnke, Kate pl
  3032. Behnke, Kate Emil pl
  3033. Behr, Charles pl
  3034. Behr, Franz
  3035. Behr, Johann pl
  3036. Behr, Joseph
  3037. Behr, Louise !*b-!+d pl
  3038. Behr, Samuel Rudolph -!+d pl
  3039. Behre, Wilhelm !*b-!+d pl
  3040. Behrend, Arthur Henry l
  3041. Behrend, Emilie -!+ pl
  3042. Behrend, Fritz pl
  3043. Behrend, Jeanne pl
  3044. Behrend, Siegfried
  3045. Behrends, Cora Ella pl
  3046. Behrens, Heinrich pl
  3047. Behrens, Jack pl
  3048. Behrens, Johan Diderik pl
  3049. Behrens, Johann Jacob -!+d pl
  3050. Behringer, Harald Rolf pl
  3051. Behringer, Willibald !b-!d pl
  3052. Behrman, David
  3053. Beiderbecke, Bix p
  3054. Beiderwieden, Willy pl
  3055. Beier, Franz pl
  3056. Beigel, Georg pl
  3057. Beigel, Victor pl
  3058. Beijerle, George pl
  3059. Beijerman Walraven, Jeanne p
  3060. Beil, Johann Christoph !*b-!+d c
  3061. Beil, Michael !-
  3062. Beilby, Thomas !*b-!+d pl
  3063. Beilharz, Kirsty pl
  3064. Beilschmidt, Kurt pl
  3065. Beimel, Jacob pl
  3066. Beimel, Thomas
  3067. Beines, Carl pl
  3068. Beinet, !*b-!+d pl
  3069. Beinke, Eckart pl
  3070. Beinoraite, Vaida !*b-
  3071. Beintema, Rients pl
  3072. Beintus, Jean Pascal
  3073. Beirach, Richie
  3074. Beischer, Josef pl
  3075. Beissel, Conrad pl
  3076. Beitinger, Ulrich c
  3077. Beiyer, Vladimir !b-!+d c
  3078. Beizadea, Dan pl
  3079. Bejarano, Mauricio !- pl
  3080. Bejar Pacheco, Mariano pl
  3081. Bekaert, Jacques l
  3082. Bekarian, Tsolak -! pl
  3083. Bekeart, Edna pl
  3084. Bekker, Johannes pl
  3085. Bekker, Joseph !*b-!+d pl
  3086. Bekker, Leo de
  3087. Bekkers, Jacques -!+d c
  3088. Bekku, Sadao pl
  3089. Bekman Shcherbina, Yelena pl
  3090. Bekuhrs, Gottlob Friedrich !*-! c

  3091. Bel

  3092. Bel, Berthe de !*b-!+d pl
  3093. Belach, !*b-!+d pl
  3094. Belamaric, Miro
  3095. Belamy, Theodore pl
  3096. Belanger, Charles Eugene c
  3097. Belanger, Joseph Oliva pl
  3098. Belanger, Marc pl
  3099. Belar, Albert !*b-!+d pl
  3100. Belardinelli, Daniele pl
  3101. Belarey, Serge !b-!+d pl
  3102. Belasco, Jacques Dallin !- pl
  3103. Belasco, Leon pl
  3104. Belasio, Paolo pl
  3105. Belasius, -!
  3106. Belastra, Raimundo !*b- pl
  3107. Belaubre, Louis Noel l
  3108. Belaustegui, Juan pl
  3109. Belaustegui, Juan Jose *- pl
  3110. Belayev, Vladimir pl
  3111. Belazaras, Antanas pl
  3112. Belben, Philip !- pl
  3113. Belcastro, Luca
  3114. Belchamber, Eileen pl
  3115. Belcher, Mary pl
  3116. Belcher, Supply
  3117. Belcher, William Edward -!*d pl
  3118. Belcher, William Thomas pl
  3119. Belcier, Anthonius !*b-! pl
  3120. Belcini, !*-!+d pl
  3121. Belcke, Christian Gottlieb pl
  3122. Belcke, Friedrich l
  3123. Belcum, Henk van
  3124. Belda Cantavella, Jaime pl
  3125. Belda Pastor, Joaquin pl
  3126. Belda Pastor, Juan pl
  3127. Belden, George pl
  3128. Belder, Janco !- pl
  3129. Belderrain, Ruperto -d pl
  3130. Beledin, Albert jr c
  3131. Beledin, Albert sr c
  3132. Beledin, Felix c
  3133. Beledin, Felix Marie Joseph c
  3134. Belem, Antonio de !*- pl
  3135. Belenoi, Aimeric de !*-!+
  3136. Belet, Brian l
  3137. Belfin, Frantisek pl
  3138. Belfiore, Alfonso l
  3139. Belfiore, Maddalena pl
  3140. Belfiori, !*b-!+d pl
  3141. Belgioioso, Baldassaro da !*b-!
  3142. Belgiojoso, count Antonio -! pl
  3143. Belgiojoso, prince Emilio c
  3144. Belgiojoso, count Pompeo pl
  3145. Belgum, Erik
  3146. Belialov, Rafael pl
  3147. Beliczay, Gyula pl
  3148. Belier, Gaston pl
  3149. Beligradsky, Elisabeth !*b-!+d pl
  3150. Beligradsky, Timofey !*b-!+d c
  3151. Belimov, Sergey pl
  3152. Belin, Guillaume !*b- pl
  3153. Belin, Jean pl
  3154. Belin, Julien !*-!+d pl
  3155. Belinfante, Charles -! pl
  3156. Belinfante, Daniel pl
  3157. Belinfante Dekker, Martha pl
  3158. Belinzani, Antonio !*-! pl
  3159. Belinzani, Paolo Benedetto !*b- pl
  3160. Belionas, Ionas c
  3161. Belisaire, !*b-!+d pl
  3162. Belisario, Anselmo !*b-!+d pl
  3163. Belisario, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  3164. Belisi, Filippo Carlo !*b-!+d pl
  3165. Belissen, Laurent pl
  3166. Belitz, Georg !*b-!+d pl
  3167. Belitz, Joachim !*- pl
  3168. Beliy, Viktor pl
  3169. Beljaev, Gennadij l
  3170. Beljon, Gerard
  3171. Belkin, Alan
  3172. Belkin, Nikolay -!+d pl
  3173. Belknap, Daniel pl
  3174. Bell, A !*b-!+d pl
  3175. Bell, Aaron pl
  3176. Bell, Allan Gordon
  3177. Bell, Anton pl
  3178. Bell, Carla Huston pl
  3179. Bell, Daniel pl
  3180. Bell, David pl
  3181. Bell, Derek l
  3182. Bell, Doris -d pl
  3183. Bell, Douglas pl
  3184. Bell, Elizabeth
  3185. Bell, George !*- pl
  3186. Bell, Gertrude W pl
  3187. Bell, Hugh Poynter pl
  3188. Bell, James J pl
  3189. Bell, John I !*b-!+d pl
  3190. Bell, John II !b- c
  3191. Bell, John III sr !b-!
  3192. Bell, John IV jr
  3193. Bell, John V !-!+d pl
  3194. Bell, John Lamberton pl
  3195. Bell, John Montgomerie pl
  3196. Bell, Judith !*b- pl
  3197. Bell, Larry pl
  3198. Bell, Leslie I pl
  3199. Bell, Leslie II pl
  3200. Bell, Louise pl
  3201. Bell, Lucile Anderson pl
  3202. Bell, Maurice Frederick pl
  3203. Bell, Randy M pl
  3204. Bell, Samuel Aaron pl
  3205. Bell, William Henry l
  3206. Bell Porter, William pl
  3207. Bella, Domenico della !*b-!+d pl
  3208. Bella, Jan Levoslav
  3209. Bella, Johann Leopold
  3210. Bella, Jose Luis !- pl
  3211. Bella, Rudolf pl
  3212. Bellafronte, Raffaele l
  3213. Bellagradsky, Elisabeth !*b-!+d pl
  3214. Bellagradsky, Timofey !*b-!+d c
  3215. Bellairs, Ralph H pl
  3216. Bellak, James !- pl
  3217. Bellamann, Henry Hauer pl
  3218. Bellamano, Franceschina !*b-!+d c
  3219. Bellamano, Marietta !*b-!+d c
  3220. Bellamy, John !*b-!+d pl
  3221. Bellamy, Marian Meredith pl
  3222. Bellamy, Mary !*-
  3223. Bellamy, Richard !b- pl
  3224. Bellanda, Lodovico !*b-!+d pl
  3225. Bellando, Domenico pl
  3226. Bellanger, Emmanuel I !*b- pl
  3227. Bellanger, Emmanuel II !b- pl
  3228. Bellani, Caroline !*b-!+d pl
  3229. Bellante, Dionisio !*-!+ pl
  3230. Bellapart Roca, Francisco pl
  3231. Bellas, !*b-!+d pl
  3232. Bellasio, Paolo pl
  3233. Bellasis, Edward pl
  3234. Bellaspica, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  3235. Bellavance, Ginette pl
  3236. Bellavere, Vincenzo !b- pl
  3237. Bellazzi, Francesco !*-!+d pl
  3238. Bellchambers, Juliet pl
  3239. Belle, Andre van
  3240. Belle, Barbara pl
  3241. Belle, Jan !*b-!+d pl
  3242. Belle, Jan van !*- c
  3243. Belle, Marie Paule pl
  3244. Bellefleur, Maurice pl
  3245. Bellefroid, Richard pl
  3246. Bellemant, Victor pl
  3247. Bellemare, Gilles pl
  3248. Bellenghi, Giuseppe pl
  3249. Bellengues, Richard de !- pl
  3250. Bellenot, Philippe pl
  3251. Bellens, Jozef pl
  3252. Belleo, Simon !*b-!+d pl
  3253. Beller, Joseph pl
  3254. Beller, William pl
  3255. Bellerby, Edward Johnson pl
  3256. Bellere, Jean !- c
  3257. Bellerive, Louis -!+d pl
  3258. Bellermann, Constantin !- pl
  3259. Bellermann, Heinrich pl
  3260. Bellermann, Johann Friedrich pl
  3261. Bellerose, Cecilia pl
  3262. Belles, Paul -! pl
  3263. Bellet, Mlle -! pl
  3264. Belletti, Antonio pl
  3265. Belletti, Giacomo !*b-!+d pl
  3266. Belletti, G C !*b-!+d pl
  3267. Belletti, Giovanni Battista pl
  3268. Belleval, Charles !*b-!+d pl
  3269. Bellevier, Honore !*b-!+d pl
  3270. Belleville, Jacques de !*b-! pl
  3271. Belleville, Teobaldo !*b-!+d pl
  3272. Belleville Oury, Anna Caroline de pl
  3273. Bellezza, Vincenzo pl
  3274. Bell'haver, Vincenzo !b- pl
  3275. Belli, Domenico !*b- l
  3276. Belli, Gino pl
  3277. Belli, Girolamo !-!+d pl
  3278. Belli, Giulio !*-!+d pl
  3279. Belli, Ludovico !*b-!+d pl
  3280. Belli, Umberto !*b-!+d pl
  3281. Belliard, Louis pl
  3282. Belliard, Ernest !*b-!+d pl
  3283. Bellicorius, Wolffgang !*b-!+d pl
  3284. Bellido, Felix !*b-!+ pl
  3285. Bellin, Guillaume !*b- pl
  3286. Bellina, Madonna !*b-!+d c
  3287. Bellinati, Paulo
  3288. Bellincioni, Gemma c
  3289. Belline, Mary L pl
  3290. Belling, E G !*b-!+d c
  3291. Belling, Karl Daniel !*b-!d pl
  3292. Bellinger, Franz pl
  3293. Bellingham, William Charles pl
  3294. Bellinghausen, Karl pl
  3295. Bellini, A !*b-!+d pl
  3296. Bellini, Aldo !b-!+d pl
  3297. Bellini, Carmelo pl
  3298. Bellini, Cesare Bernardo !b-!d pl
  3299. Bellini, Edoardo !-!+d pl
  3300. Bellini, Ettore pl
  3301. Bellini, Eugenio !*b-!+d pl
  3302. Bellini, Fermo pl
  3303. Bellini, Francesco !- pl
  3304. Bellini, Francesco Paolo pl
  3305. Bellini, Francois !- pl
  3306. Bellini, Giunti !- pl
  3307. Bellini, Luciano !- pl
  3308. Bellini, Mario !- pl
  3309. Bellini, Pio !b- pl
  3310. Bellini, Renato pl
  3311. Bellini, Riccardo !-!+d pl
  3312. Bellini, Rosario !- pl
  3313. Bellini, Vincenzo
  3314. Bellini, Vincenzo Tobia pl
  3315. Bellini, Vittorio !-! pl
  3316. Bellinzani, Antonio !*-! pl
  3317. Bellinzani, Paolo Benedetto !*b- pl
  3318. Bellio, Gino !-!+d pl
  3319. Bellio, Giovanni Battista !-! pl
  3320. Bellis, Giovanni Battista de !*-!+ pl
  3321. Bellis, Richard pl
  3322. Bellisario, Angelo pl
  3323. Bellisario, Giuseppe -!
  3324. Bellisi, Filippo Carlo !*-!+d pl
  3325. Bellisomi, Carlos !- pl
  3326. Bellison, Simeon c
  3327. Bellissens, Laurent pl
  3328. Bellman, Carl Michael
  3329. Bellman, Helen pl
  3330. Bellmann, Carl Gottlieb pl
  3331. Bellmann, Julius !- pl
  3332. Bellmunt, Gustavo !*b-!+d pl
  3333. Bello, Bartolome pl
  3334. Bello, Bartolomeo del !*-!+d pl
  3335. Bello, Ciro -!+d pl
  3336. Bello, Costantino !*-!+d pl
  3337. Bello, Livio -!+d pl
  3338. Bello de Torices, Benito !*-!+ pl
  3339. Bello Montero, Atanasio !*-!+d pl
  3340. Bello Perez, Juan l
  3341. Bello Portu, Javier pl
  3342. Bellobono, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  3343. Belloc, !*b-!+d pl
  3344. Belloc, Enrique pl
  3345. Bellocchio, Matthew pl
  3346. Bellocq, Ivan pl
  3347. Belloli, Agostino !-!d pl
  3348. Belloli, Ferdinando !*b-!+d pl
  3349. Belloli, Luigi pl
  3350. Bellolio, !*b-!+d pl
  3351. Bellolli, Ferdinando !*b-!+d pl
  3352. Bellomi, Francesco pl
  3353. Bellon, Roger pl
  3354. Bellon, Stefano
  3355. Bellone, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  3356. Bellone, Virgilio pl
  3357. Belloni, Antonio pl
  3358. Belloni, Caroline !*b-!+d pl
  3359. Belloni, Giuseppe !*-!+d pl
  3360. Belloni, Mme I !*b-!+d c
  3361. Belloni, Mme II !*b-!+d c
  3362. Belloni, Pietro !-!* pl
  3363. Bellorini, Giuliano pl
  3364. Belloso, Waldo pl
  3365. Bellot, Carolina !- pl
  3366. Bellot, Emmanuel !*b-!+d pl
  3367. Bellot, Mme. !*b-!+d pl
  3368. Bellotta, Francesco !-! pl
  3369. Bellotti, Edoardo c
  3370. Bellotti, Lorenzo !*b-!+d pl
  3371. Bellouard, Mathieu !b-!+ pl
  3372. Bellow, Alexander pl
  3373. Bellstedt, Herman pl
  3374. Bellucci, !*b-!+d pl
  3375. Bellucci, Giacomo pl
  3376. Bellus, Hieronymus !-!+d pl
  3377. Bellver Abells, Jose !- pl
  3378. Bellver Marti, Jose Maria -! pl
  3379. Bellver Tormo, Justo pl
  3380. Belmans, Raf pl
  3381. Belmarchais, Perrot de !*b-!+d
  3382. Belmont, Jean l
  3383. Belmonte, !*b-!+d
  3384. Belmonte, Benito !*b-!+d
  3385. Belnap, Parley pl
  3386. Beloborodov, Nikolay pl
  3387. Beloch, Dorotea !*b-! pl
  3388. Beloglazov, Grigory pl
  3389. Belogradsky, Elisabeth !b-!+d pl
  3390. Belogradsky, Timofey !*b-!+d pl
  3391. Beloiu, Nicolae pl
  3392. Belone, Frederic !*b-!+d pl
  3393. Beloni Filho, Gualtieri pl
  3394. Belorusets, Igor -d pl
  3395. Beloshein, Pavel !b-!d c
  3396. Belotti, Lorenzo !*b-!+d c
  3397. Belouard, Mathieu !b-!+ pl
  3398. Belov, Gennady pl
  3399. Below, Gerda von pl
  3400. Below, Robert pl
  3401. Belsayaga, Cristobal de pl
  3402. Belsham, Oliver pl
  3403. Belsier, Antonio !*b-! pl
  3404. Belsiri, !*b-!+d pl
  3405. Belstead, William !b- pl
  3406. Belstyukov, Sergey pl
  3407. Belsue Chueca, Babil pl
  3408. Belti, J M !*b-!+d pl
  3409. Beltjens, Jos pl
  3410. Belton, John pl
  3411. Belton, Paul D pl
  3412. Beltracchini, F !*b-!+d pl
  3413. Beltrame, Andres pl
  3414. Beltrame, Lodovico !- pl
  3415. Beltrami, Edson pl
  3416. Beltrami, Luigi Guido !- pl
  3417. Beltrami, Marco
  3418. Beltramo, Agostino !*b-!+d pl
  3419. Beltran, Bernardo !*b-!+d pl
  3420. Beltran, Joaquin pl
  3421. Beltran, Juan !*- pl
  3422. Beltran Fernandez, Jose Maria pl
  3423. Beltran Flores, David Marcelo pl
  3424. Beltran Oliver, Llorenc pl
  3425. Beltran Suero, Francisco !*b-!+d pl
  3426. Beltyukov, Sergey pl
  3427. Belucci, !*b-!+d pl
  3428. Belusa, Hans !*b-!+d pl
  3429. Bely, Viktor pl
  3430. Belyaev, Gennady !b- l
  3431. Belyaev, Vladimir pl
  3432. Belyayev, Vladimir pl
  3433. Belza, Igor pl
  3434. Belza, Santiago -! pl
  3435. Belzaghi, C !*b-!+d pl
  3436. Belziezi, !*b-!+d pl
  3437. Belzunegui Arruti, Luis -d pl
  3438. Bem, Venceslav !*b-!+d pl
  3439. Bemberg, Herman pl
  3440. Bembo, Antonia !*b-!+ pl
  3441. Bement, Gwynn Smith -! pl
  3442. Bemetzrieder, Anton pl
  3443. Bemmel, Wouter van
  3444. Ben, Jorge
  3445. Ben Amots, Ofer
  3446. Ben Baruch, Joseph !-!+d c
  3447. Ben Chaim, Ephraim !b-! pl
  3448. Ben Haim, Paul
  3449. Ben Israel, Isaac !*b-!+d c
  3450. Ben Israel, Joseph !- pl
  3451. Ben Joseph, Zvi !b- pl
  3452. Ben Moshe, Raphael !*b-!+d pl
  3453. Ben Porat, Zvi !*b-!+d c
  3454. Ben Shabetai, Ari pl
  3455. Ben Tayoux, Frederic pl
  3456. Ben Uri, Meir -! pl
  3457. Ben Yohanan, Asher pl
  3458. Bena, Augustin pl
  3459. Benacchio, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  3460. Benadelli, !*b-!+d pl
  3461. Benaiges Pujol, Jose Maria pl
  3462. Benard, !*b-!+d c
  3463. Benard, J !*b-!+d c
  3464. Benard, Jules I pl
  3465. Benard, Jules II !*b-!+d c
  3466. Benard, Julien I pl
  3467. Benard, Julien II !*b-!+d c
  3468. Benari, Asher !-!+ pl
  3469. Benary, Barbara pl
  3470. Benary, Peter pl
  3471. Benas, Bertram B pl
  3472. Benassi, Giovanni Maria !*b-!+d pl
  3473. Benati, Carlo Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  3474. Benatti, Vincenzo !b-! pl
  3475. Benatzky, Ralph p
  3476. Benaut, Josse Francois pl
  3477. Benaut, Marie Therese Louise !-! pl
  3478. Benavent, Jose !- pl
  3479. Benavent Estivil, Ricardo pl
  3480. Benavent Feliu, Ricardo pl
  3481. Benavente, Jose Maria pl
  3482. Benavente, Manuel Jose pl
  3483. Benavente, Regina pl
  3484. Benavente Montalvo, Manuel pl
  3485. Benavides, Elena !-!+d pl
  3486. Benavides, Manuel Jose !- pl
  3487. Benbow, Edwin pl
  3488. Benbow, William pl
  3489. Bencheley, Marie B !- pl
  3490. Bencini, !*b-!+d pl
  3491. Bencini, Antonio !*-!+ pl
  3492. Bencini, Giuseppe !-! pl
  3493. Bencini, Pietro Paolo !*-
  3494. Benckard, Hieronymus !*b-!+d pl
  3495. Benckman, Evelyn pl
  3496. Bencomo, Florentino !-!d pl
  3497. Bencriscutto, Frank pl
  3498. Bencteux, Desire !*- pl
  3499. Benda, Carl Hermann Heinrich pl
  3500. Benda, Felix pl
  3501. Benda, Frantisek p
  3502. Benda, Franz p
  3503. Benda, Friedrich pl
  3504. Benda, Friedrich Ernst pl
  3505. Benda, Friedrich Ludwig p
  3506. Benda, Georg Anton
  3507. Benda, Jan Jiri I c
  3508. Benda, Jan Jiri II -!
  3509. Benda, Jiri Antonin
  3510. Benda, Johann Georg I c
  3511. Benda, Johann Georg II -!
  3512. Benda, Joseph pl
  3513. Benda, Juliane pl
  3514. Benda, Maria Carolina pl
  3515. Benda, Sigismund -!+d pl
  3516. Bendall, Wilfred pl
  3517. Bendel, Frantisek pl
  3518. Bendel, Karl pl
  3519. Bendeler, Johann Jacob !*-! pl
  3520. Bender, C !*b-!+d pl
  3521. Bender, Charlotte Sophie !*b-!+d pl
  3522. Bender, Constantin pl
  3523. Bender, Erich pl
  3524. Bender, Gustav !*b-!+d pl
  3525. Bender, Henry pl
  3526. Bender, Hermann I !*b-!+d pl
  3527. Bender, Hermann II pl
  3528. Bender, Jakob pl
  3529. Bender, Jan pl
  3530. Bender, Mark pl
  3531. Bender, Valentin pl
  3532. Bendinelli, Agostino I !*- pl
  3533. Bendinelli, Agostino II -!+ pl
  3534. Bendinelli, Cesare !*-!d
  3535. Bendinelli, Ubaldino !*b-!+d c
  3536. Bending, Arthur pl
  3537. Bendini, Stefano Tommaso !*b-!+d c
  3538. Bendix, Fritz pl
  3539. Bendix, Hermann pl
  3540. Bendix, Julius pl
  3541. Bendix, Kurt pl
  3542. Bendix, Max pl
  3543. Bendix, Otto pl
  3544. Bendix, Ralf
  3545. Bendix, Theodore pl
  3546. Bendix, Victor
  3547. Bendix, William !- pl
  3548. Bendl, Carl !*b-! pl
  3549. Bendl, Karel pl
  3550. Bendl, Karl !*b-!+d c
  3551. Bendorius, Jonas pl
  3552. Bendusi, Francesco !*-!+d
  3553. Benech, Louis pl
  3554. Benecken, Friedrich Burchard pl
  3555. Benedetti, Giulio
  3556. Benedetti, Domenico I !*b-!+d pl
  3557. Benedetti, Domenico II !*b-!+d pl
  3558. Benedetti, Domenico Maria !*b-!+d l
  3559. Benedetti, Donato !*-!+d pl
  3560. Benedetti, Francesco Maria pl
  3561. Benedetti, Gianfrancesco !*-!+ pl
  3562. Benedetti, Giovanni Tommaso !*b-!+d pl
  3563. Benedetti, Josefina de pl
  3564. Benedetti, Luigi pl
  3565. Benedetti, Piero !*-!+
  3566. Benedetti, Pietro I !*-!+
  3567. Benedetti, Pietro II !*-!+d pl
  3568. Benedettoni, Raffaele !*-!+d pl
  3569. Benedicenti, Vera -!+d pl
  3570. Benedict, David pl
  3571. Benedict, Gustav !*b-!+d pl
  3572. Benedict, Ida pl
  3573. Benedict, Julius
  3574. Benedict, Milo pl
  3575. Benedict, pater !*b-!+d pl
  3576. Benedict, Walter pl
  3577. Benedictis, Donato de !*-!+d pl
  3578. Benedictis, Giovanni Tommaso !*b-!+d pl
  3579. Benedictis, Savino de pl
  3580. Benedicto, !*b-!+d pl
  3581. Benedictus, Louis pl
  3582. Benedictus, P F !*b-!+d pl
  3583. Benedictus, R Pater !*b-!+d pl
  3584. Benedit, Pierre Gustave
  3585. Benedito, Rafael pl
  3586. Benefeld, Friedrich !-!+d pl
  3587. Benejam, Lluis pl
  3588. Benegger, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  3589. Beneken, Friedrich Burchard pl
  3590. Benelli, Antonio
  3591. Benenoit, Jean !*b-!+d pl
  3592. Bener, !*b-!+d c
  3593. Benes, Bedrich -!d pl
  3594. Benes, Jara
  3595. Benes, Josef pl
  3596. Benes, Juraj
  3597. Benesch, Joseph pl
  3598. Benesz, Franciszek !*b-!+d pl
  3599. Benet, John !*b-!+
  3600. Benetti, Carlo Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  3601. Benetti, Eusebio pl
  3602. Benevoli, Orazio
  3603. Beney, Alain !- pl
  3604. Beneyto, Patricio !-!d pl
  3605. Benfall, Stephen pl
  3606. Benfey Schuppe, Anna pl
  3607. Beng, F !*b-!+d pl
  3608. Benger, Richard pl
  3609. Bengl, Volker pl
  3610. Bengoa, Francisco -! pl
  3611. Bengoa, Pedro Lucas de pl
  3612. Bengoechea, Santiago -! pl
  3613. Bengoechea de Carmena, Soledad pl
  3614. Bengough, Edward Stewart pl
  3615. Bengraf, Joseph pl
  3616. Bengtson, Dale pl
  3617. Bengtson, Eric pl
  3618. Bengtson, Peter
  3619. Bengtsson, Carl pl
  3620. Bengtsson, Filip pl
  3621. Bengtsson, Gustaf
  3622. Bengtsson, Ingmar pl
  3623. Bengtsson, Kjell b-
  3624. Benguerel, Xavier
  3625. Benham, Asahel pl
  3626. Benham, Evelyn pl
  3627. Benham, Victor pl
  3628. Benhamou, Maurice pl
  3629. Benhonius, Franciscus !*b-!+d pl
  3630. Beni, !*b-!+d pl
  3631. Benigni, Johannes !*b-!+d
  3632. Benigni, Benedetto !*b-!+d pl
  3633. Benigni, Luciano pl
  3634. Benigni, Tommaso !*b-!+d c
  3635. Benigun, Johannes !*b-!+d
  3636. Benincasa, Giacomo !*b-!+ pl
  3637. Benincori, Angelo Maria pl
  3638. Beningfield, Ethel pl
  3639. Benini, Giuseppe !-! pl
  3640. Benini, Pietro Paolo !*b-
  3641. Benisch, Emanuel jr !*b- c
  3642. Benisch, Emanuel sr !*b-! c
  3643. Benise, Carlo Antonio !b-d c
  3644. Benites, Juan !*b-!+d pl
  3645. Benites Reyes, Jesus -!d l
  3646. Benitez, Rafael pl
  3647. Benitez, Miguel pl
  3648. Benito, Cosme Damian Jose de pl
  3649. Benito, Francisco Jose de San !*b-!+d pl
  3650. Benitti, Antonino !*b-!+d pl
  3651. Benjamin, Arthur
  3652. Benjamin, George
  3653. Benjamin, Jonathan !*-!+d c
  3654. Benjamin, Manuel pl
  3655. Benjamin, Thomas pl
  3656. Benjamin, William E pl
  3657. Benker, Heinz pl
  3658. Benkert, Friedrich !*b-!+d pl
  3659. Benkert, George c
  3660. Benkert, George Felix pl
  3661. Benkert, M Alois !*b-!+d pl
  3662. Benkert, M Ludwig !*b-!+d pl
  3663. Benkien, Andre !*-!+d c
  3664. Benkien, Michel !*-!+d c
  3665. Benko, Daniel l
  3666. Benlloch, Miguel !*b-!+d pl
  3667. Benlloch Cambrils, Julian pl
  3668. Benn, Johann !*-!+ pl
  3669. Benn, Johann Georg !*-! c
  3670. Benn, Johann Martin !*-!+d pl
  3671. Benna, Filippo !*b-!+d pl
  3672. Benna, Giovanni Francesco !*b-!+d c
  3673. Bennard, George pl
  3674. Bennat, Franz b- pl
  3675. Bennati, Carlo Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  3676. Bennati, Francesco !- pl
  3677. Benne, !*b-!+d pl
  3678. Bennen, Fokko pl
  3679. Benner, Al pl
  3680. Benner, Johann !*b-!+d c
  3681. Benner, Lora pl
  3682. Benner, Paul pl
  3683. Bennet, Charles !b- pl
  3684. Bennet, Charles William pl
  3685. Bennet, John I !*b-!+
  3686. Bennet, John II !*b-!+d
  3687. Bennet, Saunders pl
  3688. Bennet, Theodore pl
  3689. Bennet, William !-!+d pl
  3690. Bennett, Alfred !- pl
  3691. Bennett, Charles !b- pl
  3692. Bennett, Charles W pl
  3693. Bennett, Charles William pl
  3694. Bennett, Claudia !*b- pl
  3695. Bennett, David pl
  3696. Bennett, Ed
  3697. Bennett, Elsie M pl
  3698. Bennett, Frederick James Wentworth pl
  3699. Bennett, George John pl
  3700. Bennett, Gerald l
  3701. Bennett, Harold
  3702. Bennett, Harold Aubie c
  3703. Bennett, Henry Robert !*-!d pl
  3704. Bennett, Howard Gordon pl
  3705. Bennett, Howard Merrill pl
  3706. Bennett, Howard S pl
  3707. Bennett, James Robert Sterndale c
  3708. Bennett, John !*b-! pl
  3709. Bennett, Lionel pl
  3710. Bennett, Malcolm !- l
  3711. Bennett, Mary Beth pl
  3712. Bennett, Mimi !*b-!+d pl
  3713. Bennett, Nicholas pl
  3714. Bennett, Robert Sterndale c
  3715. Bennett, Richard Rodney
  3716. Bennett, Robert pl
  3717. Bennett, Robert Charles pl
  3718. Bennett, Robert Russell p
  3719. Bennett, Saunders pl
  3720. Bennett, T C Sterndale pl
  3721. Bennett, Thomas !- pl
  3722. Bennett, Tom -!+d pl
  3723. Bennett, Wilhelmine pl
  3724. Bennett, William !-!+d pl
  3725. Bennett, William Mineard pl
  3726. Bennett, William Sterndale
  3727. Bennewitz, Kurt -!+d pl
  3728. Bennewitz, Wilhelm p
  3729. Benniger, Ludwig Mauritz !b-!d pl
  3730. Benning, Kathleen pl
  3731. Benninger, Joseph !*b-!+d pl
  3732. Benninghoff, Ortwin pl
  3733. Bennison, T T !*b-!+d pl
  3734. Benoist, Francois pl
  3735. Benoist, Gerard Michel !*b-!+d c
  3736. Benoist, Marius pl
  3737. Benoist, Nicolas !*b-!+d pl
  3738. Benoist, Philippe !*b-!+d c
  3739. Benoit, Andre !*b-!+d c
  3740. Benoit, Camille pl
  3741. Benoit, David pl
  3742. Benoit, Francine pl
  3743. Benoit, Guillaume !*b-!+d pl
  3744. Benoit, Jean !*b-!+d pl
  3745. Benoit, Kenneth R pl
  3746. Benoit, Paul
  3747. Benoit, Peter
  3748. Benoliel, Bernard pl
  3749. Benoni, Julius -!+d pl
  3750. Benoniensi, Giovanni Baptista Aloysio !*-!+d l
  3751. Benosi, Laurent !*b-!+d pl
  3752. Benoy, Arthur William pl
  3753. Benozzi, Bonaventure !b- pl
  3754. Benozzi, Laurent !*b-!+d pl
  3755. Benozzi, N !*b-!+d pl
  3756. Bensa, Giuseppe pl
  3757. Bensa, Olivier
  3758. Bensadon, Eduardo !-!+
  3759. Bensaude, Jane pl
  3760. Bense, M !*b-!+d pl
  3761. Benselin, Margaret c
  3762. Bensemann, Berthold !*b-!+d pl
  3763. Benser, Johann Daniel !*- pl
  3764. Bensh, Albert c
  3765. Benshoof, Ken
  3766. Bensley, Ashton pl
  3767. Bensman, Matteo !- pl
  3768. Benson, Bruce pl
  3769. Benson, Frederick William !- pl
  3770. Benson, George pl
  3771. Benson, Henry Ford pl
  3772. Benson, James !*b-!+d pl
  3773. Benson, John Allanson pl
  3774. Benson, John T pl
  3775. Benson, Robert pl
  3776. Benson, Thomas !*b-!+d pl
  3777. Benson, Warren pl
  3778. Bensow, Oscar pl
  3779. Benstead, Christopher !-
  3780. Bent, George P c
  3781. Bentabol, Elisa !*b-!+d pl
  3782. Bentall, Edwin George pl
  3783. Bentancur, Valentin pl
  3784. Bentayoux, Frederic pl
  3785. Benter, Albert pl
  3786. Benter, Charles pl
  3787. Bentham, William -!+d pl
  3788. Bentivoglio, !*b-!+d pl
  3789. Bentivoglio, Giulio pl
  3790. Bentley, Andrew pl
  3791. Bentley, Berenice Benson pl
  3792. Bentley, James l
  3793. Bentley, John !b- pl
  3794. Bentley, John Morgan pl
  3795. Bentley, William F pl
  3796. Bentoiu, Pascal
  3797. Benton, Daniel pl
  3798. Bents, Klimenty pl
  3799. Bentz, Auguste !*b-! pl
  3800. Bentz, Cecil pl
  3801. Bentz, Jules pl
  3802. Bentz Woods, Edna
  3803. Bentzen, Ove !b- pl
  3804. Bentzon, Jorgen
  3805. Bentzon, Karen Johanne -!d pl
  3806. Bentzon, Niels Viggo p
  3807. Benucci, Francesco !*- pl
  3808. Benucci, Rinaldo !b- pl
  3809. Benvenuti, Arrigo pl
  3810. Benvenuti, Giacomo pl
  3811. Benvenuti, Lorenzo !*-!+d pl
  3812. Benvenuti, Nicola pl
  3813. Benvenuti, Tommaso pl
  3814. Benward, Bruce pl
  3815. Benz, Albert l
  3816. Benz, Johann Baptist pl
  3817. Benza, Ludovic pl
  3818. Benzaquen, Jorge pl
  3819. Benzi, Giuseppe !- pl
  3820. Benzin, Alexis !*b-!+d pl
  3821. Benzler, Jobst Henrich !*b-!+d pl
  3822. Benzon, Julie !*b-d pl
  3823. Benzon, Siegfried !b-!+d pl
  3824. Benzoni, Giovanni Battista !*- c
  3825. Beobide, Feliciano pl
  3826. Beobide, Jose Maria pl
  3827. Beobide, Juan Manuel pl
  3828. Beobide, Vicente -! pl
  3829. Beon, Alexandre pl
  3830. Beovide, Mateo F !*b-!+d pl
  3831. Bepler, Jonathan
  3832. Beqiri, Fahri
  3833. Beqiri, Valton

  3834. Ber

  3835. Ber, Nikolay pl
  3836. Beracierto, Elbano -!+d pl
  3837. Beraldi, Marino !-!+d pl
  3838. Beraldo, Primo pl
  3839. Beramendi, Carlos pl
  3840. Beramendi, Chevalier de pl
  3841. Beran, Jan l
  3842. Beran, Joachim !*b-!+d pl
  3843. Beranek, Jan pl
  3844. Beranek, Johann pl
  3845. Beranger, Louis !*b-!+d pl
  3846. Beranger, Pierre Jean de pl
  3847. Beranger, Sebastien pl
  3848. Beranova, Lola l
  3849. Berard, Jean Antoine !- pl
  3850. Berardi, Angelo !*-
  3851. Berardi, Gaston pl
  3852. Berardi, Vito -! pl
  3853. Berardinelli, Nicola pl
  3854. Berat, Eustache pl
  3855. Berat, Frederic pl
  3856. Beraud, Francois -!+d pl
  3857. Beraud, Victor !*b-!+d pl
  3858. Beraudiere, Marc de la !*b-!+d
  3859. Berault, Jean Baptiste !*b-!+d pl
  3860. Berault, Marcel -!+d pl
  3861. Berberian, Cathy
  3862. Berberian, Hampartzoum pl
  3863. Berberich, Ludwig pl
  3864. Berbiguier, Antoine Tranquille pl
  3865. Bercanovich, Gualfardo jr !- pl
  3866. Bercanovich, Gualfardo sr pl
  3867. Berchem, Jachet de !*-!
  3868. Berchelaers, Joannes !*b-!+d
  3869. Berck, Heinrich !*-!+d pl
  3870. Berckel, Hendrik Jos van pl
  3871. Berckelaers, Joannes !*b-!+d
  3872. Berckenhoff, Theodor Albert I pl
  3873. Berckenhoff, Theodor Albert II pl
  3874. Berckman, Evelyn pl
  3875. Berckzaimer, Wolfgang !*b-!+d pl
  3876. Berdahl, Arthur C pl
  3877. Berdecio, Eduardo pl
  3878. Berdell, V !*b-!+d pl
  3879. Berden, Joseph Francois pl
  3880. Berdenelli, Agostino !*-!+d pl
  3881. Berdescu, Alexandru !- pl
  3882. Berdion, Miguel pl
  3883. Berdullas del Rio, Jorge pl
  3884. Berea, Adolfo pl
  3885. Berea, Canuto Jose pl
  3886. Berea, Jose Manuel pl
  3887. Berea, Sebastian Canuto pl
  3888. Bereau, Jean Sebastien !- pl
  3889. Bereaud, Anton !*b-!+d pl
  3890. Bereciartua, Ignacio pl
  3891. Berecz, Ede pl
  3892. Bereketis, Petros !*-!+d pl
  3893. Berel, Eugene !- pl
  3894. Berenclow, Bernard Martin !*b-!+d pl
  3895. Berend, Fritz c
  3896. Berends, David l
  3897. Berendsen, Wilbert pl
  3898. Berendsen Nathan, Mathilde
  3899. Berendt, Nicolai pl
  3900. Berenger, !*b-!+d pl
  3901. Berenger, F !b-!d pl
  3902. Berenguer, Jose Luis pl
  3903. Berenguer, Jose Manuel pl
  3904. Berenguer Martinez, Francisco !*b-!+d pl
  3905. Berens, !*b-!+d c
  3906. Berens, Carl !b-!+ pl
  3907. Berens, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  3908. Berens, Herman pl
  3909. Berens, Hermann pl
  3910. Berens, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  3911. Berenska, Jan l
  3912. Berent, Szymon !b- pl
  3913. Bereny, Henri pl
  3914. Beresciollo, !*b-!+d pl
  3915. Beresford, Benjamin
  3916. Beresford, Steve
  3917. Berestov, Nikolay l
  3918. Beretras, Hugo !*b-!+d pl
  3919. Beretta, Bonaventura !*-!+d pl
  3920. Beretta, Francesco !*b- pl
  3921. Beretta, Giovanni Battista I !*b-!+d pl
  3922. Beretta, Giovanni Battista II pl
  3923. Beretta, Lodovico !*b-!+d pl
  3924. Beretta, Mario !-
  3925. Beretta, Niccolo !*b-!+d pl
  3926. Beretta, Pietro !b-!d pl
  3927. Beretta, Raphael pl
  3928. Berettari, Aurelio !*b-!+d pl
  3929. Beretti, !*b-!+d pl
  3930. Beretti, Filippo !*b-!+d pl
  3931. Beretti, Pietro !b-! pl
  3932. Berezan, David !b-
  3933. Berezovschi, Mihail pl
  3934. Berezovsky, Maksim
  3935. Berezovsky, Nikolay p
  3936. Berezovsky, Shaul pl
  3937. Berezowsky, Maxim
  3938. Berezowsky, Nicolai p
  3939. Berg, Alban
  3940. Berg, Albert W pl
  3941. Berg, Alfred pl
  3942. Berg, Andreas pl
  3943. Berg, Arne pl
  3944. Berg, Carl !*b-!+d pl
  3945. Berg, Christopher pl
  3946. Berg, David pl
  3947. Berg, Fred Jonny
  3948. Berg, G !*b-!+d c
  3949. Berg, George !*b-! pl
  3950. Berg, Gottfrid
  3951. Berg, Gunnar pl
  3952. Berg, Isak Albert l
  3953. Berg, J A l
  3954. Berg, Jan J van den pl
  3955. Berg, Johann vom !*- pl
  3956. Berg, Josef pl
  3957. Berg, Konrad Mathias pl
  3958. Berg, Lily !*b-!+d pl
  3959. Berg, Natanael pl
  3960. Berg, Olav pl
  3961. Berg, Paul
  3962. Berg, Per pl
  3963. Berg, Per Adolf c
  3964. Berg, Reinhard von pl
  3965. Berg, Sidney pl
  3966. Berg, Stephen Anderson pl
  3967. Berga Balart, Mariano pl
  3968. Bergamasco, Arcangelo pl
  3969. Bergami, Oreste !*-!+d pl
  3970. Bergamini, Alberto !*b-!+d pl
  3971. Bergamini, Bruno pl
  3972. Bergamini, Giovanni Battista !-!+d pl
  3973. Bergamini, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  3974. Bergamo, Antonio I !*b-!+d pl
  3975. Bergamo, Antonio II !*b-!+d c
  3976. Bergamo, padre Davide di
  3977. Bergamo, John J pl
  3978. Bergamo, Petar pl
  3979. Bergancini, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  3980. Bergauer, Josef pl
  3981. Bergauer, Karl l
  3982. Bergaza, Felo pl
  3983. Berge, Anne La
  3984. Berge, Hakon
  3985. Berge, Hugues de !*b-!+d
  3986. Berge, Irenee pl
  3987. Berge, Johann Gottlob !*b- pl
  3988. Berge, Sigurd pl
  3989. Berge, William !*- pl
  3990. Bergeijk, Floris van !-
  3991. Bergeijk, Gilius van
  3992. Bergel, Bernd pl
  3993. Bergeler, !*b-!+d pl
  3994. Bergen, Alfred Hiles pl
  3995. Bergen, Eugene -! pl
  3996. Bergen, Peter van !-
  3997. Bergen, Sylvia !*b-!+d pl
  3998. Bergendahl, Axel pl
  3999. Bergenfeld, Nathan J pl
  4000. Bergenson, Aron pl
  4001. Berger, !b-!+d c
  4002. Berger, A !*b-!+d pl
  4003. Berger, Adam Otto !*-!+d c
  4004. Berger, Andreas !-
  4005. Berger, Arthur
  4006. Berger, Bert pl
  4007. Berger, Carl Philipp pl
  4008. Berger, Christian Wilhelm pl
  4009. Berger, Dominique pl
  4010. Berger, E !*b-!+d pl
  4011. Berger, Francesco pl
  4012. Berger, G !*b-d pl
  4013. Berger, Gary
  4014. Berger, Gunter pl
  4015. Berger, Hans pl
  4016. Berger, Heinrich pl
  4017. Berger, Henry pl
  4018. Berger, Jakob !b- pl
  4019. Berger, Jean
  4020. Berger, Johann Friedrich !*b- c
  4021. Berger, Johann Georg !*b-d pl
  4022. Berger, Jonathan l
  4023. Berger, Joseph I pl
  4024. Berger, Joseph II !*b-!+d pl
  4025. Berger, Julius
  4026. Berger, Karl Gottlieb !- c
  4027. Berger, Ludwig pl
  4028. Berger, Marian c
  4029. Berger, Martin !*b-!+d pl
  4030. Berger, Moritz !*b-!+d pl
  4031. Berger, Othmar c
  4032. Berger, Rodolphe !- pl
  4033. Berger, Roman
  4034. Berger, Theodor
  4035. Berger, Victorin pl
  4036. Berger, Wilhelm
  4037. Berger, Wilhelm Georg pl
  4038. Bergerhoff, Johann Hermann -! pl
  4039. Bergeron, Sylvain !*-
  4040. Bergeron, Tom l
  4041. Bergerre, Alexandre Basile pl
  4042. Bergersen, Baldwin pl
  4043. Bergersen, Marie Christine pl
  4044. Berges Rodriguez, Adolfo -!+d pl
  4045. Bergese, Hans pl
  4046. Bergfors, Per Gosta pl
  4047. Berggreen, Andreas Peter
  4048. Berggren, Hugo pl
  4049. Bergh, !*b-!+d pl
  4050. Bergh, Arthur pl
  4051. Bergh, Gaston van den pl
  4052. Bergh, Gertrude van den
  4053. Bergh, Haakon pl
  4054. Bergh, Ilja pl
  4055. Bergh, Leif -!d pl
  4056. Bergh, Rudolph pl
  4057. Bergh, Sverre pl
  4058. Berghentz, Giacomino !*b-!+d pl
  4059. Berghmans, Jose pl
  4060. Berghof, Carl !*-!+d pl
  4061. Berghofer, Anton !*b-!+d pl
  4062. Bergholz, Lucas !*-!+d pl
  4063. Berghorn, Alfred
  4064. Berghout, Henk pl
  4065. Berghout, Johannes pl
  4066. Berghout, Theo pl
  4067. Bergin, Dennis pl
  4068. Bergiron, Nicolas Antoine -! pl
  4069. Bergkmann, Christoph !*-!+d pl
  4070. Bergler, !*b-!+d pl
  4071. Berglund, Anders pl
  4072. Bergman, Alan
  4073. Bergman, Ellen pl
  4074. Bergman, Erik p
  4075. Bergman, Marilyn
  4076. Bergman, Stefan -!+d l
  4077. Bergmann, Adolph Gottfried -! pl
  4078. Bergmann, Carl pl
  4079. Bergmann, Friedrich Wilhelm !*b-!+d pl
  4080. Bergmann, Gunter pl
  4081. Bergmann, Joachim !*b- pl
  4082. Bergmann, Johann Gottfried pl
  4083. Bergmann, Josef Adolf pl
  4084. Bergmann, Karl Franz !*b-!+d pl
  4085. Bergmann, Liborius von pl
  4086. Bergmann, Robert pl
  4087. Bergmann, Stefan -!+d l
  4088. Bergmann, Walter pl
  4089. Bergmans, Oscar
  4090. Bergna, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  4091. Bergnani, Oratio !*b-!+ pl
  4092. Bergner, Carl !*b-!+d l
  4093. Bergner, Wilhelm pl
  4094. Bergogna, Gabriel pl
  4095. Bergolesi, Adamo !*-!+d pl
  4096. Bergomus, Alexander !*b-!+d c
  4097. Bergonzi, Benedetto pl
  4098. Bergonzi, Giovanni Domenico !*b-!+d c
  4099. Bergonzi, Giuseppe !*-!+d pl
  4100. Bergonzi, Jerry
  4101. Bergonzoni, Giovanni Battista !*-!+d pl
  4102. Bergonzoni, Giovanni Domenico !*-!+d pl
  4103. Bergosa, Raimundo !*b-!+d pl
  4104. Bergquist, John Victor pl
  4105. Bergs, Roger !b-
  4106. Bergsma, William
  4107. Bergson, Michal pl
  4108. Bergstrom, Anna pl
  4109. Bergstrom, Axel pl
  4110. Bergstrom, Harry pl
  4111. Bergstrom, Hjalmar
  4112. Bergstrom Nielsen, Carl pl
  4113. Bergt, Adolf pl
  4114. Bergt, August pl
  4115. Bergt, Robert pl
  4116. Berguedan, Guilhem de !*b-!+d
  4117. Berguera, Federico pl
  4118. Bergunker, Max pl
  4119. Bergwerff, Aart pl
  4120. Bergwerff, Leen pl
  4121. Berhandtzki, Rochus !*b-!+d pl
  4122. Beria, Giovanni Battista !*b-!+d pl
  4123. Berigan, Bunny
  4124. Berikashvili, Mamiya !b- pl
  4125. Berilli, Giovanni !*b-!+d c
  4126. Berindoague, Henri jr pl
  4127. Berindoague, Henri sr -!+d pl
  4128. Beringer, Aiarx !*b-!+d pl
  4129. Beringer, Friedrich !*b-!d pl
  4130. Beringer, Oscar pl
  4131. Beringer, Robert pl
  4132. Beringer, Willibald !b-!d pl
  4133. Berinsky, Sergey
  4134. Berio, Adolfo !-!
  4135. Berio, Ernesto !-!d pl
  4136. Berio, Luciano
  4137. Beriot, Charles Auguste de
  4138. Beriot, Charles Wilfrid pl
  4139. Berisso, Alfredo -! pl
  4140. Beristain, Joaquin pl
  4141. Beristain, Lauro !-! pl
  4142. Berk, Adele l
  4143. Berk, Maynard pl
  4144. Berkelaers, Joannes !*b-!+d
  4145. Berkeley, C !*b-!+d c
  4146. Berkeley, Francis Henry Fitzhardinge pl
  4147. Berkeley, Lennox
  4148. Berkeley, Michael
  4149. Berkelsy, C !*b-!+d c
  4150. Berkeman, !*b-!+d c
  4151. Berken, Erich !*b-!+d pl
  4152. Berkenbosch, Caroline
  4153. Berkenhead, John -!+d pl
  4154. Berketshammer, Andreas !*b-!+d c
  4155. Berkey, Georgia Guiney pl
  4156. Berkey, Jackson pl
  4157. Berkley, Harold pl
  4158. Berkovec, Jiri pl
  4159. Berkovich, Isaak pl
  4160. Berkowitz, !*b-!+d pl
  4161. Berkowitz, Leonard pl
  4162. Berkowitz, Ralph pl
  4163. Berkowitz, Sol pl
  4164. Berks, Lothar von !*b-!+d pl
  4165. Berky, Carl pl
  4166. Berky, Georgia Guiney pl
  4167. Berl, Christine pl
  4168. Berlanda, Emil pl
  4169. Berlandier, Charles -!d pl
  4170. Berlarotta, !*b-!+d pl
  4171. Berlatus, !*b-!+d pl
  4172. Berlaud, Alain pl
  4173. Berlendis, Edoardo pl
  4174. Berleur, Jules pl
  4175. Berlhe, Emmanuel !*-! pl
  4176. Berlijn, Anton pl
  4177. Berlijn, Aron Wolf pl
  4178. Berlin, Aleksandr -d pl
  4179. Berlin, Ben pl
  4180. Berlin, Boris c
  4181. Berlin, David pl
  4182. Berlin, Irving
  4183. Berlin, Johan Andreas !-! pl
  4184. Berlin, Johan Daniel
  4185. Berlin, Johan Henrik !-! pl
  4186. Berliner, Rudolph pl
  4187. Berliner, Selma pl
  4188. Berlinger, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  4189. Berlinski, Herman
  4190. Berlinski, Jacques pl
  4191. Berlinsky, Pavel -! pl
  4192. Berlioz, Gabriel Pierre -d pl
  4193. Berlioz, Hector
  4194. Berlioz, Sergio pl
  4195. Berlot, Elisa pl
  4196. Berls, Johann Rudolph -!+ pl
  4197. Berlyn, Aron Wolf pl
  4198. Berman, Karel l
  4199. Berman, Lazar pl
  4200. Berman, Melvin pl
  4201. Berman, Norman L pl
  4202. Berman, Polly pl
  4203. Berman, Ruth pl
  4204. Bermange, Barry
  4205. Bermann, Friedrich pl
  4206. Bermann, H !*b-!+d pl
  4207. Bermat, Alain !- pl
  4208. Bermeiser, Viktor pl
  4209. Bermeja, Juan de la !*- pl
  4210. Bermejo, Manuel pl
  4211. Bermejo, Pedro !*b-!+d c
  4212. Bermel, Derek
  4213. Bermmer, !*b-!+d pl
  4214. Bermudez, !*b-!+d pl
  4215. Bermudez, Pedro !*-! pl
  4216. Bermudez Silva, Alberto Jose !-! pl
  4217. Bermudez Silva, Jesus pl
  4218. Bermudo, Cesareo pl
  4219. Bermudo, Juan !*-!+d
  4220. Bern, Adolphe !*b-!+d pl
  4221. Bern, Alan l
  4222. Bern, Julian pl
  4223. Bern, Matthias !*b-!+d c
  4224. Berna Garcia, Manuel pl
  4225. Bernabe !*-! l
  4226. Bernabei, Ercole !-
  4227. Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio !-
  4228. Bernabei, Vincenzo !-! pl
  4229. Bernac, Jean b-!+d pl
  4230. Bernacchi, Antonio Maria pl
  4231. Bernadotte, Eugenie
  4232. Bernadotte, Gustaf
  4233. Bernadotte, Josephine
  4234. Bernadotte, Oscar I
  4235. Bernadotte, Therese
  4236. Bernal, Afonso Perea !*b-! pl
  4237. Bernal, Antonio !*b-!+d pl
  4238. Bernal, Manuel J pl
  4239. Bernal Goncalez, Francisco !*b-!+d pl
  4240. Bernal Goncalez, Jose !*b-!+d pl
  4241. Bernal Jimenez, Miguel p
  4242. Bernandini, !*b-!+d pl
  4243. Bernaola, Carmelo
  4244. Bernard, Aleksandr pl
  4245. Bernard, Alfred Louis pl
  4246. Bernard, Anthony pl
  4247. Bernard, Caroline Richings pl
  4248. Bernard, E B -!+ pl
  4249. Bernard, Emile
  4250. Bernard, Etienne !*-! pl
  4251. Bernard, Eulanie !*b-!+d pl
  4252. Bernard, Felix
  4253. Bernard, Georg pl
  4254. Bernard, Guy pl
  4255. Bernard, Guy F pl
  4256. Bernard, Jacques I pl
  4257. Bernard, Jacques II !*b- pl
  4258. Bernard, James
  4259. Bernard, Jean
  4260. Bernard, Jeanne !*b-d pl
  4261. Bernard, Joseph !*-
  4262. Bernard, Joseph Leonard -! c
  4263. Bernard, Marcel pl
  4264. Bernard, Marie Helene !-
  4265. Bernard, Matvey !- pl
  4266. Bernard, Moritz !- pl
  4267. Bernard, Olivier pl
  4268. Bernard, Pater !*b-!+d pl
  4269. Bernard, Paul pl
  4270. Bernard, Pierre pl
  4271. Bernard, Robert pl
  4272. Bernard, Vincenzia !-!+d c
  4273. Bernard, Will
  4274. Bernard, William Ditchburn -!+d c
  4275. Bernardi, Antonio !-! pl
  4276. Bernardi, Bartolomeo !*b- pl
  4277. Bernardi, Enrico pl
  4278. Bernardi, Franz !b- pl
  4279. Bernardi, Gian Giuseppe pl
  4280. Bernardi, Giovanni Germanico !*b-!+d pl
  4281. Bernardi, Innocenzio !*b-!+d pl
  4282. Bernardi, Stefano !-
  4283. Bernardi, Stefanus !*- pl
  4284. Bernardi Bellati, Eleonora !-!+d c
  4285. Bernardi de Valernes, Edouard Joseph pl
  4286. Bernardin, Bernard Courtois dit pl
  4287. Bernardini, Andrea pl
  4288. Bernardini, Giampiero !- pl
  4289. Bernardini, Marcello !*b-!d pl
  4290. Bernardio, Stefano !*-
  4291. Bernardo, Bartolomeo !*b- pl
  4292. Bernardo, Jose Raul pl
  4293. Bernardone, Anka pl
  4294. Bernardoni, Pietro !*b-!+d pl
  4295. Bernards, Joseph pl
  4296. Bernardy de Valernes, Edouard Joseph pl
  4297. Bernasconi, Andrea !- pl
  4298. Bernasconi, Luigi !-!d pl
  4299. Bernasconi, Luis Jose pl
  4300. Bernasconi, Silvano pl
  4301. Bernat, Jose !*b-!+d pl
  4302. Bernat, Robert l
  4303. Bernat, Zdzislaw
  4304. Bernat Artigas, Francisco !*b-!+d pl
  4305. Bernat Servitja, Joan !*b-!+d c
  4306. Bernatek, Jan pl
  4307. Bernaud, Alain pl
  4308. Bernauer, Josef pl
  4309. Bernauer, Luigi
  4310. Bernd, August !*b-!+d pl
  4311. Berndes, J A !*b-!+d pl
  4312. Berndl, Joseph !*b-!+d pl
  4313. Berndt, Julia Helen pl
  4314. Berndt, Wilhelm !*b- pl
  4315. Berne, Alexander -!*d pl
  4316. Berne, Tim
  4317. Bernecker, Franz !*b-!+d pl
  4318. Bernecker, Johann Adam !*- pl
  4319. Berneker, Constanz pl
  4320. Berner, Amadeus W !- pl
  4321. Berner, Andreas !b- pl
  4322. Berner, C !*b-!+d pl
  4323. Berner, Friedrich Wilhelm pl
  4324. Berner, Louis !*b-!+d pl
  4325. Berner, Ludwig !*b-!+d pl
  4326. Berner Bustos, Mariano !*b-!+d pl
  4327. Berners, Lord
  4328. Bernet Kempers, Karel pl
  4329. Bernet Sala, Joan pl
  4330. Berneville, Gillebert de !*b-!+d
  4331. Berngard, August -! c
  4332. Bernhard, August -! c
  4333. Bernhard, Christoph
  4334. Bernhard, Franz !b- pl
  4335. Bernhard, Fritz !*b-!+d pl
  4336. Bernhard, Hans pl
  4337. Bernhard, Karel -!+d pl
  4338. Bernhard, Lorenz !*- pl
  4339. Bernhard, Wilhelm Christoph -! pl
  4340. Bernhardt, Emil I !*b-!+d pl
  4341. Bernhardt, Emil II pl
  4342. Bernhardt, Otto pl
  4343. Bernhardt, Sarah pl
  4344. Bernhardt, Stephen pl
  4345. Bernhart, Anton pl
  4346. Bernhart, Martha Ann pl
  4347. Bernharto, Christoph pl
  4348. Berni Canani, Achille pl
  4349. Bernia, Vincenzo !*-!+d
  4350. Bernicat, Firmin l
  4351. Bernie, Ben
  4352. Bernier, Alfred pl
  4353. Bernier, Arthur pl
  4354. Bernier, Conrad pl
  4355. Bernier, Nicolas
  4356. Bernier, Rene
  4357. Berninger, Hans -!+d c
  4358. Bernini, Giuseppe pl
  4359. Berninzone, Giorgio -!+d pl
  4360. Bernis, Dolores !b- pl
  4361. Bernkopf, Antonin !*b-!+d pl
  4362. Bernlochner, Anton !b- pl
  4363. Bernofsky, Lauren pl
  4364. Bernoneau, Hilaire !*-!+d pl
  4365. Bernouilly, Agnes pl
  4366. Bernsdorf, Eduard pl
  4367. Bernshtein, Aviassaf l
  4368. Bernshtein, Abraham pl
  4369. Bernshtein, Yakov pl
  4370. Bernshtein, Yehudah pl
  4371. Bernstein, !*b-!+d pl
  4372. Bernstein, Aviassaf l
  4373. Bernstein, Abraham pl
  4374. Bernstein, Charles pl
  4375. Bernstein, Charles Harold pl
  4376. Bernstein, Christian Andreas c
  4377. Bernstein, David pl
  4378. Bernstein, Elmer
  4379. Bernstein, Jacob c
  4380. Bernstein, Leonard
  4381. Bernstein, Morris l
  4382. Bernstein, Peter pl
  4383. Bernstein, Seymour pl
  4384. Bernstein, Walter Heinz c
  4385. Bernstein, Yehudah pl
  4386. Bernthal, !*b-!+d pl
  4387. Berntsen Aas, Else !- pl
  4388. Bernucci, Rinaldo !b- pl
  4389. Bernuth, Julius von c
  4390. Bernuy Balda, Ignacia b- pl
  4391. Bernuz Vives, Patricio !*-!+d pl
  4392. Berny, !*b-!+d pl
  4393. Bero, Michel pl
  4394. Beroch, D !*b-!+d pl
  4395. Beron, du !*b-!+d pl
  4396. Beron, Saturnino Filomeno pl
  4397. Berossi, !*b-!+d pl
  4398. Berou, Adrien pl
  4399. Berquin, Arnaud
  4400. Berr, Friedrich l
  4401. Berr, Jose pl
  4402. Berr, Philipp pl
  4403. Berra, Pietro !- pl
  4404. Berre, Ferdinand pl
  4405. Berretta, Francesco !*b- pl
  4406. Berrettari, Aurelio !*b-!+d pl
  4407. Berretti, !*b-!+d pl
  4408. Berridge, Arthur pl
  4409. Berrini, Giuseppe pl
  4410. Berrini, Jose Francisco pl
  4411. Berrini, Luigi !*b-!+d pl
  4412. Berrini, Marco pl
  4413. Berriola, Salvador pl
  4414. Berrios, Steve
  4415. Berroa, Catalina pl
  4416. Berroa, Jorge -d pl
  4417. Berrueco Serna, Manuel !-! pl
  4418. Berruezo, Joaquin !*-!+d pl
  4419. Berruyer, Georges pl
  4420. Berry, David Bruce pl
  4421. Berry, Dennis pl
  4422. Berry, Everard c
  4423. Berry, Georges !-!+d pl
  4424. Berry, Gilbert pl
  4425. Berry, Ida Sargent pl
  4426. Berry, Ira c
  4427. Berry, Margaret Mary Robinson c
  4428. Berry, Richard
  4429. Berry, Rhonda pl
  4430. Berry, Thomas pl
  4431. Berry, Wallace pl
  4432. Berryman, Alice Davis pl
  4433. Berryman, Cecil Wells pl
  4434. Berryman, Edward pl
  4435. Bersa, Benito
  4436. Bersa, Blagoje
  4437. Bersa, Vladimir pl
  4438. Bersabo, !*b-!+d pl
  4439. Bersani, Alberto *-!+d pl
  4440. Bersani, Carlo -! pl
  4441. Bersano, Pier Antonio -! pl
  4442. Bersezio, Carlo pl
  4443. Berson, Seweryn !- pl
  4444. Bersoni, Ferdinando l
  4445. Berstad, Ragnhild pl
  4446. Bertacca, Uberto !- pl
  4447. Bertacchi, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  4448. Bertaggia, Domenico !*b-!+d pl
  4449. Bertagnoli, Gregorio !*b-!+d c
  4450. Bertain, Jules pl
  4451. Bertaina, Pier Michele !- pl
  4452. Bertali, Antonio
  4453. Bertalot, John
  4454. Bertalotti, Angelo Michele c
  4455. Bertani, Lelio !-! pl
  4456. Bertani, Natale !*-! c
  4457. Bertaud, G !*b-!+d pl
  4458. Bertaud, Martin !- l
  4459. Bertchume, Gary pl
  4460. Berte, Emil pl
  4461. Berte, Heinrich
  4462. Berteau, G !*b-!+d pl
  4463. Berteau, Martin !- l
  4464. Bertel, Jean Luc pl
  4465. Bertelin, Albert pl
  4466. Bertelli, !*b-!+d pl
  4467. Bertelli, Clotilde !*-! pl
  4468. Bertelman, Jan George pl
  4469. Bertelsen, Arne -d pl
  4470. Bertelsen, Michael pl
  4471. Bertelsmann, Karl August pl
  4472. Berten, Walter pl
  4473. Bertesi, Giovanni -!+ pl
  4474. Bertesi, Jean -!+ pl
  4475. Bertezen, Salvatore !*b-!+d c
  4476. Berth, Heinrich !*b-!+d pl
  4477. Bertha, Alexander Eugen von pl
  4478. Bertha, Sandor pl
  4479. Berthali, Antonio
  4480. Berthault, Marie !*b-!+d pl
  4481. Berthault, Martin !- l
  4482. Berthe, Madame Offhuis !*b-!+d c
  4483. Bertheaume, Isidore !- pl
  4484. Berthelemy, Norbert -!d pl
  4485. Berthelot, John pl
  4486. Berthelot, Rene pl
  4487. Berthemet, Amedee pl
  4488. Berthemet, Eugene pl
  4489. Berthemine !*b-!+d c
  4490. Berthet, Francois pl
  4491. Berthet, Pierre I !*b-!+d pl
  4492. Berthet, Pierre II pl
  4493. Berthier, Jacques
  4494. Berthier, Paul pl
  4495. Berthod, Francois !*b-!+d pl
  4496. Berthold, G
  4497. Berthold, Henry pl
  4498. Berthold, Hermann pl
  4499. Berthold, Otto I !b-!d pl
  4500. Berthold, Otto II !*b-!+d pl
  4501. Berthold, Otto J F !*b-!+d pl
  4502. Berthold, Theodor pl
  4503. Bertholde, !*b-!+d c
  4504. Bertholdo, Sperindio !*- pl
  4505. Bertholusius, Vincentius !*-
  4506. Berthomet, Eugene pl
  4507. Berthomier, Michel !- pl
  4508. Berthomieu, Marc
  4509. Berthomieux, Antonio pl
  4510. Berti, Carlo !*b-! pl
  4511. Berti, Giovanni Pietro !*b-! pl
  4512. Berti, Giuseppe I !*b-!+d pl
  4513. Berti, Giuseppe II !- pl
  4514. Berti, Henri pl
  4515. Berti, Lorenzo !*-!+d pl
  4516. Berti, Oscar -!+d pl
  4517. Berti Soteldo, Alexander pl
  4518. Bertier, Adrien de pl
  4519. Bertier de Sauvigny, Christian de pl
  4520. Bertijn, Truus b- pl
  4521. Bertin, G J !*b-!+d pl
  4522. Bertin, Gabriel !- c
  4523. Bertin, Jean Honore !*b-! c
  4524. Bertin, Louise Angelique pl
  4525. Bertin, Pierre !*b-!+d c
  4526. Bertin, Servais !-! pl
  4527. Bertin de la Doue, Toussaint !*- pl
  4528. Bertini, Auguste pl
  4529. Bertini, Domenico pl
  4530. Bertini, Enrico -! pl
  4531. Bertini, Ernesto pl
  4532. Bertini, Gabriel !- c
  4533. Bertini, Gary pl
  4534. Bertini, Giuseppe pl
  4535. Bertini, Henri pl
  4536. Bertini, Natale I !-! c
  4537. Bertini, Natale II !*-! pl
  4538. Bertini, Salvatore !- pl
  4539. Bertinotti, Teresa !- c
  4540. Bertken, Suster !-
  4541. Bertocchi, Annibale pl
  4542. Bertocchi, Bernardo !*b-!+d pl
  4543. Bertocchi, Federico pl
  4544. Bertocchi, Serge pl
  4545. Bertocchi, Vincenzo !*b-!+d pl
  4546. Bertoja, Ferdinando !*b-!+d pl
  4547. Bertoja, Valentino !*b-!+d pl
  4548. Bertola, Eduardo pl
  4549. Bertola, Giovanni Antonio -!+d
  4550. Bertolajo Cavaletti, Orsola !*b-!+d c
  4551. Bertoldi, Bertoldo di !*-!+d pl
  4552. Bertoldo, Sperindio !*- pl
  4553. Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio -!+d
  4554. Bertolini, !*b-!+d pl
  4555. Bertolini, Federico !- pl
  4556. Bertolini, Giuseppe !*b-!+d pl
  4557. Bertolini, Orindio !*-! l
  4558. Bertolini, Pere !*b-!+d pl
  4559. Bertolini, Pietro !*b-!+d pl
  4560. Bertolini, Serafino !*b-!+d pl
  4561. Bertolotti, Angelo Michele !*-!+d
  4562. Bertolotti, Bernardino -!+d pl
  4563. Bertolotti, Chiaffredo !*b- pl
  4564. Bertolusi, Vincenzo !*-
  4565. Bertomeu, Agustin pl
  4566. Berton, !*b-!+d pl
  4567. Berton, Francois pl
  4568. Berton, Henri pl
  4569. Berton, Henri Montan pl
  4570. Berton, Pierre Montan pl
  4571. Bertoncini, Mario pl
  4572. Bertoni, Ferdinando Gasparo !-! pl
  4573. Bertoni, Ferdinando Giuseppe l
  4574. Bertoni, Umberto l
  4575. Bertorotti, Marcellino !*- pl
  4576. Bertotto, Daniele pl
  4577. Bertou, Alexandre pl
  4578. Bertou, Claire pl
  4579. Bertouch, Georg von
  4580. Bertouch, Karl Volkmar !*-!+ pl
  4581. Bertouille, Gerard pl
  4582. Bertram, Balthasar Christian Friedrich !- pl
  4583. Bertram, Dudley !*b-!+d pl
  4584. Bertram, Hans !*- pl
  4585. Bertram, Hans Georg pl
  4586. Bertram, J !*b-!+d c
  4587. Bertram, Johann !- pl
  4588. Bertram, Madge -!+ pl
  4589. Bertram, Michael b- l
  4590. Bertram, William F pl
  4591. Bertran Pujol, Manuel !*b-!+d pl
  4592. Bertran Reyna, Manuel pl
  4593. Bertran Sastre, Bernat !- pl
  4594. Bertrand, Aline !- pl
  4595. Bertrand, Anthoine de !*-!+
  4596. Bertrand, Christophe
  4597. Bertrand, Felix Routhier pl
  4598. Bertrand, Ginette pl
  4599. Bertrand, Henri Joseph !*-!+ pl
  4600. Bertrand, Leon I pl
  4601. Bertrand, Leon II !*b-!+d pl
  4602. Bertrand, Marcel pl
  4603. Bertrand, Simon pl
  4604. Bertrans, Bernardo !*b-!+d pl
  4605. Bertucci, Costantino pl
  4606. Bertuccio, Giovanni -!+d pl
  4607. Bertuch, Georg von
  4608. Bertuch, Justinus !*b-!+d pl
  4609. Bertuch, Karl Volkmar !*-!+ pl
  4610. Bertuch, Max pl
  4611. Bertuletti, Giovanni !- pl
  4612. Bertuletti, Stefano pl
  4613. Bertuzzi, Alessandro !*b-!+d pl
  4614. Bertuzzi, Pietro I !*b-!+d c
  4615. Bertuzzi, Pietro II !-! c
  4616. Berutti, Arturo pl
  4617. Berutti, Pablo pl
  4618. Berveiller, Jean pl
  4619. Bervoets, Alfons pl
  4620. Bervon, Inglis !- pl
  4621. Berwald, August pl
  4622. Berwald, Christian Friedrich Georg pl
  4623. Berwald, Franz
  4624. Berwald, Hjalmar !b-!d pl
  4625. Berwald, Johan Fredrik pl
  4626. Berwald, Johann Gottfried -!+d pl
  4627. Berwald, William Henry pl
  4628. Berwin, Adolf c
  4629. Berzeni, !*b-!+d pl
  4630. Berzesi, !*b-!+d pl
  4631. Berzolla, Massimo pl
  4632. Berzon, Asya -!+d pl
  4633. Berzosa, Santiago pl
  4634. Berzsenyi, Daniel

  4635. Bes

  4636. Besalduch, ? !*b-!+d pl
  4637. Besancon, Andre !- pl
  4638. Besancon, Eugene pl
  4639. Besancon, Georges pl
  4640. Besancourt, !*b-!+d pl
  4641. Besanzoni, Ferdinando pl
  4642. Besard, Jean Baptiste !*-!+d
  4643. Besch, !*b-!+d pl
  4644. Besch, Otto pl
  4645. Beschnitt, Johannes pl
  4646. Beschort, Jonas Friedrich pl
  4647. Besedina, Valeria b- pl
  4648. Besekirsky, Vasily pl
  4649. Besel, Ludwig !b-!d c
  4650. Besemann, Carl !*b-!+d pl
  4651. Besemer, Ronald pl
  4652. Besi, Simone !b-!d pl
  4653. Besingrand, Frank pl
  4654. Beskow, Bernhard von pl
  4655. Besler, Samuel pl
  4656. Besler, Simon pl
  4657. Besly, Maurice pl
  4658. Besnecker, Johann Adam !*- pl
  4659. Besnier, Joseph pl
  4660. Besoyan, Rick pl
  4661. Besozzi, Alessandro I !*-!+d pl
  4662. Besozzi, Alessandro II p
  4663. Besozzi, Antonio !-! c
  4664. Besozzi, Carlo !-
  4665. Besozzi, Cerbonio !b*-!d pl
  4666. Besozzi, Gaetano -! pl
  4667. Besozzi, Girolamo I pl
  4668. Besozzi, Girolamo II !*-! c
  4669. Besozzi, Jerome !*-! c
  4670. Besozzi, Louis Desire pl
  4671. Besozzi, Paolo Girolamo pl
  4672. Besse, Camille -!d pl
  4673. Besseghi, Angelo Michele !-! pl
  4674. Bessel, A M S E von !*b-!+d pl
  4675. Bessel, Gottfried Ernst pl
  4676. Bessel, Ludwig !b-!d c
  4677. Besselaar, Jan Hermanus pl
  4678. Bessem, Saar pl
  4679. Bessems, Antoon pl
  4680. Bessems, Jozef pl
  4681. Besser, Theodor Gottlieb !*b-!+d pl
  4682. Besses, Antoni pl
  4683. Besset, G !*b-!+d pl
  4684. Bessler, von !*b-!+d c
  4685. Besson, Gabriel !*b- pl
  4686. Besson, Gabriel Louis pl
  4687. Besson, Maria !*b-!+d pl
  4688. Best, C !*b-!+d pl
  4689. Best, Harold M pl
  4690. Best, Martin b- pl
  4691. Best, Matthew pl
  4692. Best, Peter pl
  4693. Best, Stephen pl
  4694. Best, Ted R pl
  4695. Best, William Thomas
  4696. Bestandig, Otto pl
  4697. Beste, Lawrence pl
  4698. Bestel, A M S E von !*b-!+d pl
  4699. Bestel, Gottfried Ernst pl
  4700. Bestor, Charles L pl
  4701. Bestor, Dorothea Nolte pl
  4702. Besuch, Alfred !*b-!+d pl
  4703. Besuzio, Zerbonio !*b-!d pl
  4704. Beswick, Aubrey b- pl
  4705. Beswick, Delbert M c
  4706. Betancourt, Domingo
  4707. Betancourt, Jose Mercedes !*- pl
  4708. Betancourt, Manuel Maria !*b-!+d pl
  4709. Betani, Isidore !*-!+d pl
  4710. Betella, Paolo !*b-!+d pl
  4711. Betelli, Cesare !*b-!+d pl
  4712. Bethea, Kay pl
  4713. Bethencourt, Agustin Jose !*-! pl
  4714. Bethencourt, Rafael !- pl
  4715. Bethge, Wilhelm pl
  4716. Bethizy, Jean Laurent de pl
  4717. Bethke, Neithard pl
  4718. Bethmann, Siegfried pl
  4719. Bethune, Conon de !*b-!d
  4720. Bethune, Michel de !*b-!+d
  4721. Bethune, Thomas Greene
  4722. Betins, Ludvigs c
  4723. Betjeman, Paul pl
  4724. Betko, Milos l
  4725. Betscher, Nikolaus
  4726. Betschwarzowski, Antonin Frantisek pl
  4727. Betta, Marco pl
  4728. Bettarini, Luciano pl
  4729. Bettcher, Peggy pl
  4730. Bette, !*b-!+d pl
  4731. Bette, Karl pl
  4732. Betteli, Cesare !*b-!+d pl
  4733. Bettella, Paolo !*b-!+d pl
  4734. Bettelli, Cesare !*b-!+d pl
  4735. Bettendorf, Carl Christian pl
  4736. Bettenhausen, C !*b-!+d pl
  4737. Betteridge, Leslie pl
  4738. Betti, Adolfo pl
  4739. Betti, Martino !- pl
  4740. Betti, Stefano !b-!d pl
  4741. Bettigny, Jean !*b-! pl
  4742. Bettinelli, Angelo pl
  4743. Bettinelli, Bruno
  4744. Bettinger, !*b-!+d pl
  4745. Bettini, Giovanni !*-!+d
  4746. Bettini, Girolamo !*-!d pl
  4747. Bettini, Stefano !b-!d pl
  4748. Bettino, Geronimo !*-!d pl
  4749. Bettinozzi, Giovanni !*b-!+d pl
  4750. Bettinozzi, Pietro !*-!+d pl
  4751. Bettison, Oscar
  4752. Bettoni, Domenico !*b-! pl
  4753. Betts, Arthur !*- pl
  4754. Betts, Edward !*b- pl
  4755. Betts, Harry pl
  4756. Betts, Lorne pl
  4757. Betz, B !*b-!+d pl
  4758. Betz, Stephan !b- l
  4759. Betzler, Johann Baptist !b-!+d pl
  4760. Betzwarzofsky, Antonin Frantisek pl
  4761. Beuerle, Herbert
  4762. Beuger, Antoine pl
  4763. Beugniot, Jean Pierre pl
  4764. Beul, Artur pl
  4765. Beumer, Hendrik -! pl
  4766. Beunders, Wim !*b-
  4767. Beurden, Bernard van
  4768. Beurle, Johannes Christian pl
  4769. Beurle, Jurgen pl
  4770. Beurse, Pierre !*b-!+d c
  4771. Beuscher, Elisabeth !*b-!+d c
  4772. Beutel, Carl pl
  4773. Beutel, Jacob I !*b-!+d pl
  4774. Beutel, Jacob II c
  4775. Beutel von Lattenberg, Felix Valois !b-!d pl
  4776. Beuter, Albert pl
  4777. Beuther, B !*b-!+d pl
  4778. Beuthner, Johann Heinrich c
  4779. Beutler, Benjamin pl
  4780. Beutler, Franz !- pl
  4781. Beutler, Irmhild l
  4782. Beutler, Johann Bernhard pl
  4783. Beutlhauser, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  4784. Beuttenmuller, Hermann pl
  4785. Beuttner, Nicolaus !*-!+ pl
  4786. Beuys, Joseph l
  4787. Bevan, Frederick Charles pl
  4788. Bevan, Gwilym pl
  4789. Bevan, James pl
  4790. Bevan, John Petman c
  4791. Bevan, Llewelyn pl
  4792. Bevan, Maurice l
  4793. Bevan, Sydney l
  4794. Bevan Baker, John
  4795. Bevelander, Brian pl
  4796. Bevenot, Laurence
  4797. Beveren, Achiel van pl
  4798. Beveri, padre !*b-!+d pl
  4799. Beveridge, Lowell P c
  4800. Beveridge, Thomas pl
  4801. Beverini, Francesco !*b-!+d pl
  4802. Beversdorf, Thomas pl
  4803. Beversluis, Franciscus Gijsbert sr pl
  4804. Beversluis, Franciscus Gijsbert jr pl
  4805. Beverst, George E pl
  4806. Bevignani, Enrico pl
  4807. Bevilacqua, Alessandro !*-!+d pl
  4808. Bevilacqua, Alfredo Antonio pl
  4809. Bevilacqua, Domenico !*-!d pl
  4810. Bevilacqua, Eugenio !*b-! pl
  4811. Bevilacqua, Francisco Alfredo pl
  4812. Bevilacqua, Giambattista !*-!+d pl
  4813. Bevilacqua, Matteo !- pl
  4814. Bevilacqua, Otavio pl
  4815. Beville, W !*b-!+d pl
  4816. Bevin, Edward -!+d pl
  4817. Bevin, Elway !*b-
  4818. Bevitt, Zay Rector c
  4819. Bewer, T !*b-!+d c
  4820. Bewerunge, Heinrich pl
  4821. Bewig, Julian pl
  4822. Bewlay, Henry !*b- pl
  4823. Bexfield, William Richard pl
  4824. Bey, Jac. de !*b-!+d pl
  4825. Bey, Yeoman !*b-!+d pl
  4826. Beydale, Cecile !- pl
  4827. Beydts, Louis
  4828. Beyer, B !*b-!+d pl
  4829. Beyer, Emil pl
  4830. Beyer, Ferdinand pl
  4831. Beyer, Frank Michael
  4832. Beyer, Frantz pl
  4833. Beyer, Frederick H pl
  4834. Beyer, Hermann I !*b-!+d pl
  4835. Beyer, Hermann II pl
  4836. Beyer, Howard -!+d pl
  4837. Beyer, Hugo -! pl
  4838. Beyer, Huntley
  4839. Beyer, Ignaz !*b-!d pl
  4840. Beyer, Johann Christian !*b-!+d pl
  4841. Beyer, Johann Ignaz !*b-!d pl
  4842. Beyer, Johann Samuel !- pl
  4843. Beyer, Johanna
  4844. Beyer, Julian !*b-!+d pl
  4845. Beyer, Richard !- pl
  4846. Beyer, Rudolf pl
  4847. Beyer, S !*b-!+d pl
  4848. Beyer, Valentin !*b-!+d pl
  4849. Beyerer, Franciscus !*b-!+d c
  4850. Beyerer, Franz Xaver !*b-!+d pl
  4851. Beyerle, Bernward -! pl
  4852. Beyerle, George pl
  4853. Beyerman Walraven, Jeanne p
  4854. Beykofer, Anton !- c
  4855. Beylen Bey, !*b-!+d pl
  4856. Beymer, Paul pl
  4857. Beyne, Theodore J pl
  4858. Beynon, George W pl
  4859. Beynon, Rosser !- pl
  4860. Beyrer, Balthasar !*b-!+d c
  4861. Beyrer, Franciscus !*b-!+d c
  4862. Beyrer, Franz Xaver !*b-!+d pl
  4863. Beyschlag, Adolf pl
  4864. Beytelmann, Gustavo !-
  4865. Bezancon, Guy !- pl
  4866. Bezanson, Philip pl
  4867. Bezdek, Bedrich Vaclav pl
  4868. Bezdek, Friedrich Wenzel pl
  4869. Bezdek, Jan pl
  4870. Bezdek, Jiri pl
  4871. Bezdek, John Joseph pl
  4872. Bezdek, Julia pl
  4873. Bezdruzic, Krystof
  4874. Beze, Theodore de c
  4875. Bezecny, Emil pl
  4876. Bezecny, Johann !*b-!+d pl
  4877. Bezegui, Ange Michel !-! pl
  4878. Bezekirsky, Vasily pl
  4879. Bezkorovany, Vasily pl
  4880. Bezler, Willibald pl
  4881. Bezold, !*b-!+d pl
  4882. Bezold, Gustav von pl
  4883. Bezold, Johann Christian Gottlieb !*b-!+d pl
  4884. Bezon, Mateo !*b-!+d pl
  4885. Bezubka, Ladislav pl
  4886. Bezugly, Timofey !*b-!+d pl
  4887. Bezuijen, Abram !- pl
  4888. Bezzi, Ernesto pl
  4889. Bezzi, Girolamo !*b-!+d pl
  4890. Bezzi, Giuseppe pl

  4891. Bh

  4892. Bhosle, Asha
  4893. Bhumibol Adulyadej, king

  4894. Bi

  4895. Biabo, Giuseppino del !*b-!+d
  4896. Bialas, Gunther p
  4897. Bianchi, Francesco !-
  4898. Bianchini, Francesco !*-!+d
  4899. Bianco, Agostino !*b-!+d c
  4900. Bianco, Antonio !*b-!+d c
  4901. Biarent, Adolphe
  4902. Bibalo, Antonio
  4903. Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von
  4904. Bibic, Bratko !-
  4905. Bibl, Rudolph
  4906. Bick, Hermann pl
  4907. Bidgood, Thomas p
  4908. Bie, Ivon de -!
  4909. Bie, Kalle de
  4910. Biebl, Franz
  4911. Biechteler, Benedict p
  4912. Biek, Hermann pl
  4913. Biel, Michael von
  4914. Bieling, Franz Ignaz !*b-
  4915. Biely, Viktor pl
  4916. Biener, Gustav
  4917. Biermann, Wolf
  4918. Biesemans, Janpieter p
  4919. Bievre, Guy de !-
  4920. Biffi, Antonio !*-! c
  4921. Biffi, Gioseffo !*-!+d
  4922. Bigaglia, Diogenio !*-!+
  4923. Bigelow, Frederick Ellsworth p
  4924. Bijlaard, Vincent van den
  4925. Bijster, Jacob p
  4926. Bijvanck, Henk pl
  4927. Bikkembergs, Kurt
  4928. Bilik, Jerry
  4929. Bill, Hans -! pl
  4930. Bill, Johann -! pl
  4931. Bill, Joseph sr pl
  4932. Bill, Joseph jr pl
  4933. Billi, Vincenzo
  4934. Billings, William
  4935. Billingsley, Alan
  4936. Billingsley, William Allen pl
  4937. Billone, Pierluigi
  4938. Bilohradsky, Elisabeth !*b-!+d pl
  4939. Bilohradsky, Timofiy !*b-!+d c
  4940. Bimstein, Phillip
  4941. Bina, Sima
  4942. Binchois, Gilles !*-
  4943. Binder, Carl c
  4944. Binelli, Daniel
  4945. Binge, Ronald
  4946. Bingen, Hildegard von !-
  4947. Bingham, George !*b-!+d
  4948. Bingham, Judith
  4949. Binicki, Stanislav pl
  4950. Binsbergen, Corrie van
  4951. Biondi, Giovanni Battista !*-!+d
  4952. Birca, Mihail pl
  4953. Birck, Wenzel Raimund Johann
  4954. Birckenstock, Johann Adam
  4955. Birgisson, Snorri Sigfus
  4956. Birgitta of Sweden !-
  4957. Biriotti, Leon
  4958. Birkenkotter, Jorg
  4959. Biro, Daniel
  4960. Birtwistle, Harrison
  4961. Bischofswerder, Boas
  4962. Biscogli, Francesco !*b-!+d
  4963. Bishop, Henry
  4964. Bissell, Keith
  4965. Bissill, Richard !-
  4966. Bitsch, Marcel
  4967. Bittering, !*b-!+d
  4968. Bitti, Martino !*- pl
  4969. Bittner, Julius p
  4970. Bittova, Iva
  4971. Bituricensis, Albericus archiepiscopus !*b-! pl
  4972. Bixio, Cesare Andrea
  4973. Bizet, Georges

  4974. Bj

  4975. Bjarnason, Daniel
  4976. Bjelinski, Bruno
  4977. Bjelke Andersen, Olga pl
  4978. Bjork
  4979. Bjorkander, Nils
  4980. Bjorklund, Staffan I
  4981. Bjornsson, Arni
  4982. Bjornsson, Ragnar

  4983. Bl

  4984. Blaauw, Marco
  4985. Blacher, Boris
  4986. Black, James M pl
  4987. Black, John !*b-!
  4988. Black, Robert b-
  4989. Black, Stanley
  4990. Blackbourne, Jacob pl
  4991. Blackbourne, G Frank !b-!+d l
  4992. Blackford, Richard
  4993. Blackhall, Andrew !b-
  4994. Blackmar, Armand Edward pl
  4995. Blackmar, Henry Clay !- pl
  4996. Blackwell, Ed
  4997. Blackwood, Easley
  4998. Blahnik, Roman
  4999. Blainville, Charles Henri de !b-!d
  5000. Blair, Hugh
  5001. Blak, Kristian
  5002. Blake, Blind !-
  5003. Blake, David
  5004. Blake, Eubie
  5005. Blake, Howard
  5006. Blake, Michael
  5007. Blake, Ran
  5008. Blamont, Francois Colin
  5009. Blanc, Adolphe
  5010. Blancafort, Manuel
  5011. Blanchard, Terence
  5012. Blanche de Castille
  5013. Blanchet, Emile Robert
  5014. Bland, James A pl
  5015. Blane, Ralph
  5016. Blank, William
  5017. Blankenburg, Quirinus van !-
  5018. Blanker, Frans !b-
  5019. Blanquer, Amando
  5020. Blarr, Oskar Gottlieb
  5021. Blas de Castro, Juan !*-
  5022. Blasco de Nebra, Manuel
  5023. Blasius, Matthieu Frederic -!
  5024. Blatchly, Mark
  5025. Blatny, Pavel
  5026. Blavet, Michel
  5027. Blazhevich, Vladislav
  5028. Blazquez, Eladia
  5029. Blech, Leo
  5030. Blechinger, Alexander
  5031. Blendinger, Herbert p
  5032. Bleuse, Marc l
  5033. Bley, Carla
  5034. Bley, Paul
  5035. Bleyer, Nicolaus
  5036. Blezard, William
  5037. Bliss, Arthur
  5038. Bliss, Philip Paul
  5039. Blitheman, John !*-
  5040. Blitheman, William !*-
  5041. Blitzstein, Marc p
  5042. Bloch, Augustyn
  5043. Bloch, Ernest
  5044. Blockx, Jan
  5045. Blodek, Vilem
  5046. Blomann, Karl Heinz
  5047. Blomdahl, Karl Birger
  5048. Blomenkamp, Thomas
  5049. Blomqvist, Anders
  5050. Blondeau, Thierry
  5051. Blonk, Jaap !-
  5052. Bloom, Jane Ira
  5053. Bloom, Rube
  5054. Blow, John
  5055. Blume, Joachim
  5056. Blumenfeld, Felix p
  5057. Blumenthal, Maurice
  5058. Blumenthaler, Volker
  5059. Blumm, Frank Schultge
  5060. Blundevile, John jr !*- c
  5061. Blundevile, John sr !*b-!+d c
  5062. Blythe, Jimmy
  5063. Blyton, Carey

  5064. Bo

  5065. Bobescu, Constantin
  5066. Bobic, Davor
  5067. Bobowski, Wojciech !-!+d
  5068. Bocanegra, Juan Perez !*b-!+d
  5069. Bocca, Bruno !-
  5070. Boccadoro, Carlo
  5071. Boccherini, Luigi
  5072. Bocchi, Lorenzo !*b-!d
  5073. Boccosi, Bio p
  5074. Bochmann, Werner
  5075. Bochsa, Nicolas Charles
  5076. Bock, Christian !b-
  5077. Bock, Jerry
  5078. Bockshorn, Samuel
  5079. Bodart, Eugen
  5080. Boddecker, Philipp Friedrich
  5081. Bodel, Jean !*-!+d
  5082. Bodenham, John !*b-!+d
  5083. Bodin, Lars Gunnar
  5084. Bodin, Philippe
  5085. Bodino,
  5086. Bodinus, Sebastian p
  5087. Bodley, Seoirse
  5088. Bodorova, Sylvie
  5089. Body, Jack
  5090. Boeck, August de
  5091. Boedijn, Gerard p
  5092. Boehe, Ernst
  5093. Boehmer, Konrad
  5094. Boeke, Kees
  5095. Boekel, Meindert p
  5096. Boekelman, Bernardus
  5097. Boellmann, Leon
  5098. Boely, Alexandre p
  5099. Boelza, Igor pl
  5100. Boer, Eduard de
  5101. Boer, Johan de !b- p
  5102. Boer, Paul de
  5103. Boerio, Francesco Antonio !*b-!+d
  5104. Boerman, Jan
  5105. Boesch, Rainer
  5106. Boesmans, Philippe
  5107. Boesset, Antoine de
  5108. Boeswillwald, Pierre
  5109. Boetto, Bernard p
  5110. Boetzelaer, Josina van
  5111. Bogachenkova, Natalya !b-
  5112. Bogatyrev, Anatoly pl
  5113. Bogatyrev, Semyon
  5114. Bogatyryov, Anatoly pl
  5115. Bogatyryov, Semyon
  5116. Bogdanovic, Dusan
  5117. Bogisch, Bernhard
  5118. Bogoslovsky, Nikita
  5119. Bohdanowicz, Bazyli !b-
  5120. Bohler, Joseph Wilhelm Ernst !*b-! pl
  5121. Bohm, Georg
  5122. Bohm, Johann Michael !*b-!+d
  5123. Bohm, Joseph pl
  5124. Bohm, Martin pl
  5125. Bohm, Rainer p
  5126. Bohm, Theobald p
  5127. Bohme, Oskar -!
  5128. Bohmelt, Harald
  5129. Bohner, Johann Ludwig
  5130. Bohnke, Emil
  5131. Boieldieu, Adrien
  5132. Boiko, Rostislav
  5133. Bois, Alexandra du
  5134. Bois, Rob du p
  5135. Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de
  5136. Boisvallee, Francois de
  5137. Boito, Arrigo
  5138. Bojesen, Michael
  5139. Bok, Milos
  5140. Bokanowski, Michele
  5141. Bokes, Vladimir
  5142. Bolan, Marc
  5143. Boland, Francy
  5144. Bolcom, William p
  5145. Bold, Charles the
  5146. Boldemann, Laci
  5147. Bolens, Nicolas
  5148. Boll, Hans
  5149. Bolle, James l
  5150. Bollen, Jan Bas !-
  5151. Bolling, Claude p
  5152. Bologna, Antonio !-
  5153. Bologna, Bartolomeo da !*b-!+d
  5154. Bologna, Jacopo da !*b-!+d
  5155. Bologna, Marc'Antonio da !*b-!+d pl
  5156. Bolt, Klaas
  5157. Bomtempo, Joao Domingos
  5158. Bon, Anna !*-!+d
  5159. Bon, Maarten p
  5160. Bon, Willem Frederik
  5161. Bonar, Horatius
  5162. Bonato, Giovanni
  5163. Bonazzi, Ferdinando !-
  5164. Bond, Capel
  5165. Bond, Victoria
  5166. Bondarenko, Andrey !b-
  5167. Bondeville, Emmanuel
  5168. Bondon, Jacques
  5169. Bonds, Margaret
  5170. Bondt, Cornelis de p
  5171. Bonefaas, Jan p
  5172. Bonelli, Aurelio !*-!+d
  5173. Boneventinus, Antiquus episcopus !*b-!+d pl
  5174. Bonfa, Luiz
  5175. Bongiovanni, Francesco
  5176. Bonhomme, Andree
  5177. Bonhomme, Pierre !*-
  5178. Boni, Gaetano !*-!+d
  5179. Boni, Guillaume !*-!+
  5180. Bonini, Severo
  5181. Bonis, Melanie
  5182. Bonis, Valerio de !-
  5183. Bonizzi, Vincenzo !-
  5184. Bonnal, Ermend
  5185. Bonnay, Max
  5186. Bonneau, Paul
  5187. Bonner, Juke Boy
  5188. Bonnet, Joseph
  5189. Bonnevin, Johannes de !*- pl
  5190. Bononcini, Antonio Maria
  5191. Bononcini, Giovanni
  5192. Bononcini, Giovanni Maria
  5193. Bononia, Bartholomeus de !*b-!+d
  5194. Bononiensis, Giovanni Battista Aloysio !*-!+d l
  5195. Bonporti, Francesco Antonio
  5196. Bons, Joel p
  5197. Bonsel, Adriaan p
  5198. Bonte, Jo !- p
  5199. Bonte, Johan pl
  5200. Bontempi, Giovanni Andrea
  5201. Boogaard, Bernard van den p
  5202. Boogers, Nathalie
  5203. Boogert, Loek !-
  5204. Boogman, Willem !b-
  5205. Boon, Dante
  5206. Booren, Jo van den p
  5207. Booth, Josiah
  5208. Bootz, Erwin
  5209. Bopfingen, Johann von !*b-!+d
  5210. Boppe, meister !*b-!+d
  5211. Boquiren, Sidney Marquez
  5212. Borboni, Nicolo !*-
  5213. Borboudakis, Minas
  5214. Borch, Thora !-!d
  5215. Borck, Edmund von p
  5216. Borda, Luis
  5217. Borden, David
  5218. Bordes, Charles
  5219. Bordogni, Giulio Marco
  5220. Borel Clerc, Charles pl
  5221. Borges, Jorge Luis
  5222. Borges, Raul
  5223. Borges Cunha, Antonio Carlos l
  5224. Borghi, Giovanni Battista
  5225. Borgstrom, Hjalmar
  5226. Borisova Ollas, Victoria
  5227. Borjon de Scellery, Pierre
  5228. Borkowski, Carsten
  5229. Borkowski, Marian
  5230. Borlet !*b-!+d
  5231. Born, Bertran de !*-!+
  5232. Borne, Fernand le pl
  5233. Borne, Francois I -!*
  5234. Borne, Francois II !b-
  5235. Bornelh, Giraut de !*-!+d
  5236. Bornhoeft, Achim Christian
  5237. Borodin, Aleksandr
  5238. Boros, Tomas
  5239. Borowski, Felix p
  5240. Borradori, Pietro
  5241. Borresen, Hakon
  5242. Borrillo, Luciano Andres !-
  5243. Borrono, Pietro Paolo !*-!+
  5244. Borstlap, John
  5245. Borstlap, Michiel
  5246. Bortkevich, Sergey
  5247. Bortkiewicz, Sergei
  5248. Bortniansky, Dmitry
  5249. Bortnyansky, Dmitry
  5250. Bortolazzi, Bartolomeo -! l
  5251. Bortz, Daniel
  5252. Borup Jorgensen, Axel
  5253. Borzik, Lukas
  5254. Bos, Ruud
  5255. Bos, Stefan
  5256. Bosch, Piet ten !b-!+d p
  5257. Bose, Fritz von I
  5258. Bose, Hans Jurgen von
  5259. Boselli, Constantino !*b-!+d pl
  5260. Boskovich, Alexander Uriah
  5261. Bosmans, Henriette
  5262. Bossche, Flor van den b- l
  5263. Bossi, Marco Enrico
  5264. Bosso, Ezio
  5265. Bosveld, Jan
  5266. Boswell, Connee
  5267. Botsford, George
  5268. Bottcher, Eberhard
  5269. Bottcher, Martin
  5270. Bottegari, Cosimo
  5271. Bottenberg, Wolfgang p
  5272. Bottesini, Giovanni
  5273. Botti, Susan
  5274. Bottini Andreozzi, Marianna pl
  5275. Boubee, Albert !- pl
  5276. Boublil, Alain
  5277. Bouchard, Linda
  5278. Bouchefort, Jehannes de !*b-!+d pl
  5279. Boucourechliev, Andre
  5280. Boudounis, Vangelis
  5281. Boudreau, Walter
  5282. Bouffil, Jacques
  5283. Bougaily, Rasheed al !b-
  5284. Boughton, Rutland
  5285. Bouhalassa, Ned
  5286. Bouillon, Auguste pl
  5287. Bouillon, Emile pl
  5288. Bouillon, Paul p
  5289. Bouillon, Pierre p
  5290. Boulanger, Georges
  5291. Boulanger, Lili
  5292. Boulanger, Nadia
  5293. Boulez, Pierre
  5294. Boulgakova, Maria b-
  5295. Bouliane, Denys
  5296. Boulogne, Joseph
  5297. Boulontino, Lou
  5298. Bouman, Leon
  5299. Bouman, Martinus
  5300. Bouquet, Jules
  5301. Bourdeaux, Lucien pl
  5302. Bourdon, Petrus !*b-!+d
  5303. Bourdon, Rosario
  5304. Bourgault Ducoudray, Louis
  5305. Bourgeois, Derek
  5306. Bourgeois, Louise
  5307. Bourgeois, Loys !*-!+
  5308. Bourguignon, Francis de
  5309. Bournigault, Rebecca
  5310. Bourtayre, Henri
  5311. Bousset, Jean Baptiste de !-
  5312. Bouteiller, Pierre !*b-!d
  5313. Boutmy, Guillaume p
  5314. Boutmy, Jean Baptiste -!+ p
  5315. Boutmy, Josse
  5316. Boutmy, Laurent p
  5317. Boutry, Roger p
  5318. Bouvard, Francois !*- p
  5319. Bouwman, Nicolaas Arie
  5320. Bouzignac, Guillaume !*b-!+d
  5321. Bovet, Guy
  5322. Bovet, Joseph
  5323. Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista !*-!+d
  5324. Bovy Lysberg, Charles
  5325. Bowater, Helen
  5326. Bowden, Mark !-
  5327. Bowen, York
  5328. Bowie, David
  5329. Bowie, Lester
  5330. Bowles, Paul
  5331. Bowman, Euday L
  5332. Bowman, Kim
  5333. Boxberg, Christian Ludwig
  5334. Boyce, William
  5335. Boyd, Anne
  5336. Boyd, Eddie
  5337. Boydell, Brian
  5338. Boyer, Lucien
  5339. Boyer, Peter
  5340. Boyes, Jessie !*b-!+d pl
  5341. Boyle, Malcolm
  5342. Boyleau, Simon !*b-!+d
  5343. Boyvin, Jacques !*-
  5344. Bozza, Eugene p

  5345. Br

  5346. Braal, Andries de pl
  5347. Braam, Michiel
  5348. Bracanin, Philip
  5349. Bracci, Giuliano
  5350. Brachthuyser, Jan Daniel
  5351. Bracicki, A J !*b-!+d pl
  5352. Brackx, Joachim
  5353. Bradbury, William p
  5354. Brade, William !b- p
  5355. Bradford, Bobby
  5356. Bradford, Perry
  5357. Bradley, Jan
  5358. Bradshaw, Merrill
  5359. Brady, Tim
  5360. Braga, Ernani
  5361. Braga, Francisco
  5362. Braga, Gaetano
  5363. Braga Santos, Joly
  5364. Braham, John pl
  5365. Braham, Philip
  5366. Brahem, Anouar
  5367. Brahms, Johannes
  5368. Bram, Thuring
  5369. Bramma, Harry
  5370. Branca, Glenn
  5371. Brand, Dollar
  5372. Brand, Max
  5373. Brandao, Paulo
  5374. Brandl, Johann Evangelist
  5375. Brandon, Nico
  5376. Brandse, Wim
  5377. Brandt, Vasily !-
  5378. Brandt, Willy !-
  5379. Brandts Buys, Jan p
  5380. Brandts Buys, Ludwig Felix p
  5381. Brandts Buys, Marius Adrianus jr
  5382. Brandus, Nicolae
  5383. Branesti, Gheorghe Popescu b-d
  5384. Brant, Henry
  5385. Brassart, Johannes !*b-!
  5386. Brassens, Georges
  5387. Braten Berg, Kirsten
  5388. Bratton, John
  5389. Braun, Gerhard
  5390. Braun, Hans Peter l
  5391. Braun, Jean Daniel !*b-!+d
  5392. Braun, Johann Georg Franz !*-!+
  5393. Braun, Peter Michael p
  5394. Braun, Yehezkel
  5395. Braunfels, Michael
  5396. Braunfels, Walter
  5397. Braunschweig, Anna Maria von c
  5398. Braunschweig, Anton Ulrich von c
  5399. Braunschweig, August von c
  5400. Braunschweig, August Wilhelm von pl
  5401. Braunschweig Wolfenbuttel, Sophie von
  5402. Braxatoris, W !*b-!+d pl
  5403. Braxton, Anthony
  5404. Bray, John
  5405. Braz, Michael
  5406. Brazinskas, Algimantas
  5407. Brecht, Bertolt
  5408. Brecht, Robert
  5409. Brecker, Michael
  5410. Brecker, Randy
  5411. Bredemeyer, Reiner p
  5412. Brederode, Gerbrand Adriaanszoon
  5413. Brediceanu, Tiberiu
  5414. Bredt, Alice Verne pl
  5415. Bredt, William !b-
  5416. Bree, Johannes Bernardus van
  5417. Bregovic, Goran
  5418. Brehme, Hans p
  5419. Brehy, Pierre Hercule
  5420. Brel, Jacques
  5421. Bremer, Jetse
  5422. Brenders, Stan
  5423. Brennan, John Wolf
  5424. Brennan, Kathleen
  5425. Brent, Earl K
  5426. Brentano, Bettina l
  5427. Brentner, Johann Joseph Ignaz
  5428. Brescia, Adorno da !*b-!+d pl
  5429. Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio !*-
  5430. Bresgen, Cesar
  5431. Bretagne, Thomas de !*b-!+d
  5432. Bretan, Nicolae
  5433. Breton, Tomas
  5434. Brettingham Smith, Jolyon
  5435. Breuker, Willem p
  5436. Breval, Jean Baptiste Sebastien p
  5437. Brevi, Giovanni Battista !*-!+
  5438. Breville, Pierre de p
  5439. Brewaeys, Luc
  5440. Brewer, Herbert
  5441. Brewer, Mike !-
  5442. Brewer, Thomas !*-!+d p
  5443. Brian, Havergal
  5444. Briccetti, Thomas
  5445. Briccialdi, Giulio
  5446. Briceno, Luis de !*b-!+d
  5447. Bricusse, Leslie
  5448. Bridge, Frank
  5449. Bridge, Frederick
  5450. Bridgewater, Cecil
  5451. Brie, Marguerite de -!+d
  5452. Brie, Tim de
  5453. Brief, Todd p
  5454. Briegel, Wolfgang Carl p
  5455. Briggs, Anne l
  5456. Briggs, David
  5457. Briggs, Tom !-
  5458. Brignolo, Ricardo Luis
  5459. Brindle, Reginald Smith
  5460. Brindus, Nicolae
  5461. Briquet !*b-!+d
  5462. Briseno, Severiano
  5463. Bristow, George Frederick p
  5464. Brito, Estevao de !*-!
  5465. Britten, Benjamin
  5466. Brixi, Frantisek Xaver
  5467. Brkanovic, Ivan
  5468. Brkanovic, Zeljko
  5469. Brncic Isaza, Gabriel
  5470. Broadbent, Alan
  5471. Broadbent, Derek !-
  5472. Broadhurst, Dugan
  5473. Broadstock, Brenton
  5474. Broche, Cecile l
  5475. Brockless, Brian
  5476. Brockman, James b-
  5477. Brod, Henri
  5478. Brod, Max
  5479. Broda, Paulus de !*b-!+d
  5480. Broder, Alois
  5481. Brodsgaard, Anders
  5482. Brodszky, Nicholas
  5483. Brogi, Renato p
  5484. Brollo, Bartolomeo !*b-!+d
  5485. Bromhead, Jerome de
  5486. Bromse, Peter
  5487. Bronnemuller, Elias !b-
  5488. Bronner, Gerhard
  5489. Bronner, Mikhail
  5490. Bronner, Till
  5491. Brons, Carel p
  5492. Bronsart, Ingeborg von p
  5493. Bronsart von Schellendorf, Hans
  5494. Brook, Michael
  5495. Brooke, Elspeth !- l
  5496. Brookmeyer, Bob
  5497. Brooks, Albert William pl
  5498. Brooks, Jack
  5499. Brooks, James !-
  5500. Brooks, Richard
  5501. Brooks, Shelton
  5502. Brooks, Tina
  5503. Broonzy, Big Bill
  5504. Brophy, Gerard
  5505. Brorson, Hans Adolf
  5506. Broschi, Carlo
  5507. Broschi, Riccardo !*-!
  5508. Brossard, Sebastien de
  5509. Brosse, Dirk
  5510. Brostrom, Tobias
  5511. Brotons, Salvador
  5512. Brough, Harvey
  5513. Brouwer, Anke !-
  5514. Brouwer, Leo
  5515. Broux, Roland !-
  5516. Brown, Christopher I
  5517. Brown, Christopher II
  5518. Brown, Clifford
  5519. Brown, Earle p
  5520. Brown, Francis James
  5521. Brown, Harold pl
  5522. Brown, James
  5523. Brown, James Duff
  5524. Brown, Lawrence
  5525. Brown, Nacio Herb
  5526. Brown, Nicholas !-
  5527. Brown, Oscar jr
  5528. Brown, Ray
  5529. Brown, Rayner p
  5530. Brown, Ryan
  5531. Brown, Ruth
  5532. Brown, Timothy
  5533. Brown, Will M S pl
  5534. Browne, John !*b-!+d
  5535. Browne, William Denis
  5536. Browning, Zack
  5537. Brozak, Daniel
  5538. Brozman, Bob
  5539. Bru, Enrique
  5540. Bruant, Aristide
  5541. Brubeck, Dave
  5542. Brubeck, Howard
  5543. Bruch, Max
  5544. Bruchmann, Klaus Peter
  5545. Bruck, Arnold von !*-
  5546. Brucken Fock, Emile von pl
  5547. Brucken Fock, Gerard von p
  5548. Bruckner, Anton
  5549. Bruecquet, Vincenet du !*b-!
  5550. Bruford, Bill
  5551. Brugge, Paul van
  5552. Bruggemann, Kurt
  5553. Brugk, Hans Melchior p
  5554. Bruhier, Antoine !*b-!+d
  5555. Bruhne, Lothar
  5556. Bruhns, Nicolaus !-
  5557. Bruin, Bram p
  5558. Bruinen, Paul
  5559. Bruins, Theo
  5560. Bruinsma, Dirk
  5561. Bruk, Fridrich
  5562. Brule, Gace !*b-!+d
  5563. Brull, Ignaz
  5564. Brumby, Colin
  5565. Brumel, Antoine !*b-!+
  5566. Brumel, Jacques !*b-!d
  5567. Brummer, Ludger
  5568. Brun, Fritz
  5569. Brun, Herbert
  5570. Bruna, Pablo
  5571. Bruneau, Alfred
  5572. Brunelli, Antonio -!
  5573. Brunetti, Gaetano !- p
  5574. Brunetti, Giovanni
  5575. Brunger, Eberhard !-
  5576. Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo
  5577. Bruning, Eliseus p
  5578. Brunnemuller, Elias !b-
  5579. Brunner, Adolf
  5580. Bruno, Malcolm
  5581. Brunover, Charles
  5582. Brusa, Elisabetta
  5583. Brusilovsky, Yevgeny
  5584. Brusselmans, Michel
  5585. Brussilovsky, Yevgeny
  5586. Brustad, Bjarne
  5587. Bruun, Peter !-
  5588. Bruynel, Ton
  5589. Bruzdowicz, Joanna
  5590. Bryant, Ray
  5591. Bryars, Gavin

  5592. Bu

  5593. Buarque, Chico
  5594. Bucalossi, Brigata pl
  5595. Bucalossi, Ernest
  5596. Bucalossi, Procida pl
  5597. Buchardo, Carlos Lopez
  5598. Buchbinder, Rudolf
  5599. Buchenberg, Wolfram
  5600. Buchner, Hans -!d
  5601. Buchner, Philipp Friedrich
  5602. Buck, Dudley
  5603. Buck, Ole
  5604. Buck, Percy Carter
  5605. Buck, Zechariah
  5606. Buckinx, Boudewijn
  5607. Buckley, David
  5608. Buckley, Frederick pl
  5609. Buckley, George Swayne pl
  5610. Buckley, John
  5611. Buckley, Linda !-
  5612. Buckley, Olivia Dussek pl
  5613. Buckley, R Bishop
  5614. Budai, Erika
  5615. Budashkin, Nikolay
  5616. Budd, Harold
  5617. Budd, Roy
  5618. Budon, Osvaldo
  5619. Budriunas, Antanas !-
  5620. Buene, Eivind
  5621. Buffardin, Pierre Gabriel
  5622. Buhr, Glenn
  5623. Buis, Folkert
  5624. Buisson, Jacques du !b-!d
  5625. Buitenhuis, Gert
  5626. Bujarski, Zbigniew
  5627. Bulakhov, Pavel
  5628. Bulakhov, Pyotr !-
  5629. Bulgakova, Maria
  5630. Bull, John !b-
  5631. Bull, Ole
  5632. Bulla, Stephen p
  5633. Bullard, Carrie -! pl
  5634. Buller, John
  5635. Bullock, Dafydd
  5636. Bullock, Ernest
  5637. Bulman, Barick !*b-!+d
  5638. Bulow, Hans von
  5639. Bulsink, Wilbert
  5640. Bumcke, Gustav
  5641. Bund, Hans p
  5642. Bunge, Sas pl
  5643. Bunjac, Boris !b-
  5644. Bunk, Gerard
  5645. Buns, Benedictus !*- p
  5646. Buonamente, Giovanni Battista !*-
  5647. Buongiovanni, Francesco
  5648. Buono, Gioanpietro del !*-!
  5649. Buono, Robert del
  5650. Burck, Rainer !-
  5651. Burdon, Eric
  5652. Burgalat, Bertrand
  5653. Burgan, Patrick
  5654. Burge, John
  5655. Burger, Jan
  5656. Burgers, Simon p
  5657. Burgess, Anne Custis pl
  5658. Burghauser, Jarmil
  5659. Burghouwt, Wim !*b-
  5660. Burgksteiner, Joseph !*b-!+d
  5661. Burgmein, Jules
  5662. Burgmuller, Friedrich
  5663. Burgmuller, Norbert
  5664. Burgon, Geoffrey
  5665. Burgos, Manuel !-
  5666. Burgundy, Wipo of !*b-!+d
  5667. Burian, Emil Frantisek p
  5668. Burke, Johnny
  5669. Burke, Sonny
  5670. Burkhard, Paul
  5671. Burkhard, Willy p
  5672. Burlas, Ladislav
  5673. Burlas, Martin
  5674. Burleigh, Henry Thacker p
  5675. Burmagin, M !*b-!+d
  5676. Burman, Rahul Dev
  5677. Burnett, David !*b-!+d pl
  5678. Burnett, Ernie
  5679. Burney, Charles p
  5680. Burns, Jeanne pl
  5681. Burns, Joy Milane !*- pl
  5682. Burns, Ralph
  5683. Burns, Robert p
  5684. Burns, Wilfred
  5685. Burrell, Diana
  5686. Burrell, Kenny
  5687. Burrowes, John Freckleton jr pl
  5688. Burrowes, John Freckleton sr pl
  5689. Burswold, Lee pl
  5690. Burt, Warren
  5691. Burtch, Mervyn
  5692. Burton, David !*b-!+d pl
  5693. Burton, Eldin
  5694. Burton, Gary p
  5695. Burton, Peter l
  5696. Burwell, Carter
  5697. Bus, Jan
  5698. Busatti, Cherubino !*b-!
  5699. Busch, Adolf p
  5700. Bush, Alan
  5701. Bush, Geoffrey
  5702. Busnois, Antoine !*b-
  5703. Busoni, Ferruccio
  5704. Busser, Henri
  5705. Bussey, Martin !-
  5706. Bussotti, Sylvano p
  5707. Bussy, de !*b-!+d
  5708. Bustamante, Fernando
  5709. Bustijn, Pieter p
  5710. Busto, Javier
  5711. Bustos, Alberto !*-
  5712. Bute, Cornelis J p
  5713. Buterne, Charles !*b-!+d
  5714. Buterne, Jean Baptiste !*-
  5715. Butler, Henry !*b-!d
  5716. Butler, Martin
  5717. Butner, Crato !b-!
  5718. Butterfield, James Austin
  5719. Butterley, Nigel
  5720. Butterworth, Arthur
  5721. Butterworth, George
  5722. Butterworth, Neil pl
  5723. Butting, Max p
  5724. Buttner, Paul
  5725. Buttstett, Johann Heinrich
  5726. Buus, Jacques !*-!
  5727. Buxtehude, Dietrich !*b-
  5728. Buzarovski, Dimitrije
  5729. Buzzi Peccia, Arturo

  5730. By

  5731. Byard, Jaki
  5732. Byas, Don
  5733. Bye, Frederick l
  5734. Byers, Billy
  5735. Byers, David
  5736. Byland, Ambrose !*b-!+ pl
  5737. Byrd, Charlie
  5738. Byrd, Donald
  5739. Byrd, Jerry
  5740. Byrd, William !*-
  5741. Byrne, David
  5742. Byron, Avior pl
  5743. Byron, Don
  5744. Byron, Michael
  5745. Bystrom, Oscar
  5746. Bystrom, Thomas p